Beliefs, as you create your own reality


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
This is my longest post ever as beliefs can be weapons of mass creation or mass destruction, as powerful as any physical weapon. You are committing suicide with your own beliefs! That is also known as TREASON; it is cause for Excommunication. As our law is elegant, the punishment for treason if you commit it via suicide by acting out mistaken beliefs as true? Death, so save me some money thus some energy and kill yourself already. Make sure it is permanent as in you will not experience 'resurrection' aka near death so go all out. I do not want to be forced to kill you twice over after a speedy trial when you are obviously guilty as sin, lol. Beliefs:

All people possess beliefs. Nothing in this universe is set in stone so why then do you set your self up by casting your beliefs in stone? When you do that you then stagnate as you leave little or no room for growth and all of this is about the art of becoming, as you have an idea and then become it. That is what America is; it is an idea that you then become by living it out as real.

The Declaration and Constitution are our common, shared system of beliefs. The law is a concept; it is an idea that, if lived out as real, should then result or cause an emotion and a physical sensation. You believe the law, you live it out, you feel something and so then you know or own the truth of it: What is remains and all else falls away. The truth of you is revealed. Mistaken, corrupted or perverted beliefs? Emotional injury? It is all removed from your person. You see the world as it is not as others want you or need you to see it.

Think of your own self and your own life. Is it working? How in the world were you so injured that you believed and then lived out as real Bush V Gore when the EXACT words of our law enumerate making law as a power of the legislative branch not the judiciary? Why did it not occur to you that installing a President then is making law as that person then writes out executive orders? I can tell you why: emotional assault and battery otherwise known as conditioning or propaganda. You elected crooks who then beat you over and over with words and emotions until they convinced you that you were powerless. It is a nasty lawyer trick they teach in law school; you combine specific words to then cause an emotion so that you sway a person into making a certain decision or you convince them that they are guilty by making them feel guilty when they read those words. Those words might be an exact lie but the emotional confusion and the fact that all others around you believe them as fact cause you to be emotionally confused so that you then buy into the lie. It is mass hysteria almost.

Ask yourself how you came to live out words that appear nowhere in our law and to feel all manner of emotions except liberty and except what patriotism actually is? You know as fact the laws and the spirit of the law is being violated when the action does not match the exact words, actual reality and your feelings; when it is not being realized in your life as liberty, justice and happiness. Your vote? It is to be a tool to secure those things – all the actual blessings of liberty – if you use it.

There is no such thing as a wasted vote. I hear people insisting that they MUST vote for the major party crooks or else their vote is wasted. Actual reality is voting for these people makes you a part of the problem; it gives you unclean hands. You are then emotionally assaulting your own self. As things exist it is not possible for any third party candidate to become elected. That is because you have allowed people to buy and sell the offices of government. How do you then undo what you did? Easy: Do not vote for the major party candidates. This way you are not a part of the problem. Your vote has not been wasted as when ever these crooks do something like magically manufacture a trillion dollars that does not exist in order to then cover up the crisis they created you can divest yourself of any of it as in “I did not vote for these people. This is not my fault.”

That is no small thing as it leads you to become more and more aware and it makes you actually legally powerful as it secures your right to press suit if things ever go so wrongly in your life that you need to sue. You may not feel powerful at first but it makes you actually legally powerful and at some future point you will feel it as you will become it by living it out. You act upon the idea. You become.

Use my life as an example. How and why was I the only person to know Bush V Gore for what it is? How did I become the only pro se constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction in US history? In world history? By living out the law as real. My one vote levels the playing filed and makes me the equal of any and all so-called authorities. This is the US; the single voter is the authority as you govern your own self. You do not have to do a damn thing any other person orders you to do, whether it is a man ordering you to cook dinner or a “President” ordering you to fight an illegal war. We are all volunteers; nothing but nothing is forced upon you therefore you must give away your power in order for you to lose it. I defied every single “authority” lying to me by saying that they had power and I did not; I refused to do a single thing any crook told me I HAD to do. It is a lie people, an exact lie. You are all living out a lie not truth and not actual reality as in the exact words on those two governing documents which by the way are signed federal contracts. If you participate with the crooks you then default.

I did not default. 1, I was born into injury as a woman. 2, even if I was not I can name elected officials that violated the law and the spirit of the law and were then excepted from the same laws that would put me in jail.

