Creating a black president


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Experienced? Who cares. Smart? Whatever. Competent? Yawnnnn.

For at least 20 years, the lib establishment, particularly the lib media, has been desperate for a black president. In the same mode of thinking that is behind "affirmative action", it didn't matter WHO he was, or WHAT his qualifications, or more likely lack of qualifications were, just that he was black. I've discussed before at this site what motivates these people: I'm guessing it's mostly an irrational sort of psychological masochism - an attempt to expiate their sins for the black slaves that they've never had. I leave it to experts in abnormal psychology to explain further.

The first Great Black Hope was Jesse Jackson - back in the 1980s the libs were, almost unbelievably, starting to talk about him for president. Can you believe it? A person who was a busboy who spit on food before it was served to white people. A ***** who's chief intellectual achievement was policy statements in the form of couplet rhymes. He was given a prime time slot to make a speech just like obama at the democrat convention (1984 or 88), but meantime was overheard referring to new your city as "Hymietown". Having insulted one of the key constituencies of the democrat party, his speech became mostly an apology to jews, and his political career faded. Since then, he has focussed on doing racial protection racket shakedowns of corporations.

The next black-president in waiting was Colin Powell, appointed security adviser by Reagan in the late 80s. This was an "affirmative action" appointment to get at least one prominent black on reagan's staff - Powell had a poor record in the military. Reagan wasn't above making such appointments, as shown by his appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor to the USSC. Libs of course were ecstatic about this, and once more the lib media began the chatter about "the first black president". Powell, however, ended his career after that last dose of "AA".

The third Great Black Hope was Harold Ford - he was a congressman, and around 2000 he began getting the little orgasmic tremors from the lib media: he was young, he was black, he could conjugate the "to be" verb and pronounce "th" - what more could you want? In 2002, he challenged Pelosi for the job as speaker of the house - he lost, but now he was definitely on the lib media's radar. I remember that Time magazine had him on the cover with the usual "Is this a future president?" heading. In fact, the Dems started considering him as VP candidate for 2004, but it was discovered he would be constitutionally too young by a few months. He ran for for the senate in 2006, with a giant obamaesque stadium rally in nashville, but lost the election.

FINALLY, the libs hit the jackpot with Obama. Fourth one's the charm? Why did THIS most unpromising of candidates work, a person who only four years before was representative of a ghetto district in the illinois state house, when the first three were all more experienced than him? The reason is a perfect storm of coinciding factors:

- The banking crisis, the result of policies established by previous democrat presidents and congresses and regulators, came to a head.

- The changing demography of the US. Because of the immigration "reform" passsed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965, the US has had 40 years of immigration from mostly third world countries - people from statist societies who believe the government is the solver of all problems. Also there's the reagan amnesty of two million illegals in 1985, whose children are now of voting age, and almost all of whom are non-assimilated, who have every reason to keep the illegal alien invasion going, and who know which party it is that will support that.

- The iraq war. After five years of the most incessant brainwashing campaign in human history by the lib media and leftwing blogs, most americans have been convinced to abandon that country.

- The consequences of globalization. Now that the US is no longer the only customer for oil - the price necessarily would go up. The third world has an increasingly well-trained workforce - the export of all kinds of jobs, from services, to software, to heavy industry was inevitable. Not willing to even minimally think this through, the legions of idiots-with-a-vote blame the party in power.
Experienced? Who cares. Smart? Whatever. Competent? Yawnnnn.
Ah, yes.....the mindset that gave us The Idiot Son. :rolleyes:

If Obama screws up, did it ever occur to those who are "proud of their country for the first time" that this will become about nothing but race? He will be scrutinized like no other. The democrats have set the blacks up for a fall, and they don't even see it. The thought police better get busy.
If Obama screws up, did it ever occur to those who are "proud of their country for the first time" that this will become about nothing but race? He will be scrutinized like no other.
Absolutely.....which is why he'll have to work twice-as-hard as any past (White) President. Fortunately, he qualified....which is what's driving Republicans crazy.

This is the same (exact) scenerio Bill Clinton had to deal-with: Republicans assumed Bill Clinton would fall flat-on-his-face (with his risky economic-plans), and the Republicans would simply waltz-back-in (to The Oval Office), 4 years later!

DIDN'T HAPPEN!! (.....and, "conservatives" still insist it was all-about-Monica. :rolleyes: )

2008 will be the Deja Vu election.....and, "conservatives" KNOW it!!! :D
The next black-president in waiting was Colin Powell, appointed security adviser by Reagan in the late 80s. This was an "affirmative action" appointment to get at least one prominent black on reagan's staff - Powell had a poor record in the military. Reagan wasn't above making such appointments, as shown by his appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor to the USSC. Libs of course were ecstatic about this, and once more the lib media began the chatter about "the first black president". Powell, however, ended his career after that last dose of "AA".

I agree with you on one thing: Jesse Jackson. That guy is a nightmare. But how can you say Colin Powell's military career is "poor" when he is a General? Personally, I do believe he lost some respect with people when he accepted the Bush administration lies and gave his "infamous" speech to the US about the imminent danger of Iraq. His integrity to me was damaged because he should have resigned earlier and not been a pawn of this administration. Otherwise, I have a lot of respect for him.
The next black-president in waiting was Colin Powell, appointed security adviser by Reagan in the late 80s. This was an "affirmative action" appointment to get at least one prominent black on reagan's staff - Powell had a poor record in the military. Reagan wasn't above making such appointments, as shown by his appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor to the USSC. Libs of course were ecstatic about this, and once more the lib media began the chatter about "the first black president". Powell, however, ended his career after that last dose of "AA".

I agree with you on one thing: Jesse Jackson. That guy is a nightmare. But how can you say Colin Powell's military career is "poor" when he is a General? Personally, I do believe he lost some respect with people when he accepted the Bush administration lies and gave his "infamous" speech to the US about the imminent danger of Iraq. His integrity to me was damaged because he should have resigned earlier and not been a pawn of this administration. Otherwise, I have a lot of respect for him.

Read my posts in this thread:

Obama got a poor leadership evaluation from his commander. He was involved in a whitewash of the My Lai massacre during the vietnam war. He took supposed eveidence of WMDs to the UN w/o checking its validity first. He got promoted endlessly, in spite of his poor record, because military "affirmative action" was a big thing when he was coming up. Do you get sucked in by media hype about a person, just because the libs who run it say a person's great? Instead of that, research and find the truth before you get sucked in like the rest of the common herd.
This thread is a triumph of dogma over common sense.

Colin Powell is not a liberal.

He is an apologist for war crimes and an instigator of them

He went to the United Nations and lied through his back teeth for his boss.

When Powell says that Palin is a liability, then she must be really bad.

Powell is like OBL - a right-wing media creation. You invented, fed, armed and let him loose on the world.

He is all yours.

Comrade Stalin the Palin Nemesis