Washington is drowning in red ink.
Surprise, surprise. The feds are going in the red even more.
No kidding. The next pres better learn to veto Congressional spending appetites and soon. Another two years of this, and the debt will top 10 trillion, or about $100,000 for every taxpayer in the country.
Ready to pony up? If not, then check the candidates, Congressional and presidential alike, for fiscal conservatism, the only kind that really counts.
WASHINGTON - The budget President Bush unveils on Monday is likely to feature deficits reaching $400 billion this year and next, leaving his successor a fiscal ledger dripping with red ink.
Surprise, surprise. The feds are going in the red even more.
Such deficits would certainly create a challenge for Bush's successor, regardless of political party. A $400 billion deficit would approach the record $413 billion tallied in 2004, putting pressure on presidential candidates to promise to do something about it.
No kidding. The next pres better learn to veto Congressional spending appetites and soon. Another two years of this, and the debt will top 10 trillion, or about $100,000 for every taxpayer in the country.
Ready to pony up? If not, then check the candidates, Congressional and presidential alike, for fiscal conservatism, the only kind that really counts.