Where oh where did this insane idea come from, where was it born, that states that you ‘owe’ elected officials or they are somehow special and so you do not charge a President or senator with a crime if they are guilty of one? Tell me where it names BILL CLINTON exactly in our law and says “He alone is the exception to all of this”. It doesn’t; you had to elect crooks who then convinced you that you could do nothing if they acted to cover for each other. They convinced you that their personal lives in no way reflected their political lives. Let’s correct this:

A person can and may run around in life harming their own person. A citizen can and may have an affair. This only becomes a crime when another citizen, not that person, is harmed with deliberation. Otherwise if you volunteer to suffer crap, to suffer that? Be my guest. Informed consent people and your all adults. However, you need to ask yourself if that citizen then has any self control and if they can then separate what they do in their personal life from that office of government. Bush Sr. was correct; he kept telling you that bill Clinton displayed a pattern of deceit. Yes, as when a person shows little or no control and when he does what he does in public without fear of any consequences then you have a problem and a crook in the making if he is not one already. Behavior can become automatic; if all of his life he was made the exception so that his ego is so inflated he then begins to believe he actually is the exception the last thing you should do is vote for him. There is a canyon of difference between a person fully willing to accept any and all consequences versus a person trying his damndest to escape them. A person can and may reason all of the consequences and then act as they are willing to pay the piper if negative consequences then are realized; they do not blame others or lie about their actions. Another kind of person reasons, “I’ll never get caught and if I do, I can get out of it. I’m special.” If a person is unfit you will see a pattern.
Every fact of Bill Clinton’s life told you, out loud, you are about to elect a man who has little or no desire to uphold the law. Which one of these things is not like the others? Alexander Hamilton would not do it or if he did he would say it out loud. Hamilton can and will betray a personal trust, say his wife, but not a public trust. NEVER a public trust. Protesting the Vietnam War might be a youthful indiscretion; it might not. What is your personal belief? If you tell me that you believe it was a youthful indiscretion and now, NOW as in TODAY, you no longer hold that personal belief as life has proved you to be incorrect or mistaken, then I am going to pay attention if your words and actions, which cause me to have feelings, do not then match what you say you believe TODAY. The issue is not whether protesting the war is right or wrong as it is an enumerated right and a protected belief; it is or is not your belief. It does not have to be my own. The issue is: YOU. What do you or do you not believe TODAY and can you, are you willing, to act alone even in the face of any and all opposition? Or, are you beholden to men not the law and other interests such has money and the perceived adrenaline rush of power versus what actual power is? Ego is not actual power but perceived; that rush? It is a lie.

Name persons who have had this ability in your lifetime. Name persons who understood perception versus reality. Name persons who act as they are willing as it is the law versus those who do whatever they need to do to protect the trappings of their office. That list would be short indeed. Did you put your own name on it? I did. That is how I became the acting, legal President, a person who writes out executive orders that the Chief Justice has obeyed. I’m not the actual President sitting in the actual office but I have the actual power while he, that actual person named Bush Jr., does not. We named the difference between actual and legal reality; actual reality is, it is the person acting in accordance with our law while legal reality is the guy pushing papers and thinking, believing, the desk or the seal make him powerful. NOT. He is the perceived President while I'm the actual President, lol. He has the actual junk like embossed pen sets while I have the actual power. I'm constitutional - legal - while he is unconstitutional. I'm actual, legal reality, I'm within US Supreme Court doing things an actual President and Commander does and are enumerated in our law as a power of the Executive, while he is perceived by you to be real when he is not; it is your mistaken beleif and your false perception.

Guess what? No matter what your personal beliefs are actual reality is. You can and may believe that I am not the acting, legal President. That belief? It in no way matches the exact words of our law, the spirit of our law i.e. all prior federal precedent, my own actions as I wrote out executive orders then filed them in US Supreme Court, or actual reality as John Roberts obeyed as I’m on the docket as the only pro se constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction in US history. If you do not live the law out you are not my equal, are you? Your beliefs, the false reality you are creating, in no way affects me, does it? As long as I never give into that mistaken belief you possess. So, what is that mistake you have made? Why not you and why do you insist that what is actually happening in my life is not? Why do you insist it is impossible?

My guess is two things: 1, you have little or no experience of any person let alone a woman exerting actual power and 2, you have been conditioned to believe that the single citizen, based upon their vote, is then equally powerful to any human being on this planet. You do not believe actual reality; instead you believe words like “President”, “Senator” or “King”. You buy into the idea of “celebrity equals power” or “popularity equals power”. Reality is knowledge equals power as does will. St. Augustine said it: Will is to grace as horse is to the rider. Will propels you, as will is acting upon the idea thus becoming and here will is then realized as government.

