another election denier is sentenced


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
sydney powell pled guilty to her charges, and agreed to testify against her other defendents, which include trump. She asked for a quick trial, no doubt to make a plea deal like she got before other rats fled the sinking ship.

so lets recap the major losses for the election deniers (that come to mind, i'm sure there are more):
1. fox news settling by giving almost a billion
2. tucker carlson is gone from fox news
3. lou dobbs is gone from fox news
4. 632 (and probably more by now) jan 6 criminals are guilty
5. 62 lawsuits alleging fraud and such lost (all of them, lol)
5. mesa county colorado clerks guilty of election interference and will testify against tina peters
7. guiliana guilty of slander of georgia clerks
8. iowa man guilty of threatening arizona election clerks
9. powell and lin wood sanctioned for frivolous lawsuits
10. republican lawyers in michigan sanctioned with fines

i am sure there are more but these were easy to find.

still to come:
1. trump of course and his trials
2. more defendents in georgia trial
3. michigan fake electors trial

there are no cases where the election deniers actually won anything. But i'm sure its not because their evidence was worthless, its because every single judge in the country is biased against them. hahahahahahah
And it's not election denial but in other right wing conspiracy stupidity Alex Jones lost another sandy hook lawsuit saying he can't use bankruptcy to avoid paying the $1b punative judgement he lost. There are a lot of similarities between the sandy hook bs and the election denial bs in terms of refusing to let facts and common sense temper your public claims leading to harassment and death threats against innocent people. Finally the right wing is being held accountable for their flagrant lies. Of course Trump had praised him but is cowardly nowhere to be found once Alex owes money
sydney powell pled guilty to her charges, and agreed to testify against her other defendents, which include trump. She asked for a quick trial, no doubt to make a plea deal like she got before other rats fled the sinking ship.

so lets recap the major losses for the election deniers (that come to mind, i'm sure there are more):
1. fox news settling by giving almost a billion
2. tucker carlson is gone from fox news
3. lou dobbs is gone from fox news
4. 632 (and probably more by now) jan 6 criminals are guilty
5. 62 lawsuits alleging fraud and such lost (all of them, lol)
5. mesa county colorado clerks guilty of election interference and will testify against tina peters
7. guiliana guilty of slander of georgia clerks
8. iowa man guilty of threatening arizona election clerks
9. powell and lin wood sanctioned for frivolous lawsuits
10. republican lawyers in michigan sanctioned with fines

i am sure there are more but these were easy to find.

still to come:
1. trump of course and his trials
2. more defendents in georgia trial
3. michigan fake electors trial

there are no cases where the election deniers actually won anything. But i'm sure its not because their evidence was worthless, its because every single judge in the country is biased against them. hahahahahahah
Democrats are on a roll. They got Powell to plead guilty to a reduced charge by threatening to ruin her like they tried to ruin Flynn, and she had to give in because she knew the devils could ruin her with their unjust, immoral, illegal, and barbaric perversions of justice.
Democrats are on a roll. They got Powell to plead guilty to a reduced charge by threatening to ruin her like they tried to ruin Flynn, and she had to give in because she knew the devils could ruin her with their unjust, immoral, illegal, and barbaric perversions of justice.

so you were there for the negotiations? or you can read minds? no? lol.

maybe she took the deal because she knew she had done wrong and wanted the deal. duh

you are so full of BS.
so you were there for the negotiations? or you can read minds? no? lol.

maybe she took the deal because she knew she had done wrong and wanted the deal. duh

you are so full of BS.
The whole "sedition to overthrow" the government conspiracy theory is a lie cooked up by crooked Democrats who know they stole the election by fraud.
Jim-Bakker[2].jpgDemocrats are on a roll. They got Powell to plead guilty to a reduced charge by threatening to ruin her like they tried to ruin Flynn, and she had to give in because she knew the devils could ruin her with their unjust, immoral, illegal, and barbaric perversions of justice.
September 2, 2021
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11. chesbro, attorney, pled guilty, and took a deal to testify against everyone remaining (including trump). lol
you know both he and powell have a lot of very specific notes that they will now share with prosecutors.
11. chesbro, attorney, pled guilty, and took a deal to testify against everyone remaining (including trump). lol
you know both he and powell have a lot of very specific notes that they will now share with prosecutors.
Democrats are despicable for prosecuting fellow Americans who challenged the theft of the election the Democrats know they stole.
Democrats are despicable for prosecuting fellow Americans who challenged the theft of the election the Democrats know they stole.
More bs
You look incredibly stupid mindlessly repeating that
If the election was stolen and Republicans were being persecuted surely some part of the justice system which us headed upby a conservative Supreme Court would have intervened but that hasn't happened
Intelligent people understand reality morons play fake victims
More bs
You look incredibly stupid mindlessly repeating that
If the election was stolen and Republicans were being persecuted surely some part of the justice system which us headed upby a conservative Supreme Court would have intervened but that hasn't happened
Intelligent people understand reality morons play fake victims
The world may be deceived but God is not.

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
The world may be deceived but God is not.

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Let me know when God comes here and says the election was stolen lol