Can an INEPT President lead America to success?

Oh fine. Back to the McCarthy era. Brilliant suggestion. How well thought out. :rolleyes:
Ya' gotta figure....always is (obviously) another o' those conserva-kiddies who's still somewhat-nostalgic for those good ol' 1950s ( that point-o'-reference actually existed, for them. :rolleyes: )

How do you outlaw liberals and leftists? Concentration camps? Ovens? Gas? How do you define those people before you "outlaw" them? How do you define "America haters" as opposed to Americans who simpy disagree with your political stance?

I think any rational person can see why I don't buy into the Always philosophy, there's a very ill-defined hysteria here demanding the (supposed) deaths (what else?) of a large percentage of the American population. Obie is doing the same sh1t George Bush did, but Always isn't excoriating Bush for 8 years of American destruction, just Obie, why is that?

The "BROWN SHIRTS" of 1930's Nazi Germany were much like todays Obama radical liberals , communist , socialist , etc. No , we do not need to 'Gas them", as you suggest , we must not ignore them either,
What we must do is outlaw their party, restrict them as we would any other terrorist group within our own borders.
Yes, G.W. Bush became totally UNFIT in his second term, but why should I waste my time badgering him? He is not in power, The Major SCREW up lays at the feet of one Barrack Hussien Obama, as much as he wants to shift blame on Bush and all others, His name is on the door that says President. I'm very sorry he is behind that door but he is .
America's best hope is in November , 2010 , when we can remove much of the power from Obama helpers and return America to SANITY!
Just because G.W.Bush was a HUGE FAILURE does not mean we must allow an even more DANGEROUS FAILURE to continue to DESTROY AMERICA!
If the "BROWN SHIRTS" had been controlled just think how many MILLIONS of people would have survived, lived , and contributed to our world . Todays liberalsim is even more dangerous than yesterdays "Brown Shirts" , mainly because some reside within the halls of our Federal Government.
As yet I haven't seen your definition of "conservatism". You seem to big on shouting but short on specifics, this doesn't engender confidence in me, Always.

Who did you vote for in the last Pres. election? McCain, why? Didn't he promise to do what Bush did? Or did you vote for one of the 3rd party candidates with no chance of being elected? Was it worth the protest?

No, McCAIN was not my choice He was the Choice of the LEFTIST side of the G.O.P.--- CONSERVATIVES VOIDED him like a sickness, SO HE LOST , AMERICA LOST!!
Yes, G.W. Bush became totally UNFIT in his second term, but why should I waste my time badgering him?
Uhhhhhhh....because you never (even) REALIZED how UNFIT he was, until you (actually) saw a COMPETENT-President??????


(You're makin' this waaaaaaay-too-easy. :rolleyes: )​
The "BROWN SHIRTS" of 1930's Nazi Germany were much like todays Obama radical liberals , communist , socialist , etc. No , we do not need to 'Gas them", as you suggest , we must not ignore them either,
What we must do is outlaw their party, restrict them as we would any other terrorist group within our own borders.

I have been called one of those people you wish to outlaw, am I? How do we tell? How is this pogrom of censorship and persecution of Americans any different than what the Communists did? They claimed exactly the same thing about intellectuals and others who didn't agree with their policies. What makes your plan different from theirs? Are you not arguing to abrogate the Constitutional guarantees that supposedly protect all Americans? I don't understand your position in regards to people who disagree with you, can you explain it a little better please?
No, McCAIN was not my choice He was the Choice of the LEFTIST side of the G.O.P.--- CONSERVATIVES VOIDED him like a sickness, SO HE LOST , AMERICA LOST!!

So, in essence there was no one to vote for who had a chance of getting elected. Who did you vote for?
I have been called one of those people you wish to outlaw, am I? How do we tell? How is this pogrom of censorship and persecution of Americans any different than what the Communists did? They claimed exactly the same thing about intellectuals and others who didn't agree with their policies. What makes your plan different from theirs? Are you not arguing to abrogate the Constitutional guarantees that supposedly protect all Americans? I don't understand your position in regards to people who disagree with you, can you explain it a little better please?

Forget about the people who disagree with me , that is their right. But the America Haters that disagree with our CONSTITUTION must be baned from our society. These TERRORISTS will kill our citizens, murder fellow politicians , break all our crimminal laws , and destroy our cities to try and force their HATE AMERICA agenda on us . The World has changed, America can no longer be an OPEN SOCIETY, accepting even the lowest of mankind in her mist. Time has come to strictly obey our CONSTITUTION!! Insist our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be contained as per the same document.
We have way too many Haters of America in the halls of our Federal Government. We need to expose these crimminal and remove from office and deport to the nation they admire.
This past election seriously questions our ability to govern ourselves. Look at the low quality of
people we voted in or voted to keep in power. America is in danger of losing its CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT due to the fact those in power ,in many cases, do not support our beliefs or our laws.
No, McCAIN was not my choice He was the Choice of the LEFTIST side of the G.O.P.--- CONSERVATIVES VOIDED him like a sickness, SO HE LOST , AMERICA LOST!!

Agreed. McCain likely would be worse than Bush, but not as bad as BO. As long as the Rs forsake conservatives, they will lose. Liberal Rs like Bush, McCain, Snowe, Collins, Powell, etc make me sick.
After a one year test it is certain BOR is totally inept to be our president.
He cannot lead , only blame . He still blames past Administration for all his failures and mistakes. Yes, he can parrot words written by others over a prompter. But , these words lack truth and passion. He never follows through with any meaningful actions or deeds.
Our allies are afraid to follow him , our enemies know he is weak and cowardly.
Our Congress is acting like a bunch of Mobsters using threats and intimidation to try and force enough votes to pass a hideous Health Care scheme that will harm every citizen and ruin our nation.
There is no relief in excusing the collapse of our nation upon ignorance. If we allow our nation to fall ,what matters if it is a result of ineptness or a defeat by a superior military of another nation?, the result is the same . America falls and the last best hope of mankind goes with it, Think America!

Yeah and the same thing was said about GWB too so your beating a dead horse on this one.....
Why in the hell would you want a U.S. president to be smart anyways? I mean come on we're Americans we love our leaders to be dumb asses that way we can make fun of them and talk bad about them too...Makes us feel good about ourselves=)
Forget about the people who disagree with me , that is their right. But the America Haters that disagree with our CONSTITUTION must be baned from our society. These TERRORISTS will kill our citizens, murder fellow politicians , break all our crimminal laws , and destroy our cities to try and force their HATE AMERICA agenda on us . The World has changed, America can no longer be an OPEN SOCIETY, accepting even the lowest of mankind in her mist. Time has come to strictly obey our CONSTITUTION!! Insist our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be contained as per the same document.
We have way too many Haters of America in the halls of our Federal Government. We need to expose these crimminal and remove from office and deport to the nation they admire.
This past election seriously questions our ability to govern ourselves. Look at the low quality of
people we voted in or voted to keep in power. America is in danger of losing its CONSTITUTIONAL FORM OF GOVERNMENT due to the fact those in power ,in many cases, do not support our beliefs or our laws.

I have a question for you Always? Which would you worship first? the Bible or the Constitution? Me, the constitution trumps the bible in a heart beat....of course that's just me....
By what authority do you have that requires me to disclose my vote? Sorry, It is NONE of your business!

You are the here on the site castigating people for electing Obie, and yet you have no viable alternative--all you are doing is shouting and placing blame. If you don't have any suggestions then you are no different than a dog in the night.