I had an idea, willed it into being thus becoming an actual President, a leader, and actual commander, a leader, with actual power, so I ascended to the office of President and Commander and none of you know it. I LOVE THIS JOKE; thus far it is one of the funniest God has told me. The other very funny joke God told me?

Most of you are Christians who run around saying this is a Chriatian nation when it is not. You’d have to live that out thus making it real. Hello! Didn’t Jesus wax on about equality, the nature of power, self-government, self-adjudication and ascension? Aren’t Christians now anxiously awaiting the second coming of Christ, also known as the coming ascension? Isn’t ownership of knowledge then Id or unconditional love for self and others as it makes you confident or secure in your beliefs as you have lived them out as real? Didn’t Christ possess that all seeing third eye?

I was not even raised as a Christian but I realized it in a way you have not by believing the 14th and 19th amendments no matter what any person said or did. I survived death even all because I believed in God and the 14th and 19th amendments as fact without question. I believed American history. Facts? Facts can change. Facts can be yours alone as no other person may have witnessed your experience. Facts might be law; they might not. They might be true, they might not. What is deemed to be fact can be based upon a lie so it is not fact at all, is it? I believed what is truth, the idea and the emotion, and threw out the rest.

If I believed your facts? If I bought into the lie you live out? I would not have survived death and I would not have ascended. I would never know the truth of this world and my own life. I would have been afraid as you teach that the law is equality but you cave into the belief that others have power over you. You teach that we are subject to the history others live out and make real, even if it is a lie. You teach be afraid of the unknown and never exert your power as you are sure to fail the test as you are not able and not capable, although this flies in the face of being created equally and being duly processed by God and the exact words in our law. How will you ever come to know what is true or not, what you do TRULY believe or not, what is real, if you never, ever test the universe? The law? Why are you so afraid to test the law? Are you scared it will be proven that it is not going to be applied to you alone? That actually happened to me via official decision and failure to act by the US Supreme Court, in exact and direct violation of the law, the spirit and all prior federal precedent plus actual reality. It did not kill me; it made me powerful as I then turned around and exactly named the Chief Justice and the whole court and sued them directly for an exact violation of my civil rights based only upon WOMAN and SUSAN HERBERT exactly, as I forced them to declare me an absolute class on one two times over in the ‘lowest’ and the ‘highest’ courts thus proving either my name is the exact exception so show it to me in the law or YOU’RE at fault; YOU, Roberts, are the issue and so the problem not me. Hmmm, as I’m living out Chief Justice as real, who’s the actual authority? I’m President or Chief, as they are equivalent, so it is your choice as that is liberty for you decide if you act it out or not. Based upon your actions I will then be one or the other as the title makes no difference. As you stood aside once already, you acted to obey an executive order I, Susan, wrote after reasoning and deciding the issue, I’m the acting, legal President.

How do you know what is real? What is fact and truth? Go to the Supreme Court’s own website; is my name on the docket a SECOND time? Was their a second coming of Susan Herbert? I like to think of it as a second becoming as apparently, these eggheads did not ‘get’ the point of law the first time around which is: As an American who used her vote legally and wisely, I have clean hands so move over as that one vote then makes me ascend as you have dirty, dirty hands while I do not. I have proven my ability and capability to lead; I have proven my knowledge and thus am powerful. I willed it into being. Like it or not, I became the acting, legal President even if you are working overtime to keep it secret. Why do you act to deliberately keep the people ignorant? Could it be that knowledge is power and you know it so you seek to keep the people enslaved? This would not be the will of the people; it is only so, reality, as it is the very nature of their injury, an injury you participated in inflicting and now inflict over again. Silence can be an exact lie. The US Supreme Court knows as fact keeping secrets keeps your national family sick, so here is a secret I have been keeping from you as SUSAN HERBERT alone is a just cause so you never needed to know this secret and I should not have been forced to reveal it:
I once was and still am Thomas Jefferson as I lived it so it is a part of Susan which can never be removed. My thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, actions, will and facts serve to prove this beyond any and all doubt. You know what else? It proves that you harmed me only as I am a woman as you believed you could as your true belief is actually women are defective and women are less than men and the single ethical, law abiding citizen is less than you; you believe your title, a meaningless word, as you refuse to live it out as real. You believe the citizens will not act in defense of their own persons and so defy your lies. You are lying to yourself. You have no reason only excuse and so you make up untruths like ‘safety’ to then justify your actions or failure to act, your cowardice, when it is you who are the most unsafe of all. I have news for you: You created the almost impossible proof of death standard for women and their children thus all Americans so that they must be physically injured and/or die to enter this court yet when the bodies pile up you then say it is not enough proof and I caught you. Proof is proof. The news? I can and will overcome the unconstitutional proof of death standard. As I have met or exceeded every single burden you have ever created thus far, you name your personal burden of proof standard law or not and I will overcome it as I am powerful in spite of you as well as because of you. I am an opposing force, an opposite and equal reaction to every one of your unethical, illegal actions. I sever the chain of causation thus stopping you. You need me, not the other way around as you cannot ever overcome the exact words in our law nor the spirit of our law nor actual reality – people are dying because of you most especially you as Bush v Gore – as it is; you cannot ever defeat the people, the truth, as they will dissolve you one way or another if necessary. You breaking the law in no way breaks me as I do not believe a word you have written in several decisions as you made it up in your own fat heads as it is not our law and as I can read I own this knowledge.

