Anybody see this from You Tube?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Check it out.
They deserved it cause its all about customer service. If Taco Bell employees would be nice to the customers we wouldnt have to do crap like this. Like Tonight this ***** piss me off when i order 2 Tacos and i have 2 coupons and ***** told me i can only have 1 taco. See its all about customer service. If i had 3 Dollars to waste id throw that milk shake at her.
Check it out.
They deserved it cause its all about customer service. If Taco Bell employees would be nice to the customers we wouldnt have to do crap like this. Like Tonight this ***** piss me off when i order 2 Tacos and i have 2 coupons and ***** told me i can only have 1 taco. See its all about customer service. If i had 3 Dollars to waste id throw that milk shake at her.

No one deserves this. The ***** who did it should be fined and goto jail.
Like i said, If i had a lot of money id do this to teach that ***** a lesson about customer service.

Sorry, but when someone is rude to you, you do not attack them. If you do that, I hope you get fined and goto jail.
Sorry, but when someone is rude to you, you do not attack them. If you do that, I hope you get fined and goto jail.

Lawyers know how to get kids off the hook with this.Why you think child sexual preditors get off with very light sentences? Its the Lawyers!
Another fantastic generalization. Peadaphiles generally dont get light sentences. And don't send me a couple of links please, only the exceptions make the news.

So just because you can get off the hook with a good expensive lawyer means its OK? Moronic.

But to be honest, this video really isnt that bad.
Lawyers know how to get kids off the hook with this.Why you think child sexual preditors get off with very light sentences? Its the Lawyers!

So I suppose it is ok to commit murder as well since lawyers can get you off sometimes?
If you did this to me in the drive through I would shoot you and claim self-defense.

Doesnt work that way. Heres what more likely happen to you after you shoot me

Doesnt work that way. Heres what more likely happen to you after you shoot me


Fine, I would hunt you down and press assault charges. And put on a neck brace for good measure and go blind in one eye for a bit. That would be you in those handcuffs. ;)