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This is my longest post ever as beliefs can be weapons of mass creation or mass destruction, as powerful as any physical weapon. You are committing suicide with your own beliefs! That is also known as TREASON; it is cause for Excommunication. As our law is elegant, the punishment for treason if you commit it via suicide by acting out mistaken beliefs as true? Death, so save me some money thus some energy and kill yourself already. Make sure it is permanent as in you will not experience 'resurrection' aka near death so go all out. I do not want to be forced to kill you twice over after a speedy trial when you are obviously guilty as sin, lol. Beliefs:
All people possess beliefs. Nothing in this universe is set in stone so why then do you set your self up by casting your beliefs in stone? When you do that you then stagnate as you leave little or no room for growth and all of this is about the art of becoming, as you have an idea and then become it. That is what America is; it is an idea that you then become by living it out as real.
The Declaration and Constitution are our common, shared system of beliefs. The law is a concept; it is an idea that, if lived out as real, should then result or cause an emotion and a physical sensation. You believe the law, you live it out, you feel something and so then you know or own the truth of it: What is remains and all else falls away. The truth of you is revealed. Mistaken, corrupted or perverted beliefs? Emotional injury? It is all removed from your person. You see the world as it is not as others want you or need you to see it.
Think of your own self and your own life. Is it working? How in the world were you so injured that you believed and then lived out as real Bush V Gore when the EXACT words of our law enumerate making law as a power of the legislative branch not the judiciary? Why did it not occur to you that installing a President then is making law as that person then writes out executive orders? I can tell you why: emotional assault and battery otherwise known as conditioning or propaganda. You elected crooks who then beat you over and over with words and emotions until they convinced you that you were powerless. It is a nasty lawyer trick they teach in law school; you combine specific words to then cause an emotion so that you sway a person into making a certain decision or you convince them that they are guilty by making them feel guilty when they read those words. Those words might be an exact lie but the emotional confusion and the fact that all others around you believe them as fact cause you to be emotionally confused so that you then buy into the lie. It is mass hysteria almost.
Ask yourself how you came to live out words that appear nowhere in our law and to feel all manner of emotions except liberty and except what patriotism actually is? You know as fact the laws and the spirit of the law is being violated when the action does not match the exact words, actual reality and your feelings; when it is not being realized in your life as liberty, justice and happiness. Your vote? It is to be a tool to secure those things – all the actual blessings of liberty – if you use it.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote. I hear people insisting that they MUST vote for the major party crooks or else their vote is wasted. Actual reality is voting for these people makes you a part of the problem; it gives you unclean hands. You are then emotionally assaulting your own self. As things exist it is not possible for any third party candidate to become elected. That is because you have allowed people to buy and sell the offices of government. How do you then undo what you did? Easy: Do not vote for the major party candidates. This way you are not a part of the problem. Your vote has not been wasted as when ever these crooks do something like magically manufacture a trillion dollars that does not exist in order to then cover up the crisis they created you can divest yourself of any of it as in “I did not vote for these people. This is not my fault.”
That is no small thing as it leads you to become more and more aware and it makes you actually legally powerful as it secures your right to press suit if things ever go so wrongly in your life that you need to sue. You may not feel powerful at first but it makes you actually legally powerful and at some future point you will feel it as you will become it by living it out. You act upon the idea. You become.
Use my life as an example. How and why was I the only person to know Bush V Gore for what it is? How did I become the only pro se constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction in US history? In world history? By living out the law as real. My one vote levels the playing filed and makes me the equal of any and all so-called authorities. This is the US; the single voter is the authority as you govern your own self. You do not have to do a damn thing any other person orders you to do, whether it is a man ordering you to cook dinner or a “President” ordering you to fight an illegal war. We are all volunteers; nothing but nothing is forced upon you therefore you must give away your power in order for you to lose it. I defied every single “authority” lying to me by saying that they had power and I did not; I refused to do a single thing any crook told me I HAD to do. It is a lie people, an exact lie. You are all living out a lie not truth and not actual reality as in the exact words on those two governing documents which by the way are signed federal contracts. If you participate with the crooks you then default.
I did not default. 1, I was born into injury as a woman. 2, even if I was not I can name elected officials that violated the law and the spirit of the law and were then excepted from the same laws that would put me in jail.
Where oh where did this insane idea come from, where was it born, that states that you ‘owe’ elected officials or they are somehow special and so you do not charge a President or senator with a crime if they are guilty of one? Tell me where it names BILL CLINTON exactly in our law and says “He alone is the exception to all of this”. It doesn’t; you had to elect crooks who then convinced you that you could do nothing if they acted to cover for each other. They convinced you that their personal lives in no way reflected their political lives. Let’s correct this:
A person can and may run around in life harming their own person. A citizen can and may have an affair. This only becomes a crime when another citizen, not that person, is harmed with deliberation. Otherwise if you volunteer to suffer crap, to suffer that? Be my guest. Informed consent people and your all adults. However, you need to ask yourself if that citizen then has any self control and if they can then separate what they do in their personal life from that office of government. Bush Sr. was correct; he kept telling you that bill Clinton displayed a pattern of deceit. Yes, as when a person shows little or no control and when he does what he does in public without fear of any consequences then you have a problem and a crook in the making if he is not one already. Behavior can become automatic; if all of his life he was made the exception so that his ego is so inflated he then begins to believe he actually is the exception the last thing you should do is vote for him. There is a canyon of difference between a person fully willing to accept any and all consequences versus a person trying his damndest to escape them. A person can and may reason all of the consequences and then act as they are willing to pay the piper if negative consequences then are realized; they do not blame others or lie about their actions. Another kind of person reasons, “I’ll never get caught and if I do, I can get out of it. I’m special.” If a person is unfit you will see a pattern.