I know WHO and WHAT you are, so, refuse to hear me again or bury this case on the docket again. Unless you plan on reanimating dead persons and performing other miracles like magically erasing, actually removing the actual words from the document, an actual and legal commission that has been delivered to the people as it sits in a museum supported by our taxes so it was then delivered to us, you have already lost as it is not possible to bury the actual truth forever. I can and may buy a gun and shoot in self-defense; that’s the law. I’ll be arrested but I will not remain in custody nor will I ever be convicted based upon the facts one of which is the law and one of which is your own past precedent, your very own words. I have chosen to shoot paper first. I’ve acted. This paper is going to kill a mistaken belief you have of yourself and this nation soon or else. It’s your choice; I suggest you hear me again. In fact, I order it.

Only a President can and may issue a legally binding executive order against a Chief Justice as that is the concept of standing down. A President is also a commander so he or she can and may stand the Chief and the Court aside or down. So then, if it is law and precedent as well as spirit, and I have now realized it so it is actual reality, why do you not believe what is fact, what is, and why are you not reacting in abject anger as the unjust persons in charge have taken it upon themselves to amend our law in a manner not legal by amending what you believe is fact and truth about our law and your own power? Why are you not outraged that this was done to you with deliberation and intent to cause you harm? And that your own energy, your own hard work in the form of money, was used against you and your own ethical and moral ideas, those thoughts, feelings and beliefs, were twisted and perverted so that you are in no way represented by these unjust persons thus your government, your very life, has been hijacked out from under you? Is your death the moment you make the decision that you are not accepting this one second longer as you in no way voted for it?

I’ll extend you the same offer I made to the Justices: What will it take to light a fire under your ass if this is not it? Name it, as I can then will it into being. You tell me what it will take to get you to understand, to own the knowledge that you make your beliefs real or not, so that if you truly believe you are not powerful and not equal, and not able and capable, then you will not be, and I will create that thing and/or overcome it. You tell me what belief you possess as true when it is not and I will shatter it. You might first want to define your personal TRUE beliefs, your own philosophy of self or government, facts of you based on your own experience of living this American life, then distinguish what is now reality versus what has not yet been realized and why, as in America you have no excuse but only reason. The Declaration actually is a compass; use it to take that first step in the ‘right’ direction for you alone. You may have no idea exactly where your unique treasure is buried or even what it looks or feels like; that is perfect, elegant, as it is the result of the injury. Use the declaration to reason which direction, as something in it will strike you as your truth. Then, follow it as in read about it or read what other people’s truth was and is. What in the world did I mean when I wrote the word “happiness”? Isn’t that an emotion? Is “liberty” an outside thing to be realized or is that an emotion? I know as fact Ben Franklin said, “The Constitution gives you the right to pursue happiness. YOU have to catch it yourself.” Use the Constitution as a map, a chart, as it is an actual chart. You can plot your course with it as it will lead you in a straight line, an ethical line, and the shortest distance between two points – you and your ideas for yourself – is a straight line. It actually will align you with the stars and this universe; you can and will build a bridge between the finite and infinite. You will find yourself, upon acting, at the other side and you will be amazed that you crossed over and did not realize it. Your own sacred human heart will be marked forever with the actual journey you took and X actually does mark the spot as you are human and so actually share a common X chromosome as well as an invisible one. An actual fire, a force, will be spontaneously lit in that sacred heart, and you will exert actual power you never considered possible as you were taught and then lived a lie. Only you can give living testimony to where you have been and what you have seen, heard and felt. Perhaps then you should take action as it seems as if you have yet to go anywhere and if you never take so much as a single, terrifying first step, what is the point of the vote? Why even do it if it is meaningless and is an appearance only as it is devoid of actual power as you never willed it into being or acted in any way to claim it? Anything I have done you can do and as I have done this two, three and four times over, what the hell are you waiting on as Thomas Jefferson, Susan Herbert, God or Bush Jr. is not going to do it for you when you are not willing to first act for yourself. At some point I will choose else, as in else where as I own the knowledge I am a constitutional reason and a just cause.

