Blood-Sacrifices To The NRA; What Is The Current Quota??

That is exactly what USA has become. The place is full of nut cases who prefer to spend a life in prison because someone shows a flag they hate. How dumb is that idiot.

I guess you'd have to take the time, to READ THE ENTIRE FUCKIN' ARTICLE, to find out!
That is exactly what USA has become. The place is full of nut cases who prefer to spend a life in prison because someone shows a flag they hate. How dumb is that idiot.
There's millions of them wanting to use guns to satisfy vengeance.
The greatest country in earth?? What a load of shit.
Leftists have torn down statues, burned US flags, stormed capitol buildings, set cop cars on fire with cops inside, proving they are of the devil.
A phobia necessitates the condition of irrationality.

There's nothing irrational about it. Your lgbtqxyz is just an outreach program for nambla. You're a namblacrat.

Q). Whats the one thing you'll never hear namblacrats critisize el tRumpo for besides kickbacks on el tRumpo vax?

A). Farming the most dope in human history.

Nambla can't reproduce without heroin.

There's no such thing as "homophobia." There's only a "perfectly healthy concern."
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August 26, 2023

gS9i5[1].webp Not a single victim of the gunman's massacre was armed for personal defense. When will Americans opposed to guns ever learn why guns are necessary for defense against madmen and barbarians?

You're a little late-to-the-game, Goober!
They won't reply. No guts comes with no brains and embarrassment.
Like a religion, they'd rather die for the god of guns than save a kid.
Cops use guns all the time to save kids but leftists do not want anyone else being armed against the wicked mob like that.