All people possess beliefs. Nothing in this universe is set in stone so why then do you set your self up by casting your beliefs in stone? When you do that you then stagnate as you leave little or no room for growth and all of this is about the art of becoming, as you have an idea and then become it. That is what America is; it is an idea that you then become by living it out as real.
The Declaration and Constitution are our common, shared system of beliefs. The law is a concept; it is an idea that, if lived out as real, should then result or cause an emotion and a physical sensation. You believe the law, you live it out, you feel something and so then you know or own the truth of it: What is remains and all else falls away. The truth of you is revealed. Mistaken, corrupted or perverted beliefs? Emotional injury? It is all removed from your person. You see the world as it is not as others want you or need you to see it.
Think of your own self and your own life. Is it working? How in the world were you so injured that you believed and then lived out as real Bush V Gore when the EXACT words of our law enumerate making law as a power of the legislative branch not the judiciary? Why did it not occur to you that installing a President then is making law as that person then writes out executive orders? I can tell you why: emotional assault and battery otherwise known as conditioning or propaganda. You elected crooks who then beat you over and over with words and emotions until they convinced you that you were powerless. It is a nasty lawyer trick they teach in law school; you combine specific words to then cause an emotion so that you sway a person into making a certain decision or you convince them that they are guilty by making them feel guilty when they read those words. Those words might be an exact lie but the emotional confusion and the fact that all others around you believe them as fact cause you to be emotionally confused so that you then buy into the lie. It is mass hysteria almost.
Ask yourself how you came to live out words that appear nowhere in our law and to feel all manner of emotions except liberty and except what patriotism actually is? You know as fact the laws and the spirit of the law is being violated when the action does not match the exact words, actual reality and your feelings; when it is not being realized in your life as liberty, justice and happiness. Your vote? It is to be a tool to secure those things – all the actual blessings of liberty – if you use it.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote. I hear people insisting that they MUST vote for the major party crooks or else their vote is wasted. Actual reality is voting for these people makes you a part of the problem; it gives you unclean hands. You are then emotionally assaulting your own self. As things exist it is not possible for any third party candidate to become elected. That is because you have allowed people to buy and sell the offices of government. How do you then undo what you did? Easy: Do not vote for the major party candidates. This way you are not a part of the problem. Your vote has not been wasted as when ever these crooks do something like magically manufacture a trillion dollars that does not exist in order to then cover up the crisis they created you can divest yourself of any of it as in “I did not vote for these people. This is not my fault.”
That is no small thing as it leads you to become more and more aware and it makes you actually legally powerful as it secures your right to press suit if things ever go so wrongly in your life that you need to sue. You may not feel powerful at first but it makes you actually legally powerful and at some future point you will feel it as you will become it by living it out. You act upon the idea. You become.
Use my life as an example. How and why was I the only person to know Bush V Gore for what it is? How did I become the only pro se constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction in US history? In world history? By living out the law as real. My one vote levels the playing filed and makes me the equal of any and all so-called authorities. This is the US; the single voter is the authority as you govern your own self. You do not have to do a damn thing any other person orders you to do, whether it is a man ordering you to cook dinner or a “President” ordering you to fight an illegal war. We are all volunteers; nothing but nothing is forced upon you therefore you must give away your power in order for you to lose it. I defied every single “authority” lying to me by saying that they had power and I did not; I refused to do a single thing any crook told me I HAD to do. It is a lie people, an exact lie. You are all living out a lie not truth and not actual reality as in the exact words on those two governing documents which by the way are signed federal contracts. If you participate with the crooks you then default.
I did not default. 1, I was born into injury as a woman. 2, even if I was not I can name elected officials that violated the law and the spirit of the law and were then excepted from the same laws that would put me in jail.
Where oh where did this insane idea come from, where was it born, that states that you ‘owe’ elected officials or they are somehow special and so you do not charge a President or senator with a crime if they are guilty of one? Tell me where it names BILL CLINTON exactly in our law and says “He alone is the exception to all of this”. It doesn’t; you had to elect crooks who then convinced you that you could do nothing if they acted to cover for each other. They convinced you that their personal lives in no way reflected their political lives. Let’s correct this:
A person can and may run around in life harming their own person. A citizen can and may have an affair. This only becomes a crime when another citizen, not that person, is harmed with deliberation. Otherwise if you volunteer to suffer crap, to suffer that? Be my guest. Informed consent people and your all adults. However, you need to ask yourself if that citizen then has any self control and if they can then separate what they do in their personal life from that office of government. Bush Sr. was correct; he kept telling you that bill Clinton displayed a pattern of deceit. Yes, as when a person shows little or no control and when he does what he does in public without fear of any consequences then you have a problem and a crook in the making if he is not one already. Behavior can become automatic; if all of his life he was made the exception so that his ego is so inflated he then begins to believe he actually is the exception the last thing you should do is vote for him. There is a canyon of difference between a person fully willing to accept any and all consequences versus a person trying his damndest to escape them. A person can and may reason all of the consequences and then act as they are willing to pay the piper if negative consequences then are realized; they do not blame others or lie about their actions. Another kind of person reasons, “I’ll never get caught and if I do, I can get out of it. I’m special.” If a person is unfit you will see a pattern.