A government, which is a system of belief, a philosophy, is supposed to enhance any other beliefs you hold as true based upon life experience. It is not supposed to destroy or negate any personal beliefs you know as true and fact based upon evidence rising to proof – the state of your life and how it became that – but instead enhance them or expose them as mistaken. America is an experiment you live out; you are the result of the experiment. You evaluate and reason yourself to know if the experiment is successful or a bust. Possess a belief? Experiment – live it. What do you feel? What resulted? How did others treat you? Is it you, them or is your belief mistaken? Do they believe and live a lie while your belief is truth? We stated our intentions for you, that you would secure the blessings of liberty by living out the two federal contracts. Did we lie to you? Are the documents mistaken, are you a mistake or are the people you have elected acting as if they are criminals? Until or unless you get over the irrational fear you have of calling a spade a spade, admitting you might have made a mistake as once is a mistake but twice is not, and living a false belief as real counts as once if you did not know, so you might have acted upon that lie you believed to be truth millions of times but it is once as the count begins when you know different, or in this case when you finally call a Vice President and a Speaker of the House crooks as they are, you condemn yourself to suffering. Suffering is what other people force upon you in violation of the law; sacrifice is what you choose for yourself as it is a means to an end – the idea of yourself you have in your head which you are attempting to realize in this world. Sacrifice never causes you to suffer emotionally or psychologically but suffering does. It is against the law to suffer in America; you might be the victim of a crime but you can never, ever believe you deserved it or you are powerless to defend yourself from it happening again or you then become a crook.
I would like to discover if I am the only citizen left standing or what. Are you all crooks? Because, if you are, I need to know as I am currently within the US Supreme Court fighting on your behalf, as I represent all Americans living and dead, that is what pro se, authority and original jurisdiction is, and I do not represent a person I know as fact is guilty as they have admitted it to me. Five persons have already excepted themselves from settlement by committing new acts of crime against me concurrent with the US Supreme Court failing to act by placing me on the docket but dragging their heels as they try and ‘reason’ a way out of granting me oral argument thus denying you any and all remedy and relief. Literally, I have been taking a body count as each day people die. The US Supreme court seems oblivious to this and so, if death is your choice too, let me know and I will officially in writing except you. On the other hand, if you decide to reason your own self thus your personal philosophy of government, I will exactly name you as an injured party along with me and so consider your action an application for a job within my administration. My philosophy is that appointments should be made based upon ability and capability with willingness to act upon your true beliefs as the most important criteria as yes men get you no where. Opposing forces create momentum. Diversity is the only constant. I do not want or need people who agree with me but who reason and then act based upon the evidence rising to proof: Actual reality or life itself.

As I believe I am the acting, legal President, and as I became it, if you believe you are a Justice or a Secretary of the Interior, make me aware of it and so test this universe by testing yourself; bet upon yourself; ask this question and then mail it off to the universe by sending it to me as my address is a matter of public record: Is it actually possible to apply for a job like Associate Justice based upon a federal lawsuit that is airtight and then become it only as you truly believe you have the ability and are willing and nothing else? Does the US supreme Court hear and decide a case – my life – or do I, do the people, by acting, as we can and may disobey a federal ruling and can and may storm the offices of government if our intention is to uphold and enforce the law? Is it possible to hear and decide a case even if the US Supreme Court buries it? Am I more able and capable than the actual sitting Justices as I am willing where they are not?

