Calling all Hawiians...


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
I know this is a duplicate. I do not always go to every forum so you might not, as what's true for me is then maybe true for you. I must consider it.

Hawaii, I want your assistance. I do not need it but I want it. Are you willing to become Presidents and Commanders? I will qualify myself as an expert and as possessing the authority & power to act: I am Susan, of In Re Susan, Supreme Court Case 08-6622. I am the one & only pro se constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction in world history. The only case similar to my own? The Declaration of Independence as that is an actual petition and was written by one person who approved any changes in the moment. So, then, as the court is hearing me it has then acknowledged my authority and power. I possess consent and so the authority of the Chief Justice and President which then makes me the acting, legal President and Commander. If this were not truth and fact I would not be within US Supreme Court representing myself and John Roberts would not have obeyed an Executive Order I issued and signed. My lawsuit, two of them, is available upon request from the Court. My name is on the public record -the docket and so you can go to the Court’s website thus see it. Bush v Gore? Neither litigant represented himself as he could not preserve, protect and defend the constitution thus WE, the people.

Here is what I am asking you to do: Rise to proof beyond ANY doubt. Become proof beyond ANY doubt. Americans no longer know what evidence is or isn’t and what proof beyond a reasonable doubt versus any doubt is or isn’t or even what constitutes proof. I seek to prove to the citizens in any constitutional nation proof is life as a person’s secret or hidden agenda thus their heart can always be known as any actual American wears their heart on their sleeve as that is an American’s invincible armor. Paper? Paper is dead; it proves nothing. Fingerprints? Words? Not proof. From my first lawsuit:

"I, my own self, am proof the first patriots lived and were actual humans, real people alive in or around 1776 and 1787. I, my own self, prove they acted as they did and that what the historians say happened did actually happen and is fact. No photographs exist to prove they lived; no paper is proof of them. No museum, created record or title in a book of history makes the words on any document the truth. The words are myth unless lived out as true belief as fingerprints, photographs and words prove nothing not even actual life. It is I, Susan, acting on her own that is proof as the fingerprints our founders left behind are all over me and inside my person and have become my faith. I, Susan, am proof that our American story now a legend and soon to become a myth unless I am heard was and is history.

I seek not to dissolve our law but to dissolve instead a shadow government of people who have mistaken beliefs of our founders, this nation, this law, this world and themselves as Americans as anytime a person gives away their legal power and moral authority they are then a shadow government as we are supposed to be a living government and living law of people, thriving and striving and not a semi-dead or even half-awake government. To be half-awake is to be a shadow of our former selves and a shadow of what our founders intended for us. To choose the easy road and to make the easy decisions, the comfortable ones only, or to fail to act, is to be a shadow of who and what you might become; it is to use only a sliver of your power as a person. It makes us all ghosts of the founders instead of the living embodiment of their spirits.

I am not a ghost."

Barack Obama hid his birth certificate. He made all manner of excuses as if it contained some type of supersecret, confidential information about him that we could not know. WHO does this? Can we afford to elect this kind of person? How do we know if he refuses to show us this certificate? What kind of person has to hide his birth certifcate? Most of us do not run for President or become President. I never saw my birth certificate so I sent for it to discover if a birth certificate contained any sensitve information as if you are stating you can act as President, I need to know if anything makes that impossible. We’re equals; no person I know is afraid to show me their birth certificate. Then I heard rumors that this doument had been tampered with…had it? I would need to see it to know as my husband is an expert printer who has worked on documents for the federal government (and art printing for the national museum) and once was in line to be hired by the treasury as a printer. I my own self once worked for Kinko’s. There are ways to know – if you possess the skills. You know what else? There are ways to get a copy of a birth certificate not your own. It’s rather easy. So, I sent for my birth certificate. I do not need to see his to know the truth but I could if I was so motivated.
It says exactly what I thought it would say: I am a natural born American. Then it says I possess a right to become elected to the office of President and that I have a better than average chance than most, as it has my parents names on it. It also says the odds against me are astronomical – nigh impossible – as I am a woman and ethical. It says ethical as it names the religion I was born into and the kind or type of ideology I was born into by naming my parents and New York. Troy, NY. The space, as the time is listed as well as the place: 1967, December 30th, 12:51 AM.

How do you prove who and what Barack Obama is if his own person is not good enough proof for you as you are possessed of the truthful but mistaken belief it is or is not known by merely observing him and everything about & around him? I know that is the federal case, as he, his life, is his own fedral case but other Americans do not. He already told us this secret but how can I find out the facts of that certificate if he will not show it to me? I go search for living people who can then give living, eyewitness testimony as to his birth. Somebody, a nurse, a doctor, a friend – witnessed his birth or saw him immediately after the fact. At least one person – may be an airline attendant – met him as a brand, new baby constitution. Or did they? Because he says that person will be HAWAIIAN. Hawaii, is he lying about you? Is there one Hawaiian who can step forward with eyewitness testimony either way? I will warn you: I may be calling you as a witness in federal court to then support my case, my proof.

You can and may lie. No matter what that lie is – he was or he was not - I’ll know it as a lie. I have proof beyond ANY doubt. I know exactly what is on (or not on) Barack Obama’s birth certificate that he does not want you to see thus know. I even discovered his intent and motive. I can exactly name it. He belives the voter is as dumb as they seem to be so he is not afraid to tell a lie by living it out. I truly belive, as I have proof, it is all smoke and mirrors people. A lie. What I uncovered by seeking out a living witness did not surprise me but, YOU refuse to consider it is possible. Ask yourself: would YOU work so hard to hide your birth certifcate and then change your story about it IF the word “Hawaii” was your actual concern? Hawaii is a state people! Hawiians are not defective by their nature thus not citizens and not protected by the law. They are equal to the mainland citizens. Maybe there are (or are not) other words on that certifcate he is more worried about. Maybe HAWAII is the word he cannot afford to have known, or Hussein is the word, or any one of the words that YOU would or would not have on your birth certifcate. Mine should always say (read as paper does not talk) New York and George and Marlene Herbert. Troy and Leonard Hospital should be on it. Sex? If it ever reads male, I tampered with evidence. If I’m ever a bological man? I tampered with proof. The time should read December. You will not find an expiration date nor anything like Race: Martian. Plenty of people can tell you about my birth. There are living witnesses! Anything you need to know about my birth can be known even if I refused to show you this document. In my case?

People can tell you about my conception, as it occurrd in St. Augustine, FL during an Easter vacation in 1967. The spring of love followed by the summer of love, fall of love and BOOM! Winter of Love - me, lol. My mother’s friends, all nurses at the Leonard Hospital, warned her not to drink the water or else she might come back pregnant. Did she? YES! They did not know the real, actual reason: The water in St. Augustine is known as Ponce De Leon’s Fountain of Youth. The power is not in the water! My mother should have avoided something else! She looked in the wrong place! So then, even my conception can be known to you. Nothing but nothing is a secret in this universe. It is mostly willingness and observation. And: Common sense. A birth certificate is not Top Secret.

And no, the issue is not resolved if it was never named to begin with. It has most definitely not been put to rest. You must name the ACTUAL REAL ISSUE in order to then resolve it. If you do not, you might be elected President but you will not ever actually be the President. You can sit there, in that space, US, Washington DC, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, for 20, 30 or 40 years. You cannot unseat me unless you agree to meet me in person, in my home or in federal court as that is where the actual seat of power is – wherever I am. I happen to be within DC and FL thanks to Bush V Gore, a tie I resolved by naming the actual issues not the one the lawyers made up. It was a math problem, a numbers game, and the true, correct and factual answer is: 1. Justice Stevens told you right out loud, with exact words; so did Rhenquist. Souter told you by saying nothing. The Court jumped up & down and waved a red flag, pointed, then sent up a flare. Just like Barack Obama did as did several eyewitnesses.

You can and may deny it. It never, ever goes away and your denial in no way unmakes me posess the actual power. You can and may vote for Obama. That vote? A signature on a death warrant - your own, then the other citizens. It becomes treason as you now own the knowledge as you always did as ignorance is never an excuse. You can't unread this post, lol! Once you own knowlege, you own it. Once an eyewtiness tells me, I know. Several eyewitnesses? Proof rising beyond reasonable doubt. Barack Obama then confirming it? Proof beyond any doubt. YOU had the same knowledge I had - from April of 2007. What you knew, when you knew it and when you acted against the law or failed to act upon it, the law. Or: when you began TRULY believing the lies. Only you can name that date.

