Clear Plan for Global Dominance by Islam


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
Location, Location
this is very accurate and scary....

Stage 1 Awakening! 2000-2003
Islam, to dominate by 2020

2000 – 2003 Awakening!

“strike at the head of the serpent and encourage it to behave chaotically”

9/11, embassies, Cole

U.S. drawn back to Muslim lands – closer and easier targets. Removal of Hussein, who would’ve been the greatest asset in fighting Islamic terrorists

Message heard everywhere Stage 1 successful

Stage 2 Opening Eyes! 2003 - 2006

Slaying of Shias, (Hindus, Buddhists) and portrayal of West as anti-Islam, Visa restrictions, etc

War with Israel. Israeli soldier kidnapped to provoke war in Lebanon, Gaza etc. Hamas from Gaza, Hizbullah from Lebanon

Electronic jihad – give answers & ideas to those who have learned enough at their local mosques

Stage 3 Rising and Standing Up
2007 - 2010

Lebanon to break apart, Sunnis, Shias, Druze, Maronites to take sides with or against Syria and each other

Syria to be overtaken by Sunnis, removal of Assad. Russia supplying arms


Stage 4 – Collapse of hated Muslim states 2010 - 2013

Burn Arab oil, weaken Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE. Fuel shortages in West

Use gold rather than dollars. Dollar value to fall


Leaves Israel to fend for itself. Next Yom Kippur war

Stage 5 Declaration of Islamic State 2013 - 2016

West weakened

Sunnis (al-Qaeda enter Iran)


Stage 6 Total Confrontation 2016 - 2020
I can see how that would be a plan the terrorists would use. Makes sense. Plus we're (the West) too stupid to understand it happening right before our eyes, so I guess hats off to the Islamo-Facists for coming up with a scheme to keep us all off our toes.
this information is something that isn't being headlined in the media, I guess to quell panic, but it's necessary that American's know what is going on so we can prepare. an educated public is important to our survival.

those steps are clearly happening before our eyes. many people think that 911 was the "big" attack, and it was just the "awakening" and the "big" attack is yet to come.
Yes well done bewitched!

You are our saviour, filling in the gaps for us that the media wont tell us because of this huge Islamic conspiracy! Without you where would we be! Now I know the truth I will be saved from certain impending cataclysmic doom and destruction! All hail.
Yes well done bewitched!

You are our saviour, filling in the gaps for us that the media wont tell us because of this huge Islamic conspiracy! Without you where would we be! Now I know the truth I will be saved from certain impending cataclysmic doom and destruction! All hail.

it's just the plan.
of course there will be brave souls that try to stop the destruction and domination by Islam.
guess we'll have to see how the rest plays out.
are you prepared?
it's just the plan.
of course there will be brave souls that try to stop the destruction and domination by Islam.
guess we'll have to see how the rest plays out.
are you prepared?

You bet.

I bought out Walmarts entire stock of bottle water and 7-11's entire stock of Cheetos - all stashed in my basement-converted-to-rathole.
yawn.....thats a great plan as long as you dont think about it for more then 2 sec, and noticed that they did not in fact do half the stuff in it, they are events that happened outside Muslim control.

also that there was some real Muslim leaders who could actuly set up something of that nature....

Boobs I though you would be smart enough to see threw that crap....:P
yawn.....thats a great plan as long as you dont think about it for more then 2 sec, and noticed that they did not in fact do half the stuff in it, they are events that happened outside Muslim control.

also that there was some real Muslim leaders who could actuly set up something of that nature....

Boobs I though you would be smart enough to see threw that crap....:P
muslim names of leadership.
location: Washington DC
see their plans
think these guys aren't serious?
while you eat your cheetos these guys are planning for war. here!
If there is a new Islam state ever founded that is aggressive to the west maybe that would force us to pull our heads out of our ______ and the great sleeping giant might reawaken revitalize the western world.

But the truth is they are quietly taking over europe as it is so /shrug who knows how things will go in the next few years.
This is about as rational as imagining that Luxemburg will take over Russia.

how do you figure?
1.6 billion muslims, signs all over the world, 57 OIC countries, threats to wipe out Israel, this 7 phase plan found on AQ documents, the Quran, unpluralism... not the same as Luxemburg which is a small neutral country without a military.
If there is a new Islam state ever founded that is aggressive to the west maybe that would force us to pull our heads out of our ______ and the great sleeping giant might reawaken revitalize the western world.

But the truth is they are quietly taking over europe as it is so /shrug who knows how things will go in the next few years.

those who are in disbelief will be the first ones to be gone. the innocent casualties.
"how do you figure?
1.6 billion muslims, signs all over the world, 57 OIC countries, threats to wipe out Israel, this 7 phase plan found on AQ documents, the Quran, unpluralism... not the same as Luxemburg which is a small neutral country without a military."

ooh I'm shaking in my boots.

Almost no nuclear weapons (just Pakistan I believe). Limited convention force. Governments more interested in oppressing their people than conquering other countries. Little to no history of global conquest. Only nominal amounts of violence against others, certainly less than par for the course when contrasted with violence done to those residing in Islamic countries.
how do you figure?

It's called common sense, try it some time.

1.6 billion muslims,

The great majority of whom have never done violence for political goals. There's around seven million of them in the United States - if all of them, or most of them, or even a bare majority of them, decided to screw with us, we'd be in truly deep ****. Yet...that's not happening, is it?

signs all over the world,

Ah, the conspiracy theorist's justification. "Look at all the signs!"

57 OIC countries,

Versus how many non-Islamic countries? As Meistro already pointed out, those 57 (and I wouldn't mind seeing a list to back up the 57 number - I don't necessarily doubt it, but you've never corroborated it) have a limited fighting capacity. Between China's ridiculously huge standing army, Russia's ridiculously huge tank corps, and the ridiculously huge ocean an invading Muslim force would have to cross to get to America, I'd say that the opposition to a unified Muslim global domination force (such a thing as cannot exist anyway) would be strong enough to put it down.

threats to wipe out Israel,

As Egypt has demonstrated, it is possible for even the most virulent anti-Israel states to come to terms with Israel's existence. Not easily, no; before you start rolling out the articles I know that Sadat was assassinated for it. However, despite that, Egyptians have lived peacefully with the Camp David Accords for around three decades.

this 7 phase plan found on AQ documents,

Did it ever occur to you that AQ is all about scaring the piss out of the West? Seems it's worked on you. Not only do you fail to question the authenticity of such a document, you fail to consider how viable a plan it is. Well done.

the Quran, a religious text and therefore necessarily interpretative. As human beings, everything we read we interpret. Baseline fact. How that interpretation comes out is a matter of personality and character and dispostion.


...isn't a word. Well done. Again.

I've got a question for you, bewitched:

What do you want us to do about all this?