Can BO win reelection?

Wrong. You have invented a mythical Reagan just like most liberals.

You mention a few things to condemn Reagan. He was president for 8 years and made thousand of decisions...nearly all correct.

You say he "suborned" arm sales to Iran. This is typical left wing tripe. He sold arms to Iran, which was under an arms embargo. Yes, you and other lefties make a big deal about this, but in the grand scheme of things it was a minor scandal.

Then you proclaim the typical left wing chant that Reagan did not bring down the USSR, when it is a historical fact he did.

Reagan did deficit spend, but nothing like most of the presidents that came after him. The economy grew much faster and overcame much of the spending because he limited the growth of your beloved government and reduced regulations on business. But, you do accept the left wing analysis of his spending completely. And like all good leftists, you conveniently forget that your beloved buddies the Liberals (Ds) had control of both houses. You do know that Congress sets the budget I hope??? This is why Clinton had nearly balanced budgets because the Rs limited spending. You seem to think Reagan should not have compromised with the libs, yet you demand the Rs compromise today.

He bailed out the S&Ls. It was a scandal. But, again it was minor.

Yes, I can agree Reagan did some things most conservatives do not agree with. Name ONE PRESIDENT who has not made mistakes or made decisions his base disagrees with?

You need to stop buying into the lies promoted by the left. Educate yourself on the issues rather than accept the conventional wisdom...which is always presented by leftists with their bias.

OMG! Bailing out the S and L was a "minor" scandal. Selling arms to the enemy was a "minor scandal". I suppose using the money generated from selling arms to the enemy to support a war that Congress wouldn't was just a minor blip in the balance of powers.

Oh, well. You have your mythical hero. One day, the liberals (real ones, not in quotes) may have a hero in Obama as well, once they erase all of the mistakes he made.

Both of those mythical heroes will involve accepting the mutability of the past, of course, but you are showing the rest the way. Just ignore treason and suborning treason. It was Ollie North, the great traitor who got away with it because he was a "conservative", who did the arms sales, you know, so "suborning treason" is the proper phrase.

Answer this one, if you can: Under what circumstances would you accept the Obama administration selling arms to Iran as a "minor scandal"?
OMG! Bailing out the S and L was a "minor" scandal. Selling arms to the enemy was a "minor scandal". I suppose using the money generated from selling arms to the enemy to support a war that Congress wouldn't was just a minor blip in the balance of powers.

Oh, well. You have your mythical hero. One day, the liberals (real ones, not in quotes) may have a hero in Obama as well, once they erase all of the mistakes he made.

Both of those mythical heroes will involve accepting the mutability of the past, of course, but you are showing the rest the way. Just ignore treason and suborning treason. It was Ollie North, the great traitor who got away with it because he was a "conservative", who did the arms sales, you know, so "suborning treason" is the proper phrase.

Answer this one, if you can: Under what circumstances would you accept the Obama administration selling arms to Iran as a "minor scandal"?

My son, you need to look at the whole body of work and not build strawmen (a tactic common with lefties). I have admitted Reagan made has EVERY PRESIDENT since our founding (hell the dude in the WH now makes huge mistakes daily). But, you are stuck on making silly arguments to denigrate a great the left elite have taught you to.

Reagan did many great things for this country far outweighing the bad. Why must you persist in presenting left wing talking points to run him down? Rhetorical question...I know why...

He was without question one of our greatest presidents.
My son, you need to look at the whole body of work and not build strawmen (a tactic common with lefties). I have admitted Reagan made has EVERY PRESIDENT since our founding (hell the dude in the WH now makes huge mistakes daily). But, you are stuck on making silly arguments to denigrate a great the left elite have taught you to.

Reagan did many great things for this country far outweighing the bad. Why must you persist in presenting left wing talking points to run him down? Rhetorical question...I know why...

He was without question one of our greatest presidents.

Yes, as I've said, the legendary Reagan was one of our greatest presidents.

The real Reagan also set the tone for the Bush II and Obama administrations, showing them the way to deregulate industries, then spend billions of taxpayer dollars to bail them out when they fail. He also set the tone for deficit spending, which has been carried out by every administration since except for the Clinton administration of course. Obama has taken deficit spending to new heights, levels even Reagan and Bush II didn't reach, thus assuring him a place in history right next to the legend that is the real Reagan.

So far, there hasn't been a scandal since that even approaches the level of Iran Contra, but, then Obama is not finished. He may be able to compare with Reagan there, too, by the time he's finished.

Speaking of finished, what do you think the real odds are that the Republicans will be able to field a candidate that can defeat Obama next time? On the one hand, we have a president who has presided over the greatest expansion of government we've yet seen, along with an economy that is the worst since the great depression. On the other, we have the Republican candidates, who seem determined to lose the party the WH despite a perfect opportunity for victory.
With an electorate that is demanding a balanced budget, the repeal of Obamacare, and a more limited role for the federal government, if Obama should lose we can expect the liberal media to echo Michelle Obama during the 2008 campaign when she complained that America was "just downright mean." Should voters be less than kind to her husband in a year's time, the liberal media will use every spare moment to remind us of how mean we are when they're not reminding us that we're a bunch of frauds and racists.

Yet where is the compassion in saddling future generations with unsustainable debt? Where is the generosity in increasing the cost of health care? Isn't inciting envy and resentment towards those who achieved financial success an act of meanness? And where is President Obama's civility towards his political adversaries when he accuses them of desiring dirtier air, dirtier water, and fewer people with health insurance?

It is sad that so many Americans do not see that the D party and many in the R party have no intention of REALLY fixing the problems our nation faces. And, that many Americans refuse to the see truth of what BO and the Dems are offering, which will only lead us down road to ruin just as in Europe.
The left had control of congress since Jan, 2007 until Jan of this year. The left had control of the White House and congress from Jan 2009 until Jan of this year.

Yet, all we hear is that it's Bush and republicans fault for the mess we are in. I don't think that is going to fly next Nov.