Any Hawaiians who want to become proof beyond any doubt or any other person that does can post here or emial me or even write me or phone me as my addy is public record as it is on the front page of my lawsuit as it is a part of the caption.

Oh – if you are going to cry race? Try again. To be black, to actually be black? You must posses a deep understanding, wisdom, of what it is like to be treated like property and thought of as never ‘right’, never ‘good enough’ and so garbage. You need to know what it feels like to be violated wholly and completely. You need to possess compassion for all others, and will of iron, and an inviolate sense of: I will never become what was done to me or other black persons I never knew; I will never be a victimizer; I will never break the law or skirt it as then I am as I have become, an actual slave master, as I have sold my own self down the river.

*** You need one thing -1 - besides Barack Obama to know the actual, real truth. To own wisdom. I'll give you a clue: It is not an institution. ***
My eyewitnesses?

They did not agree - yet -to testify in court. I have always been able to secure the testimony - the truth - from people as there is always and forever one ethical person but not once was one willing to say it out loud in a court. An American?

Americans are not to fear anything as safety is a named right. The Revolution was fought to secure our safety! No safety means No liberty means No justice! Fear?

That is negotiation of a negative contract; it is unconstitutional as an American NEVER negotiates....

Their safety. When they do?

Death; Dying in defense of the institution and/or the preservation of the institution, Offices of Chief Justice or President & Commander, as unjust or exclusively male, a certain kind of male. Proof of death known as Bush v Gore. If you are a very fortunate nation, a God loving nation which is just by its very nature, so God or this universe actually is on your side, you then might come to own proof of life: In Re Susan.

Which came first, fear or illegal war on the innocent who are women, the military and children plus anyone not Jewish or Christian or not Democrat or Republican? Bill Clinton. :( but :D and THE TRUTH.
Also from my suit:

"I alone among 300 million plus citizens understood perceived reality was not actual reality and that the Chief Justice and other Justices were dangling a shiny, red apple directly in front of our faces. I thought to plunder history just as our founders did as that was the one and only example I had - our founders - and so knew that snakes do not reason as they have no emotion and are cold blooded; they are after “I” and never “We” as We the people all appeared in court that day and lost as a reasoned decision for a runoff election and an executive order against all able bodied citizens directing them to fulfill duty and vote does not pay. I recalled Genesis: “And I will place enmity between you and the snake and you will strike at his head while he strikes at your heel and kills your children.

I witnessed the snakes go for our Achilles heel, our Supreme Court, or the appearance of possessing constitutional authority over our humanity and so I struck back in conjunction with the Supreme Court in order to save myself and then my children as I knew after the Supreme Court is the President or my one person as that is chain of command theory. I knew without a unanimous decision the Supreme Court was opening a door not closing one as any dissent throws it to the people embodied by the sitting President and if he and all others fail it then goes to the lone person who caught it when Justice Rhenquist threw it: I, Susan."

Sitting Presidents decide ties. Clintion failed. After Clinton? ANY lone citizen willing to act. I decided to test the theory thus the law. Our law? Not theory! It is: elegant, as written in 1776 & 1787. Alll of us are within it already. You read the word "man" or do not read certain words so you perceive it does not. Wrong! A few amendments and federal court rulings are string theory however and so faulty. Term limits upon the President only? Stringy! It is a violation of separation of power as it removes a check and balnce from the people as it strips you of the legal power of your vote. You vote, you go do it, but in reality it no longer counts, does it? You can no longer check the branches of Legislative or Judicial with the power of Executive Order when your one vote IS executive order as it is 1 acting as 300 million then becoming 1, or the power of Executive Order. Any citizen can write and sign an Executive Order if the need arises. My father taught me this when I was small. I know now, own it, as I tried it and it works. I not once suspected my father of lying about the Constitution. WHY would he lie about that?

Lawyers & crooks did not believe me! LOL! Joke really is on the candidates!

You are supposed to be able to threaten Congress and the Supreme Court with your vote. Ideally we should all share a common interest - the law - and so no conflict. We don't. You check the offices not the person; as people we are supposed to square up with the law and not against it or each other. If a person lies, swears out an oath and so gets in one of those offices but does not obey the law and the spirit of the law? Or commits a crime by saying "I will not do my duty as I am not afraid of you"? Disssolve them! There are LOTS of ways to do that. In America? You, if you are a well regulated militia of one, not insane, not mentally ill & not a felon, can even shoot in self-defense. In this situation, as all offices are now unchecked, as that is what Bush V Gore became as first the Chief made law by installing a President thus unchecking himself and then the President committed a violation of separation of power by unchecking himself by installing a Chief Justice based on something other than old age so it was not arbitrary, it then became a coup as all went unchecked so power resides in the biggest bully or worst crook. A Chief Justice and President are equivalent legal authorties. ALL offices had ot then be unchecked for a Chief to make law as YOU unchecked them by not voting or by votign for crooks over and over as you came to believe you are powerless. Nope! Each of oyu is exactly like me, not better, not worse only different: A power of one, as long as you are ethical. Ethical is what the crooks aren't! Hello! THEY'RE CROOKS. They only have power you give them by believing they will magically change or that you will magically get different results from them. That is insane. Same thing, same result. It is not human it is a set of other things. What? If an actual monkey gets elected then you'll know??? If you do not give power to them then they only have perceived power - they truly belive they have it over oyu when they do not. I reasoned & decided: F U, as I know the law better than you and am way more capable and able. I can enter US Supreme Court all alone w/o any law school so I will, as our founders named no qualifications other than age 35 and ability, at least one molecule. An atom. A muon. I reasoned & decided I will become the President and Commander via federal lawsuit. I'll discover if this law actually works and is the only elegant law in the world.

Americans? We were designed for the purposes of DISCOVERY!
If they figure out a way to refuse to grant me oral argument again thus keep you ignorant -enslaved - or send me packing to a foreign nation? As in revoke my citizenship? For being the victim of human trafficking as justice is for sale to the highest bidder?

I already have a Bill of Attainder argument as that then works a corruption of blood and is a law against me alone; it is saying "The law accords Susan alone, this one and only exact person, when she is innocent, zero protection so it then does not find her."

The law then does not find her...guilty. BOOYAH! :D

I actually unconditionally love the idea of America!
The Math:

Bush v Gore must - MUST - be 9 as 1 or 1 alone, a Chief Justice standing down the sitting President thus becoming the President. 9 as 5-4 as 1 is the justices voting twice for President, the Chief unchecking himself, the Judiciary making law and is an illegal third party custody award made to lawyers. A gross violation of separation of power. The oath says "I will" not "My laywer will". Did Bush or Gore act pro se? No, thus proving zero ability to defend the Constitution, the documents and WE, the people. WE or I being first, over dead paper.

Bush v Gore is, IS: 9 as 5 as 1 versus 4 as 1 or 1 versus 1. It always remains a tie until resolved with a well reasoned decision on OUR behalf. So I entered a tie breaking decision - my case. They threw it ot you once agai nand you failed once again. So I entered another tie breaking decsion: I named thus sued all of you excepting the Clerks of the Supreme Court as they enforced the law and I sued the Chief exactly for violating my civil rights as a woman as I reasoned: How many opportunities do men get to break the law? It's been 2221 years! 2000 since Jesus & 221 since December 15th, 1787. All other authority cases and o.j. cases were brought by men in defense of men. It's WOMAN, this exact woman - SUSAN. I never broke the law nor acted against its spirit; I'd like one, single opportunity as I was born into liberty! My crime? Declaring my independence from abusive men who tried to force me to obey them or used my own tax dollar against me, to injure me and keep me enslaved. Why do you seek to keep the people ignorant if ignorance is not an excuse? Do you, George Bush jr., Dick Cheney or John Roberts, NEED an excuse? as those are the exact people, all men, my suit threatens. It also threatens two exact political parties and two exact religions.

Your vote is a custody award. You choose in whom to vest the legal power and moral authority of your vote, YOU, aka Executive Order, as your custody is yours to choose via free asociation & the vote. CUSTODY is a liberty right. Legal power is liberty; moral authority is will. Will & liberty? Justice! America! The Philadelphia Experiment.