I already know my answer and I informed you: I cannot know the exact details but I can know the outcome as I was placed upon the docket the first day of the new term and informed of it on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The universe answered me and told me a joke. Ready? I even captioned one of my Appendices “Proof God Is Actually Funny, or, Why John Roberts Should Be Laughing With Me And At Himself”. Now, I did that before the universe then answered me, I anticipated the response, so do I know how this works or what? What, as I what I know is my own self.

I will offer you one proof of me: When I was little NY State was up to its old tricks as the legislature was voting to violate US law and everybody knew it. My father was angry and he stomped on the floor yelling, “When are these god damn people gonna get it into their heads that they cannot violate the law?” He told me, “NY may not violate the law of the US. Nobody can.” I answered, “Yes, they CAN as they just did. What do you do if that happens?” “You go to the Supreme Court and overturn it; you tell NY to stop violating the law or else.” I asked, “What if the Supreme Court then violates the law?” He said, “If you have a Supreme Court violating the law you walk across the street and knock on the door of the Whitehouse and tell the person who is President that WE have a problem as WE have a Supreme Court who believes they can violate the law of the US and nobody but nobody can do that. If they do, you stop them. There is always a way as if these people understand nothing else they know money so use it – sue them directly or remove them from office as it is a crime even if they are the Supreme Court.” So then I asked, “But what if the President breaks the law too?” You know what my father told me to do? He said, “Susan, I cannot imagine what kind of problem you could ever have that you could not get over, under or around, but if that happens, then you had better decide to become the President as you are going to have take that issue to the only court that counts in this nation – the people. If you have an entire government not willing to obey the law or breaking it then you are the law so act like it. You’ll have to figure out a way like using the idea of money but no matter what, you cannot allow any person in this country, not even a President, to violate the law of the US and get away with it. Nobody gets to do that so you have to become the President and stop them.” My father was ex-military; he might lie about Santa Claus but not the US. My father was in love with the idea of America. He took all of us to all 50 states by car. He would not tell a lie about America. I believed him with all of my heart and soul as it not once occurred to me that I could not become the President. My entire life you all supported that lie by telling me that I could, that sex made no difference and brains counted. My father was not lying to me as he knew me; you were when you told me I could become the President as you were not ever going to act upon that idea; it was not a true belief as your true belief is a woman cannot COMMAND. Now your new belief is an ethical person cannot PRESIDE. But, I had no idea you were lying to me and knew my father was correct as that is our law so I acted upon what I was conditioned to believe and what I knew to be a fact of me: I am a President and Commander by birth as that is my protected right and my duty. LOL! How did my mistake, believing your lie about women and the law, all turn out for me? Fine, as I acted upon what I knew to be true and admitted my mistake as soon as I knew it; I exactly wrote: This has nothing to do with my ability but everything to do with your willingness & Your true belief is you cannot have a woman in command; she might Preside, you might ‘allow’ that, but you will not allow a woman to Command &, finally, You have begun to believe your own hype; that you are above me and so special; there is no reason in 2008 to have a 8-1 male majority court unless it is to ensure this injury against me and all women and now all Americans continues. Justices are now chosen from the same two party cesspool that Presidential candidates come from so we do not get our best or our brightest but only those who play well with the Democrats and the Republicans. I’m proof as I am the smartest person alive and am willing but I’m not a Justice but you are.

I think the painful emotional truth sent them running for the cover of burial upon the docket and decision & order w/o naming any reason as there is none. Wouldn’t you rather be laughing with me instead of being laughed at? I expect to hear from at least one other brave, confident soul.
P.S. Does it bother you that I claim to be the smartest living person? Does it annoy you? Why?, as men claim this title when it is not truth all of the time. This is born of Id not Ego so it is. Intelligence? That is mostly will and I have discovered that you can change IQ as what keeps people dumb is this very injury; overcoming it causes a physical thing to happen to your brain that you actually feel. You can then use more of your brain and use both halves at once so your IQ goes off the charts. You access new pathways. I can teach you how to do this! ANY person can have a genius or even supergenius IQ. IQ is not set in stone and I am of the true belief this is the evolution we are now undergoing as humans currently that will make us look back at ourselves at some point as if we were an entirely different animal.
I realized - you may not know what my exact mistaken beliefs were from reading the above. One was that it is possible for a third party candidate or a woman to become the elected President as the rules exist today when it is not, as the rules a skewed in favor of the entrenched parties and as placement upon the ballot is not based upon ability or capability or even will, as you can buy your way out of will; you can pay a flat fee to then not have to collect signatures so you do not then even have to prove willingness plus the choosing of electors is arbitrary & illogical as they do not then protect or defend your vote but only their party; it is blind alligience devoid of an ethic or any reason. Only one single elctor has done the job, performed the duty, in recent history and that would be the single vote for Anderson in 1980 as that elector said he acted to prove the rules were undermining the law. I belived money could be overcome not reazling the injury was done to you as a whole so it was not money but false perceptions of it as well as denial of reality as in denying many people are at an unconstitutional disadvantage as wealth or lack of it may be the result of past discrimination. I actually belived as fact a third party or a woman had an equal shot. Then, after tossing out that belief as false, I then had to tosdss out another: I belived that an ethical person did not have to act unethically once in office w/o reasoning if they used and acted upon a broken down system to get there they already have acted unethically or else they would not be elected, would they? Unethical already is.

