Canadian PC anti-semitism


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008

A canadian jewish commentator on the double standards with which official Pee See is applied there. Isn't that ALWAYS the case with the Pee See Police everywhere? Anti-black racism is bad, anti-white racism is not worthy of attention. Arab defamation brings out the Pee See Marines, anti-semitism produces a yawn.
You've accused me of being a purveyor of PC - which, in my own sense, I suppose I am. Fine, I offer myself up for examination.

Anti-black racism is bad, anti-white racism is not worthy of attention.

Anti-black racism is a historically-massive social ill. Results of the belief that black people were inferior led to institutional racism, then institutional discrimination and socially-approved behavior like lynchings that flew in the face of the law. Today, the socio-economic effects of our racist past (and that lingering racism that still exists today) have kept African Americans on average poorer than all other ethnic groups in this country with the exception of Hispanic immigrants.

Anti-white racism does what? You've shown several things: TV commercials in which white men are presented as old, out-of-touch businessmen (which you found offensive despite the fact that the majority of people in such positions today are still older white males); ridiculous lawsuits that targeted white men who said something that meant nothing and were accused of hate speech (that one won't last a day in court). Affirmative action in college admissions hurts the middle class suburban white public school student the most - I know, I was one only a couple of years ago, and while it's true that I didn't get into my top choice (or receive any actual financial aid from the government), I still got into college, am able to pay for it, and would have been able to lead a decent (although not affluent) life without going to college at all, working at a store or a restaurant in the area, rising up through the ranks, and earning enough to live out on my own. Affirmative action could have blocked my chances at going to college, but not at living - I recognize that for many African Americans there's no distinction between those two, and so I am not bitter.

Arab defamation brings out the Pee See Marines, anti-semitism produces a yawn.

I've spent lengthy hours defending Islam on this forum, it's true. My point is simple: all religions have it in them to be either hateful and violent or peaceful and tolerant. Christianity, the yardstick by which Westerners measure all religions, also went through it's violent phases - where Christian leaders who made violent interpretations of Christian holy books probably made it look like the religion itself was violent. Just give them a chance.

As for "yawning" at anti-semitism, well - here's a link.

You joined right around the time we were dealing with the invasion of the anti-semites. That thread I just linked you to used to show up on our homepage (back when we had one of those), so everyone coming to to sign in or just to visit would see that nice, big "ANTI-SEMITISM IS NOT TOLERATED HERE. PERIOD."

I guess that could be confused with a yawn, but...
Theres a debate smouldering under the surface within the UK that runs something along the lines of people now shying off talking to blacks or muslims or whoever/whatever on the ground that they may unintentionally offend them and thus get in trouble with the law. Almost like a polarisation of ethnicity if you like, which is generating an alienation between the groups and causing popular misconceptions to raised their ugly heads - all Pakistanis are terrorists that kind of absurdity!!

The PC brigade whose intentions I guess are honourable are through the over zealous prosecution of their trade themselves perpetuating that which they wish to stop!
You've accused me of being a purveyor of PC - which, in my own sense, I suppose I am. Fine, I offer myself up for examination.

Anti-black racism is a historically-massive social ill. Results of the belief that black people were inferior led to institutional racism, then institutional discrimination and socially-approved behavior like lynchings that flew in the face of the law. Today, the socio-economic effects of our racist past (and that lingering racism that still exists today) have kept African Americans on average poorer than all other ethnic groups in this country with the exception of Hispanic immigrants.

Balderdash. Especially in an environment of massive black privilege, continuing to blame current conditions on events of hundreds of years ago just doesn't wash. The current poverty of many blacks can be traced with precision to such things as out of wedlock births, drug use, and disvaluing education and other prerequisites to success.

Anti-white racism does what? You've shown several things: TV commercials in which white men are presented as old, out-of-touch businessmen (which you found offensive despite the fact that the majority of people in such positions today are still older white males);

The bitter irony of that is that those self same types of individuals are the lap kitties of the left, implementing their policies of anti-white discrimination in the workplace, as a kind of protection money to buy peace with blacks. Burning cities aren't good for business.

ridiculous lawsuits that targeted white men who said something that meant nothing and were accused of hate speech (that one won't last a day in court).

Court isn't where the issues are resolved - the white guy is simply fired.

Affirmative action in college admissions hurts the middle class suburban white public school student the most - I know, I was one only a couple of years ago, and while it's true that I didn't get into my top choice (or receive any actual financial aid from the government), I still got into college, am able to pay for it, and would have been able to lead a decent (although not affluent) life without going to college at all, working at a store or a restaurant in the area, rising up through the ranks, and earning enough to live out on my own.

Oh I get you - racist discrimination is OK because sometimes the victims can work around it, or minimize its impact. Try again.

Affirmative action could have blocked my chances at going to college, but not at living - I recognize that for many African Americans there's no distinction between those two, and so I am not bitter.

I've always thought all the white guys who think like you should sign a national registry. Then when they are looking for the white guys to screw over, they can victimize the ones who don't mind, and deal with everyone else on a basis of justice.
Theres a debate smouldering under the surface within the UK that runs something along the lines of people now shying off talking to blacks or muslims or whoever/whatever on the ground that they may unintentionally offend them and thus get in trouble with the law. Almost like a polarisation of ethnicity if you like, which is generating an alienation between the groups and causing popular misconceptions to raised their ugly heads - all Pakistanis are terrorists that kind of absurdity!!

The libs in the US are behind europe in this area, but striving mightily to catch up, in spite of the very strong US tradition of free speech. But US whites have long known that speaking within the hearing of blacks is like walking on eggshells.

The PC brigade whose intentions I guess are honourable are through the over zealous prosecution of their trade themselves perpetuating that which they wish to stop!

Just speaking about the US, their intentions have NEVER been honorable. They are using this as an entree for an effort to shut down all opposing speech - they know that a free and fair marketplace of ideas is their worst enemy.