Conservatives - re MSNBC


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Have you noticed how wildly biased MSNBC is? The place seems like an SNL parody of a news channel. It makes old liberal media bastions like CBS News look like a model of intelligence and neutrality.
Yes, MSNBC does seem biased lately. Sometimes, they tend to get into a "gossip type" frenzy which I find highly unprofessional. But, of course, there is nothing "biased" about me. :D
Have you noticed how wildly biased MSNBC is? The place seems like an SNL parody of a news channel. It makes old liberal media bastions like CBS News look like a model of intelligence and neutrality.

MSNBC, particularly Olbermann are a perfect counter to the right wing propaganda Faux News puts out. At least MSNBC caters to adults, unlike the Murdoch outlet which tells it's childish viewers what to think.
I hate how they always have Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Scarborough one all the time. Damn Liberals, and we all know that hardball is just clearly a Left wing attack job ( Yes Chris is a Dem, but I don't think his show is very fair to both sides.). and God Abrams is just such a lefty ....
I hate how they always have Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Scarborough one all the time. Damn Liberals, and we all know that hardball is just clearly a Left wing attack job ( Yes Chris is a Dem, but I don't think his show is very fair to both sides.). and God Abrams is just such a lefty ....

I should have been posting my favorites here, instead of the other thread.

I do not like the Abrams guy much at all. I think its just a personality thing. I do not like Olbermann eitther. But I like Chris Matthews and I think most everyone else on that channel. I think Mathews is really fair.
I should have been posting my favorites here, instead of the other thread.

I do not like the Abrams guy much at all. I think its just a personality thing. I do not like Olbermann eitther. But I like Chris Matthews and I think most everyone else on that channel. I think Mathews is really fair.

I like Olbermann, he is the only one who really takes it to Bush like he should for his horrible leadership, lies, and being such a fake.
And for all his Bush bashing, Fox bashing and all that...Oddly its rare I see anyone able to say he is wrong...only say he is Bias or liberal or something...but never fight the facts.
Olbermann's show is basically a clown act. :) Pat Buchanan is there because he's one of the last of the old rightwing anti-semites, and Tucker Carlson should know better than joining this clown troupe - but maybe they are paying him a lot of money, so it's OK.
just what I expected, point out the number or Right Wingers on MSNBC, and all you get is Bashing of them. Maybe just mad because they are not Bush humping Neo Cons?

To someone with your mentality - everyone right of the Parallel Universe Appeaser fringe is a "rightwinger". :D
"Countdown" is quite obviously a left-leaning show, and Olberman makes no bones about it. To me, it's the perfect antidote to the RW tripe on FOX like O'Liely. In fact, I like the way Keith gets under Bill's skin...It's quite entertaining, actually...

The rest of the network is pretty evenly divided between left, right, and center. Scarborough, Carlson, and Buchanan are on the right.Matthews is middle-of-the-road. It's funny how the Right Wing Fox watchers and Limbaugh listeners are usually the ones who whine the loudest about a little REAL "balance" in the media..
"Countdown" is quite obviously a left-leaning show, and Olberman makes no bones about it. To me, it's the perfect antidote to the RW tripe on FOX like O'Liely. In fact, I like the way Keith gets under Bill's skin...It's quite entertaining, actually...

The rest of the network is pretty evenly divided between left, right, and center.

Yeah, sure. :D

Scarborough, Carlson, and Buchanan are on the right.

Carlson makes a joke of everything. Buchanan is a feeb.

Matthews is middle-of-the-road.

AHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! :D :) :o Obama, the most leftwing candidate for president since FDR, has no bigger cheerleader in the lib media, and he has many cheerleaders in the lib media.
Yeah, sure.

Carlson makes a joke of everything. Buchanan is a feeb.

AHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Obama, the most leftwing candidate for president since FDR, has no bigger cheerleader in the lib media, and he has many cheerleaders in the lib media.

And that's what YOU call a "rebuttal", eh? "Yeah,sure," and "HAHAHAHAHA."

I give up, you're WAY too clever for me....:D

And of course, FOX is actually "fair and balanced."

And my name is actually Frank Sinatra..
MSNBC, particularly Olbermann are a perfect counter to the right wing propaganda Faux News puts out. At least MSNBC caters to adults, unlike the Murdoch outlet which tells it's childish viewers what to think.

Really Olbermann is the only real neo-con hunter. :)

The rest of MSNBC has some balance while still overall leaning slightly left.

There's also another fact that needs to be recognized... The media likes to look into the incumbents whoever they are.

I remember before MSNBC took off conservatives used to call CNN the
Clinton News Network... but no one can deny they were all over the Monica story.

Popeye the truth is you've really gotten to the main issue. If there wasn't an MSNBC to counter point FIXED NEWS which is a thinly veiled political action committee for the Republican Party people wouldn't really know the whole story.

sidebar: Watching Hardball as I post and just switched over from CNN. All the stations all day are ALL OVER these Scott McClellan inside revelations of the crooked Bush administration. I'm serious this story is really making hay!