Capital Punishment

If I lubricate myself with quantum foam and you have it on your mouth, what does that suggest? I knew you had the hots for me, Nums, but this is getting kinky!:D

LOL. You got me! There is nothing I can say against something this gross!

That's one scary place you've got for imagination.
LOL. You got me! There is nothing I can say against something this gross!

That's one scary place you've got for imagination.

The whole concept intigues you, I can tell. Just imagine-- oh well, it's not to be, my Num friend, since I am married already. You'll just have to pine away in your lonely basement pounding your... keyboard.
The whole concept intigues you, I can tell. Just imagine-- oh well, it's not to be, my Num friend, since I am married already. You'll just have to pine away in your lonely basement pounding your... keyboard.

I prefer women with less body and facial hair, thank you.
Today never is an innocent citizen executed; and it is simply euthanasia.
Imprisonment rewards murderers with lifelong medical and social care incentives.
Thus, "possible innocence and cruel suffering" are the pretentious reasons of those Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs who are endlessly trying to end the democratically popular death penalty; as shown by their support for sacrifices of American lives by illegal war and legalized abortion.
In reality, they dread the death penalty, because it is also applied to traitors, as in the case of notorious Marxists spies from Nazi Germany, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
If the court violates the popular death penalty practice of the American People, it would be an act of tyranny, and an un-Constitutional attempt to usurp legislative powers.
Not only do I support the death penalty for certain crimes, if one is sentenced to death, I think that the perp should simply be taken outside, shot, and then the cost of the bullet should be taken out of any assets he has. No expensive execution, and the same amount of mercy that he gave his victim. Does someone else think such a person deserves better than he dished out?
I don't have to take this kind of abuse here, I can get this kind of abuse almost anywhere.

Not so. Men on chat boards are usually a lot more courageous than in person.
Not only do I support the death penalty for certain crimes, if one is sentenced to death, I think that the perp should simply be taken outside, shot, and then the cost of the bullet should be taken out of any assets he has. No expensive execution, and the same amount of mercy that he gave his victim. Does someone else think such a person deserves better than he dished out?

Actually, a bullet would considerably more compassionate than many of the things that murderers have done to their victims, but, be that as it may, if we do unto others in vengeance, then how are we any better than they? An eye for an eye is not the basis for a civilization is it? If we give back exactly what we receive, will not we spiral down into barbarity? Could not the most violent of our kind not lead us down to their level?

Putting incorrigible criminals on an island where they have only their own kind on which to prey seems to make more sense to me than lowering ourselves and our culture to perpetrating their crimes in revenge against them.
Today never is an innocent citizen executed; and it is simply euthanasia.
Imprisonment rewards murderers with lifelong medical and social care incentives.
Thus, "possible innocence and cruel suffering" are the pretentious reasons of those Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs who are endlessly trying to end the democratically popular death penalty; as shown by their support for sacrifices of American lives by illegal war and legalized abortion.
In reality, they dread the death penalty, because it is also applied to traitors, as in the case of notorious Marxists spies from Nazi Germany, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
If the court violates the popular death penalty practice of the American People, it would be an act of tyranny, and an un-Constitutional

A minor detail compared to what can be acurately inferred.

You are not capable of accurate inference when you can't even spell "acurately". This may be the genesis of your skewed view of the world, you think you can infer something about my physical appearance from words that appear on your computer screen.

I know that you were trying to insult me, people often do that when they don't have anything productive to contribute and they attack a woman's appearance because it is perceived to be a weak place in our defenses because women are so often judged on their perceived beauty or lack thereof. What you don't know is that I have been called so many truly nasty things to my face by people I know and care about that I'm pretty much immune to your pale gibes. Shoot! My two Bible-beater brothers have called me much worse things than you while screaming in religious rage.
Death Penalty? Regular or Extra Crispy??

Personally, and for the sake of economy, I think we need to bring back public hanging. The rope and scaffolding can be reused hundreds of times, and if the crime in question really is "against the citizens of the State of XYZ", then the punishment should be in full view of the "citizens of the State of XYZ".
You are not capable of accurate inference when you can't even spell "acurately". This may be the genesis of your skewed view of the world, you think you can infer something about my physical appearance from words that appear on your computer screen.

I know that you were trying to insult me, people often do that when they don't have anything productive to contribute and they attack a woman's appearance because it is perceived to be a weak place in our defenses because women are so often judged on their perceived beauty or lack thereof. What you don't know is that I have been called so many truly nasty things to my face by people I know and care about that I'm pretty much immune to your pale gibes. Shoot! My two Bible-beater brothers have called me much worse things than you while screaming in religious rage.


You have nothing by way of debate and it has reduced your argument to an exercise in orthography.

I spelled the word incorrectly. Happy?
Death Penalty? Regular or Extra Crispy??

Personally, and for the sake of economy, I think we need to bring back public hanging. The rope and scaffolding can be reused hundreds of times, and if the crime in question really is "against the citizens of the State of XYZ", then the punishment should be in full view of the "citizens of the State of XYZ".
The rope can be used only once to hang someone (if used more than once, it may break). It must be pre-stretched, a formula applied for the length of drop and the weight of the person to be hanged. Nevertheless, a rope suitable for hanging is only around $30.00. In all, it is not as simple as most would think or it could be botched with heads being pulled off or the person's neck not breaking and they strangle slowly to death.

Not only are you correct about "public" execution, but most states have laws requiring the event to be public. However, they have gotten around true public executions by replacing they with "witnesses", which in my opinion violates the intent of "public" executions.