The other huge mistaken belief I had? I actually truly believed that we chose the most able and capable for our Supreme Court; that law degree or party affiliation duid not matter in th edn as we wanted and so chose the best and brightest who actually would defend the law as they could. There is not any one Justice who is not capapble, but able? When a Justice was chosen only as he had a mistaken belief he acted upon as real and fact and none of you protested I was stunned. It was done to ensure injury. I even know who chose him and why. He said it out loud and wrote it down; he lived it out so I know. It's obvious. This mistaken belief can be corrected so then that Justice is then humanly able but so far nobody has picked up on it or if they have they ignore it. It is more of a collective thing going on as the reasoning coming out of this court is convoluted and not our law. For instance, the second amemndemnt does indeed give us the right to carry a weapon. But the reasoning used? It is all faulty, incorrect and convoluted so that it then amends our law as it in no way matches actual reality! I wanted to throw an actual book at Antonin Scalia! He reasoned 'a well regulated militia' is a prefetory clause as in PRETEND THOSE WORDS ARE NOT THERE AND MEAN NOTHING. No, the preface would be the PREAMBLE which is why we call it a PRE amble not a post amble and those words count. Your reasoning must match the exact words, the spirit and the pettion in front of you as you are to rule upno the evidence, the case, presented and not what you want nor not what might be a consequence as you can never know exqact consequences so that is why you are not to consider them. Think: Do you rule against Brown as the consequences might be violent? So, do not obey the law as it is going to be difficult??? Being American is hard not easy as we named duties as well as rights!

Whenever any reasoning of the law begins to decay as in it is so convoluted it does not match our law, go back to the exact words only and make "I" statements as you are the living embodiment of the law. Use common sense. If Scalia knows as fact we do have a right to carry a gun, if that is a truth and fact of him whihc he also belives is a fact of our law, his decision - It's an enumerated right - must then be supported by reasoning and if he can't then he should go right back to the exact words not ignore them & not make it up out of thin air. WHY do we have a right? Why name it? Well, how did we come into being? War, a war that was an act of self-defense and self-defense is legal. what is unique about America? Coups as we do not have violent coups but only orderly transfers of power aka the vote. So then, we have a right to carry a weapon in order ot defend ourselves against a violent, military backed coup; this right provides for a means to retuyrn fire in self -defense if - IF - the military ever acts against the law and overthriows it or tries to via a coup, as in any true constitutionl nation the military NEVER NEVER NEVER fires upon its own citizens as WE realize the military; WE are it. Our military is all volunteer and we have babies that then grow up to realize by becoming it. Thus a soldier never opens fire on a citizen or else the law has been overthrown. It's treason. As the living embodiment of the law you may be the last person left, say, in Ohio. It is possible. Therefore your reason to carry a gun as a protecte right is:

I am a well regulated militia of one. PERIOD.

We can keep guns from you if you are mentally ill; that is a disease which then makes this not your right. Come back if you are ever mentally fit. We can keep guns from you if you are insane; it is not your fault as you were born that way but it is, so you too do not have that right due to something beyond our control. A felon? No gun for you as you have chosen not to be well regulated aka law abiding; you have clearly announced your intentions to break the law at your whim and will and to exercise no self-control so you too have no right as you gave it away. Law abding? You then are a well regulated militia of one, charged with the duty to return fire if the military or any known and/or named enemy of the state - a crook - shoots at you or threatens your life with force of any kind.

