Biden has lost so much support he will not win if he runs unless trump is put inn Jail

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes its looking like the only way Biden can win is if trump dies or is inn-jail.
You have a former president under indictment and hes beating slow Joe in the polls lol
Seriously how funny can it get.
Do you leftists spout anything but childish babble?
Leftist lol . Tell me Mr. Billy where did you come up with me being a leftist?
If you said that and are drunk , or high or perhaps sick and have a fever, then I understand .Otherwise you need to wake the frick up and smell the coffee slick.
Leftist lol . Tell me Mr. Billy where did you come up with me being a leftist?
If you said that and are drunk , or high or perhaps sick and have a fever, then I understand .Otherwise you need to wake the frick up and smell the coffee slick.
From some of your comments. How else? Also what is"frick" supposed to mean? How does one "wake the frick up"?
From some of your comments. How else? Also what is"frick" supposed to mean? How does one "wake the frick up"?
Lol from some of my comments lol. You mean when I talk about How much I dislike Joe and am looking forward to hunter going to jail. Or my dislike for illegals and tranny's . Or perhaps my pro gun comments or support for Israel.

I must say your reasoning and observation skills and comprehension skill need some work.
Lol from some of my comments lol. You mean when I talk about How much I dislike Joe and am looking forward to hunter going to jail. Or my dislike for illegals and tranny's . Or perhaps my pro gun comments or support for Israel.

I must say your reasoning and observation skills and comprehension skill need some work.
Well, in the great perhaps, perhaps I am wrong about you. I dislike Biden in the extreme and his worthless son, and illegals need to go. Trannys and faggots are mentally ill. Guns are fine, as they are simply tools. Why, I had my AK47 under video surveillance for days and the damn thing never once went and shot someone! Must be defective.
Well, in the great perhaps, perhaps I am wrong about you. I dislike Biden in the extreme and his worthless son, and illegals need to go. Trannys and faggots are mentally ill. Guns are fine, as they are simply tools. Why, I had my AK47 under video surveillance for days and the damn thing never once went and shot someone! Must be defective.
Perhaps ?