"U.S. annual inflation slowed to 3% last month, according to the latest Consumer Price Index released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That’s a sharp
cooldown from June of last year, when surging energy costs helped inflation spike to 9.1% — the fastest annual rate since November 1981, when Olivia Newton-John’s “Physical” sweated its way to the top of the charts."


While morons remain ignorantly fixated on how much borrowed money is in the Federal checkbook, real fiscal managers are struggling to find ways to keep the rising debt from bankrupting our country.
Really. Which financial managers are you referring to? Republicans like Trump,
"President Biden’s economic agenda—Bidenomics—is growing the American economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. Tomorrow, President Biden will announce that companies have committed over $500 Billion in manufacturing and clean energy investments in the United States since the beginning of his Administration. The President will visit South Carolina, where companies have announced $11 Billion in manufacturing and clean energy investments, and the Biden-Harris Administration has already awarded $2.6 Billion in funding for infrastructure projects. The President will highlight that Enphase Energy is joining a growing list of companies beginning clean energy manufacturing operations in the United States—mobilized directly by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act—creating 1,800 new jobs nationwide, including up to 600 new jobs in South Carolina between Enphase and its manufacturing partner, Flex."
So he blew a bunch of money
Really. Which financial managers are you referring to? Republicans like Trump,
Financial managers like the federal reserve banking regulators who warned Clinton that lowering credit standards to make home buying easier for poor people could lead to a widespread devastating banking collapse, which it did in 2008.
Financial managers like the federal reserve banking regulators who warned Clinton that lowering credit standards to make home buying easier for poor people could lead to a widespread devastating banking collapse, which it did in 2008.
And who was the POTUS just prior to the GFC hitting and why didn't he do something. He had eight years to something.
He ignorantly and it is in tape, when asked should govt step in with help. He said no and let the market sort it. The only assistance he gave was 800 billion to big pharma and others to provide a very pitiful firm of health care. His advisors on health resigned in hundreds and went to work for big pharma as a gratuity for arranging it.
Also, he borrowing the whole fucking lot. Who would be a traitorous prick to do something like that?
GWB that's who.

Either you're a complete idiot or have no memory. Take me on again son and get a fucking crash helmet next time or shut your mouth.
And who was the POTUS just prior to the GFC hitting and why didn't he do something. He had eight years to something.
The root cause of the 2008 financial meltdown was the use of derivatives which were unleashed by bad government planning with major Republican sponsorship.

The Root Cause Of The 2008 Financial Meltdown: Derivatives
January 15, 2011 8:46 pm by IWB

During the financial crisis in 2008, the root cause of the meltdown was derivatives. Specifically, CDOs, or Collateralized Debt Obligations related to mortgages and CDSs, or Credit Default Swaps. Derivatives encompass a wide range of financial products: futures contracts, interest rate swaps, options contracts, foreign exchange contracts (currencies), etc. The explosive growth in derivative contracts occurred after 1999 when the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed, which allowed banks to operate as brokerage houses. Glass-Steagall, adopted in 1933, separated brokerage houses and banks in order to ensure banks would no longer be involved in risky transactions, which was the root cause of the crash that led to the Depression.
I know some of you will say 1999 – It was Clinton. Take your partisan hats off before you put your foot in your mouth. As I’ve long said The problem is not the Republicans’s not the Democratsits ALL POLITICIANS! It was the Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act that repealed Glass-Steagall.

Gramm, Leech and Bliley were all Republicans and the final bill was passed by the house 362 to 57 (207 Republicans for v 5 against [10 did not vote] and 155 Democrats for v. 51 against [5 not voting]). The senate passed it with a vote of 90 for and 8 against (52 Republicans and 38 Democrats voting in favor of the bill). Clinton did sign the bill into law but he essentially had no choice – the bill was virtually veto-proof (not defending him, just stating the facts).

Republicans and president Bush tried to stop the inevitable train wreck the use of derivatives was barreling towards, but they were stopped by Democrats.

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (

Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.

By Michael Barone

Oct. 6, 2008, at 5:10 p.m.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged. The GSEs' mission allegedly justifying their quasi-governmental status was to package or securitize such mortgages, but the lion's share of their profits—which determined top executives' bonuses—came from speculation.
NJ4Qx[1].webpFinancial managers like the federal reserve banking regulators who warned Clinton that lowering credit standards to make home buying easier for poor people could lead to a widespread devastating banking collapse, which it did in 2008.

You Jesus-freaks really should delve into whatever drives your masochistic-needs for auto-flagellation.....even though we Dems DO appreciate the opportunities to slap the shit, outta you, from time-to-time.

See: 4:40 thru 12:00
"Morgan Stanley is crediting President Joe Biden’s economic policies with driving an unexpected surge in the U.S. economy that is so significant that the bank was forced to make a “sizable upward revision” to its estimates for U.S. gross domestic product.

Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is “driving a boom in large-scale infrastructure,” wrote Ellen Zentner, chief U.S. economist for Morgan Stanley, in a research note released Thursday. In addition to infrastructure, “
manufacturing construction has shown broad strength,” she wrote."

"On a recent day under the July sun, three men heaved solar panels onto the roof of a roomy, two-story house near the banks of the Kentucky River, a few miles upstream from the state capitol where lawmakers have promoted coal for more than a century.

U.S. climate law that passed one year ago offers a 30% discount off this installation via a tax credit, and that’s helping push clean energy even into places where coal still provides cheap electricity. For Heather Baggett’s family in Frankfort, it was a good deal.

“For us, it’s not politically motivated,” said Baggett. “It really came down to financially,
it made sense.”