I had no idea people did not know it is this simple and that the Justices were confuised; I mistakenly believed that a whole court would then arrive at the actual reasoning, or at least admit HEY! We do not know the reasoning; do you? thurgood marshall ddi this all of the time; he would write things like "We must consider if we are doing this w/o reason other than Congress, and so, are we giving them authoeirty they do not have via accident by design? Are we in effect amending the law in a de facto manner? The answer makes sense and seems to be correct but does this reasoning? do we have the reasoning correct?" That protects you against emotional assault and battery and nasty lawyer tricks as you can then come to know the reasoning thus the correct application of the law as Marshall warned you: We make mistakes. This may be a mistake so pay attention as to how it is realized. I was clueless as to what politicians were doing and that this injury extended even into the the Supreme Court as those rulings are the result of what we did to ourselves over the last two or three decades. WE created the mindset of those Justices. Right answer, wrong reasoning!!! Thus you have amended the law in the minds of citizens as they then can reason It's all one big preface and means nothing! I can and may ignore it as federal precdent says I can and as Presidents & Justices do it all of the time!!!
I did not want to believe any person would deliberately act to shake the faith of the people in the law as that is what you do when you shake their faith in the court, in the persons sitting on it, or to subvert the actual court or if they did want to do this they would be stopped. I had to witness a Vice President kidnap the good idea and reputation of a Justice in broad daylight as he knew he had a case before the court yet then acted upon his knowledge of the law and his title in a way to cause you to doubt Scalia's integrity so your faith was shaken and/or destoryed with zero consequences to that Veep before I understood my belief was WRONG. You know how I found out? LOL! I got a biography of Cheney; he is very, very deliberate. It's a pattern. It's often unethical and even what I call sinful. The author mentioned this incident, the duck hunting trip, but then went off on Scalia and named Scalia's 26 page 'apology' as reason to blame and name him guilty! Okay, 26 pags is over explining yourself; so, are you feeling guilty as you actualy are guilty? NOPE. Nothing Scalia has ever written implies or suggests guilt. Read that 'apology' as it is not one; it is Scalia saying that it does not matter what YOU personally wantor believe as he has a duty to uphold the law and if he recuses himself he is doing it only as he is caving into public pressure aka the popular press. He says I am constant; I can rule on this case upon the law only. IF Cheney meant to force a situation whereby emotions like blame are used to then get me, trick me, into recusing myself I am not playing. The law, a case and the application of the law, is not matter of popular vote. I burst out laughing. He is correct; a Justice can never give into bad press or emotions, ie personal beliefs and personal feelings. The press assaulted and battered Scalia thus the spirit of he law and let the actual crook get away Dred Scott free. Chney traded upon his knowledge of the law - his 20 year long friendship with the law who is scalia and the fact that a justice makes little money and cannot earn what a President can upon retirement or while on the bench as it is then trading unique and special knowledge of the law you own upon honor bound dollars which is a crime. A Justice may not earn a million dollars for a book. A Justice, like a Veep, has a HIGHER or STRICTER standard to meet than you. The difference is cash thus motive and intent. You all fell for it and I almost did. The act of treason? Besides the actual one committed by Cheney as this is a time of actual war and he aided and abetted enemies of the state? Anotinin scalia was naive; he had to learn the hard way what I learned in a much less public arena which is it is possilbe for a person to be your deliberate friend as he wants something you have or is using you for his own purposes; 'friend' is a label and a meaningless word if it is not lived out so the only way you know friend as fact is YOUR FEELINGS.

Antonin Scalia, didn't that whole situation seem or feel odd? Time is spontaneous; 20 years is not actually 20 years kiddo. Didn't it seem to go by in the blink of an eye? It did. Don't you know there are no coincidences and that Justices aren't allowed to party privately for actual reasoning? It's the title, the persons, the room and the words plus the feelings. Would you accept that invitation if it was a private tea party in his personal office within the Whitehouse in the dead of night? What is the difference between a tea party or a duck hunting trip? The case beofre you is different as Cheney has always been a jerk. I almost believed you were evil and corrupted, lol!!! I had to chekc and balance myself: No, Scalia chooses jerks as friends and cannot say goodbye or No to duck hunting, which Cheney knew as fact is Scalia's FAVORITE THING, a fact I did not know. I almost fell for it as it was so slick.

My mistaken beliefs were huge and funny: I guess it all boils down to I did not know you believed as fact that I was a woman and a stupid one to boot, stupid and incapable because I was female! I had no idea I was a woman, lol! Like Clarence Thomas found he was black and a guy, I found out I was a woman and stupid when you told me in public! :rolleyes:

I thought I was American.