Boston Bombing-Blame Obama


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Remember Obama undone the Patriot act that Bush put in place like illegal wiretapping? Government reading your e-mails and listening to your phone conversations. Obama wanted the privacy act restored. This what happens when you give terrorist freedom. Bush did keep us safe Obama did not.
Remember Obama undone the Patriot act that Bush put in place like illegal wiretapping? Government reading your e-mails and listening to your phone conversations. Obama wanted the privacy act restored. This what happens when you give terrorist freedom. Bush did keep us safe Obama did not.

Steve...President Obama extended the Patriot Act.
Bo certainly presided over walls being rebuilt between fed.agencies. CIS tried to get the bomb brothers of the FBI watch list to no avail.

these guys cant manage lists now and the want more and claim it will.stop kids from getting shot.

they need to do something about their credibility deficit.
Steve...President Obama extended the Patriot Act.
Then how come several suspects were caught before they can act when Bush was president? The Underwear bomber wasn't caught before he got on the plane. And how come they didnt catch the Army muslim shrink before he shot all those soldiers in fort hood? How come the boston bombers weren't monitored before they act?
Then how come several suspects were caught before they can act when Bush was president? The Underwear bomber wasn't caught before he got on the plane. And how come they didnt catch the Army muslim shrink before he shot all those soldiers in fort hood? How come the boston bombers weren't monitored before they act?

because its not ok to be mean to muslims that are named OBL
Then how come several suspects were caught before they can act when Bush was president? The Underwear bomber wasn't caught before he got on the plane. And how come they didnt catch the Army muslim shrink before he shot all those soldiers in fort hood? How come the boston bombers weren't monitored before they act?

I cannot answer that question -- but President Obama has the same tools at his disposal (if not more) than President Bush had.
Then how come several suspects were caught before they can act when Bush was president? The Underwear bomber wasn't caught before he got on the plane. And how come they didnt catch the Army muslim shrink before he shot all those soldiers in fort hood? How come the boston bombers weren't monitored before they act?

Like Dog said, the bureaucracy doesn't want anyone to make Muslims feel bad, so they've removed words like Islamic Jihad or Muslim Terrorist from their lexicon. Obama and Co. view terrorism like another crime. Nothing more, nothing less. Obama has a lot of Muslim advisors, and it's even been hinted that some are with the Muslim Brotherhood.