All those FL ballots they were counting? When I was living in West Palm amd when my vote had been illegally denied me after a made "legal" kidnapping? As the decisions were purchased or exchanged for political favor? F, as this is not my choice. Who chooses to be kidnapped by abusers and batterers? To have their bones broken? To have their vote stripped from them for no reasoning or just cause?

All those votes they counted mattered not as the only number that ever counted was 1. YOU. You failed me but I did not fail myself or my children as you (or they if you have clean hands) cannot a build a prison from which I cannot escape. I unentrenched my own self from the institutions as I am a Constitution. WHO told you, who taught you, that you were an institution??? They can teach that; you can never come to truly believe it.

On Becoming An Actual President and Commander

Step 1. Decide you are. Decide you are a constitution.

Step 2. Act upon that decision. Name the actual issue.

Step 3 Act to solve the actual issue not make it worse by making an attempt; if your action works keep doing it. If it makes things worse, do not do it again. If things remain the same, you may keep doing it until you think of something else.

Step 3. Act over & over until the actual issue is resolved as an American never fails to act. That is not a legal choice. By its very nature it is poorly reasoned or not reasoned at all.

Step 5. Upon resolution, You have become so you actually are a President & Commander.

Step 6. Maintain it by keeping the law in your heart and mind as paper crumbles, ink fades or other people forget thus realizing justice all throughout your life as you are American so it never ends; it is never over or 'easy'. Easy? We are not called France and do not speak French or make love to smelly cheeses for actual reasoning: July 4th, 1776! The day the people knew - owned the knowledge - and so could act for themselves! Smelly cheese? It will never, ever unconditionally love you in return! It is a waste of energy...YOU.


5-4=1, YOU, not Bush or Gore as they were not pro se.


5-4=1, Rhenquist, temporarily, as he can and may be sneaky - clever - as all get out in defense of the law aka WE, 300 million as 1. It is not like he did not tell you. It was everywhere; WHO did not hear it so know it? He defended himself first, then you, as he should as he IS a constitution. He knew he could act from the bench and so check Bush. He could not know if or when he would die. He gave it to Bush based on service as that ,a uniform, was the only difference as both were over 35 & have human DNA. He knew as fact w/o question: Elegance rises as He, Rhenquist, is his own best proof!

Besides, Bush is presumed able until proven to be Dick Cheney. I mean humanly unable or guilty.


5-4=1, I, Susan, the United States of America.

The Final Score Known As Bush V Gore:

USA: 1

Great Britain: .5 (Counting Canada; GB did not break honor bound contract re Iraq even after bad evidence discovered or, Tony Blair kept his word; GB has no written constitution however Queen did grant power of dissolution to people when she volunteered to pay taxes so .5! an actual constitutional monarchy as power of dissolution must exist! I might start subtracting for Gordon Brown)

The Rest of Earth: 0, as you have no reasoning but only excuses.
Re: Recount!


5-4=1, YOU, not Bush or Gore as they were not pro se.


5-4=1, Rhenquist, temporarily, as he can and may be sneaky - clever - as all get out in defense of the law aka WE, 300 million as 1. It is not like he did not tell you. It was everywhere; WHO did not hear it so know it? He defended himself first, then you, as he should as he IS a constitution. He knew he could act from the bench and so check Bush. He could not know if or when he would die. He gave it to Bush based on service as that ,a uniform, was the only difference as both were over 35 & have human DNA. He knew as fact w/o question: Elegance rises as He, Rhenquist, is his own best proof!

Besides, Bush is presumed able until proven to be Dick Cheney. I mean humanly unable or guilty.


5-4=1, I, Susan, the United States of America.

The Final Score Known As Bush V Gore:

USA: 1

Great Britain: .5 (Counting Canada; GB did not break honor bound contract re Iraq even after bad evidence discovered or, Tony Blair kept his word; GB has no written constitution however Queen did grant power of dissolution to people when she volunteered to pay taxes so .5! an actual constitutional monarchy as power of dissolution must exist! I might start subtracting for Gordon Brown)

The Rest of Earth: 0, as you have no reasoning but only excuses.

Can someone get her help?