Would God create a weight to heavy to lift?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
Would God create a weight to heavy to lift? Long & Written at 4 AM so I am sleepy:

Of course not. If God created a weight to heavy to lift then he is stuck with it; he canot then ever move it, change it or get rid of it. There is no other God; he is it. If he can’t lift it then who is going to do it for him? What other God is there to aid him? Even if every human being in the world exerted force against the weight it would not budge as all of us together only equal God; we would not then have more power than God.

It might seem as if there are other Gods. No, all things are born. There are gods - small g. That is godhood; the God is Godhead. A God had to exist in order to then give birth or create other gods. Even if I achieve godhood and then eventually Godhead, I’m going to be it…the only one. This then means I was also the first God as in order to be the Omega I had to then first be the Alpha.

If God ever created a weight too heavy for him to lift then he has made himself moot – he has just rendered himself powerless and he no longer has purpose. If God can’t lift it and we can’t lift it, what‘s left? Suffering? Due to the very nature of God that would not happen as the God is the opposite of suffering – he is joy. If God no longer has joy and we can no longer aspire to it, then why bother? God has created himself out of existence; he has just signed his own unemployment check and eventually a pink slip.

The Supreme Being is perfect; he knows all and so he knows this. His thinking is perfect; he would not even allow his thoughts to go to a weight he could not lift for if he thinks it he has already created it. All future events have already occurred – his thoughts would not even approach this.

As I answered this question my thoughts went here. Thus, does this prove I am not God? Or, as I reasoned this and can reason any objection and also reason it further than any other person as I can account for all probabilities – my thoughts did not actually go here; my thought has nothing to with the actual weight but only your question, the idea of the weight you created in your head so my thoughts are about you & your issue; I wanted to go here by answering you but my thoughts are with YOU and YOU are not too heavy too lift nor would I ever leave you with any weight you could not bear all by yourself - thus this weight is not too great for me, did I prove that I am God?

If I told you I was the God would you believe it? If God takes on any form he needs to in order to relate to us in our time how would you know if I was or was not God if I say I am and I can even do things that seem to be impossible? What proof do you have in order to know as fact, absolute fact, that my claim is either true or false? Even if you point to a post in which I was angry, silly or disgruntled, God has a personality and expresses emotions all over sacred writing. Didn’t God react in anger? In concern? In love? Doesn’t God tell a really good joke every now and then like when men tried to replicate the conditions that must have existed at the dawn of creation – life – and all they came up with were two chemicals that make up embalming fluid? God appears to us in forms we can understand and one of them is: emotion. He is not being imperfect; he is perfectly handling us as in a manner he knows is perfectly in tune with our human abilities.

If I invented a religion would people follow it? Who would join the Church known as Susan? In two thousand years would people be telling the story of my suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection? Would a person invoke my name and kill another human being without cause or any reason? Would someone read my words and confuse my noun-verb subject agreement or my colloquialisms and so insist that I was the God made incarnate on Earth? If most of the so-called civilized world did not know the original Greek is a word that begins with “m” and sounds sort of like ‘mansions’ if you really stretch it and if you let two thousand years go by without bothering to correct it and so “In my father’s house there are many mansions” is actually “In my father’s house there are many 'rests' or 'resting' [places]” could I then convince you to believe that the Roman Church deliberately corrupted this verse in order to wipe out any idea of reincarnation which everlasting life or the Second Coming is (Incarnate? ReIncarnate?) so I am the Christ resurrected? That it was a means to frighten you into obeying and that they did it with both good and bad intentions as the measure of a man is also the measure of the times he lives in and in order to then control who would wear the official, church sanctioned label of ‘The Christ Returned from Heaven’ as they knew it was to be a woman but want to install a man? If I told you that I was sent here to fulfill the law not to destroy it would you believe it? If I clearly reasoned that when I said “I am of my father as you of yours” I was actually saying we all have a physical father – a human – but then we have the father or metaphysical – God – and so that is equality would you all kneel down before me?

What is real and what is not? When is a body a body and when is it a body of belief? Or a body of governemnt?

Is it actually this easy? How many would volunteer to join the Church of Susan? Could I actually lure you in with a language trick and an empty promise and then do it over and over so that escape was impossible as I conditioned you to believe a lie was actual reality? Is it this simple to steal your vote?

Why bother building actual, physical prisons when we have lawyers, speechwriters, 'Presidents' & the federal judicary? Jesus Christ would sue these people for damages if his living spirit was actually alive today.
This has got to be one of the reasons why scripture says women should stay silent in the church.
There are several definitions of omnipotent. One is the idea that a being can do absolutely everything imaginable. This is the one most talked about by philosphers. This also leads to all sorts of contradictions. This kind of logic leads to problems not just when talkin about god and omnipotence but there are other examples of logical contadictions that arise from this kind of thinking.

Most theologians however think of omnipotence as being able to do anything that is do-able.

The bible does not claim that God is absolutely omnipotent. Yes there are passages that appear to indicate that from the language used but these are translation problems.

We know this because the bible talks about God's limitations quite a bit.

He cannot author evil as one example.
He cannot go against his nature and be other than who He is.
He cannot sin.
There is a real important one too and like you, Susan, it is late and I can't rememebr it.
This is self-negation which isn't permissible in axiomatic set theory in much the same way division by zero isn't permissible.

Any conclusion derived from this premise is equally fallacious.
There are several definitions of omnipotent. One is the idea that a being can do absolutely everything imaginable. This is the one most talked about by philosphers. This also leads to all sorts of contradictions. This kind of logic leads to problems not just when talkin about god and omnipotence but there are other examples of logical contadictions that arise from this kind of thinking.

Most theologians however think of omnipotence as being able to do anything that is do-able.

The bible does not claim that God is absolutely omnipotent. Yes there are passages that appear to indicate that from the language used but these are translation problems.

We know this because the bible talks about God's limitations quite a bit.

He cannot author evil as one example.
He cannot go against his nature and be other than who He is.
He cannot sin.
There is a real important one too and like you, Susan, it is late and I can't rememebr it.

think its important to note that regardless of how you look at it.. they are all just word games designed to try to help us understand the meaning of god.

I find this ... silly at best and for most who have faith,.. completely undermines the truth that is trying to be shown. TO questions these things is literally to question god in itself, but in the end .. it really only comes down to two things really in the grand scheme of philosophy as i have read it.

Live the day... or kill yourself. In the end it all comes down to a choice.. thou religion in it of itself helps to guide this choice and create morals from which to view it on.. no matter how you slice it.. its still .. just a choice.. a simple act of freewill...
With that being said .. there are only to options... each one regardlessly ending in your demise. Thou you may ponder death and religion gives us a basis for looking past death. You still end up with the fact that no matter what happens.. no one ever knows anything when it concerns with what happens afterwards or possible ever will. So... do I continue probing the mysteries of death and wondering what or what might not be the powers of god.. which in all cases .. can probably never be answered. Or do I simply accept what I may never know and chose to devote my time on earth trying to live it happily and doing the same for others?

Regardless of ethier thought process... its all about the most simplistic of terms.. Freewill.

BTW I too am suffering from slep devervation!!! NIGHTY NIGHTY!!!