Conservative "MSNBC" needed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
For many years, in the age of the big three broadcast networks, it was all liberalism all the time. When CNN arrived, nothing changed. Finally, when Fox News came into the picture, there was a single conservative light in the lib darkness. That Fox was vastly outweighed by the still vast liberal media establishment didn't seem to matter too much - at last one get both sides of the story, or even the story itself, for news items that would have been just blacked out in the lib media monopoly days.

But the libs have gone one better - MSNBC. There has never been anything like it, at least outside of communist countries: it's a full-tilt, pure propaganda attack machine. Some will say all conservatives need to do is respond with the truth, and all will be well. But it won't, because there are too many idiots-with-a-vote. It's too bad that it has come to this, but "journalistic integrity" became an oxymoron decades ago. Just as conservatives finally fought back against the liberal tilted news, so now they have to, regretfully, join the propaganda war. MSNBC - geez - I never in my dreams thought something would arise to make even CBS look good, by comparison. :rolleyes:
Pat Buchanan
Chris Tucker
Joe Scarborough

Chris Matthews
Keith Olbermann
That chick form Air America that sits in for Keith, I cant recall her name

Abrams...I dont know one way or the other, if I guessed Dem

And that chick that just reads entertainment and updates but no one realy cares.

Those are the people I see on there most of the time, seems Fairly balanced to me
Libsmasher is worried that people will remember this:

Several sources have confirmed the temporary outplacement of U.S. Army psyops personnel started two or three years ago, and they have been integrated into "various sectors of society." The assignment durations have been short-term up to one full year, depending on the mission. When asked, "What were the missions?" responses to WND varied from "No comment.", "... need to know," to smiles, and, in one case, an obscene recommendation...

..The symbiotic, intimate relationship between CNN and army psyops specialists has raised many eyebrows, with critics saying it raises doubts about CNN's journalistic integrity and independence..

I can guarantee you they're performing domestic "Election 2008" ops there right as I sit writing this. The problem with Libsmasher's hopeful portrayal of BigMedia as "liberal" is that liberals don't routinely bed down with army PSYOPS goons working a GOP agenda.

Nice try though. We know the truth. We know about how wolves will don sheeps' clothing to infiltrate the herd. We weren't born yesterday.
Libsmasher is worried that people will remember this:

I can guarantee you they're performing domestic "Election 2008" ops there right as I sit writing this. The problem with Libsmasher's hopeful portrayal of BigMedia as "liberal" is that liberals don't routinely bed down with army PSYOPS goons working a GOP agenda.

Nice try though. We know the truth. We know about how wolves will don sheeps' clothing to infiltrate the herd. We weren't born yesterday.

I can guarantee you they're performing domestic "Election 2008" ops there right as I sit writing this. The problem with Libsmasher's hopeful portrayal of BigMedia as "liberal" is that liberals don't routinely bed down with army PSYOPS goons working a GOP agenda.

Nice try though. We know the truth. We know about how wolves will don sheeps' clothing to infiltrate the herd. We weren't born yesterday.

10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
1. Arrogance.
2. Relentlessness.
4. Fondness for certain stock phrases.
6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad.
7. Inability to withdraw.
8. Leaping to conclusions.

I have only listed six of the ten but they are the most relevent for this particular discussion and while I'm going to focus on number 6 specifically, you will see all six characteristics are represented.

Sillywet quoted this section of the article to buttress her argument:

Several sources have confirmed the temporary outplacement of U.S. Army psyops personnel started two or three years ago, and they have been integrated into "various sectors of society." The assignment durations have been short-term up to one full year, depending on the mission. When asked, "What were the missions?" responses to WND varied from "No comment.", "... need to know," to smiles, and, in one case, an obscene recommendation...

..The symbiotic, intimate relationship between CNN and army psyops specialists has raised many eyebrows, with critics saying it raises doubts about CNN's journalistic integrity and independence..

Temporary as in, not permanent. It also says this began 2 or 3 years ago, well Sillywet is not mentioning one crucial fact about that article, when the article was originally posted;
These psyops people were working with CNN during the CLINTON administration and the practice had ended by the time BUSH was in office, thanks in large part to the public scrutiny WND put on CNN with this article.

So the next time you see Sillywet posting about the GOP PSYOPS, remember that her vote counts just as much as yours.
Libsmasher is worried that people will remember this:

I can guarantee you they're performing domestic "Election 2008" ops there right as I sit writing this. The problem with Libsmasher's hopeful portrayal of BigMedia as "liberal" is that liberals don't routinely bed down with army PSYOPS goons working a GOP agenda.

Nice try though. We know the truth. We know about how wolves will don sheeps' clothing to infiltrate the herd. We weren't born yesterday.

God you're a *****. Did you not know ANYTHING about ANYTHING?

Psyops was training with CNN so that they could LEARN how it works, since they're tasked with doing the same thing OVERSEAS, and wanted to improve the outcome of their efforts, especially since Psyops is responsible for CIVIL AFFAIRS, including getting radio and television stations up and running.

Oh, and one thing, it's not "Airmobile Fourth Psychological Operations Group", it's "Fourth Psychological Operations Group (Airborne)", which is a subordinate unit of the USASOC (United States Army Special Operations Command). You'd think if someone was going to write a story about something, especially when it's allegedly as "earth shattering" as this, that they'd bother to get the name of the unit right, but what do you expect from the tin-foil hat Brigade of the Kool-Aid swilling CT army?
Temporary eh? Yeah, I'm sure PSYOPS pulled out and have no intentions whatsoever of influencing american politics from within the information center. They would never EVER do anything like that..

What was I thinking? Thank goodness I have you guys to keep me grounded in reality..:rolleyes: