Bob cry's like he was a Biden blaming others

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Hes doing a great BIDEN imitation in blaming others for his problems and finding ways to weasel out of justice.
you mean trump of course. only trump is trying to weasel out of 91 felony indictments.
you mean trump of course. only trump is trying to weasel out of 91 felony indictments.
Democrats have astounded American voters with their massive bogus leftist lawfare attack on Trump, their mortal enemy in the upcoming 2024 election.
Hunter isn't weaseling out of justice and neither is Joe's incentive there is no evidence he did any crimes
Trump is trying to however
God you are stupid lol
Democrats refuse to acknowledge Democrat crimes, in keeping with centuries-old traditions.
Democrats have astounded American voters with their massive bogus leftist lawfare attack on Trump, their mortal enemy in the upcoming 2024 election.
nah, only morons like you are "astounded" by anything that is obviously false.
nah, only morons like you are "astounded" by anything that is obviously false.

Navarro Alleges ‘Theft By A Thousand Cuts’ in 2020 ElectionNavarro Alleges ‘Theft By a Thousand Cuts’ in 2020 Election - Vision Times 12-20-20

Significant statistical anomalies

Four types of statistical anomalies were observed during the 2020 elections including significant changes in absentee ballot rejection from previous elections, excessively high voter turnout (at times exceeding 100 percent), statistically, improbable vote totals based on party registration and historical patterns, and unusual vote surges.
Navarro Alleges ‘Theft By A Thousand Cuts’ in 2020 ElectionNavarro Alleges ‘Theft By a Thousand Cuts’ in 2020 Election - Vision Times 12-20-20

Significant statistical anomalies

Four types of statistical anomalies were observed during the 2020 elections including significant changes in absentee ballot rejection from previous elections, excessively high voter turnout (at times exceeding 100 percent), statistically, improbable vote totals based on party registration and historical patterns, and unusual vote surges.
"alleges" lol
"statistical anomolies" lol