Rush comments on black president


New Member
Apr 28, 2008
Hi, to the community. I think that it was good of Rush Limbaugh to express his views on a Black President and to prove that he is not a racist has promoted Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as strong candidates for presidential status. I think that it was fair on the part of Rush to say about is comments on a black president. I think that we should thank him….shouldn’t we?
Hi, to the community. I think that it was good of Rush Limbaugh to express his views on a Black President ........
...Ah c'mon not really Black is he - more of an acceptable tan!!!

"ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?" Revelation came.
"You mean--like plain or milk chocolate?"
Her assent was clinical, crushing in its light
Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,
I chose. "West African sepia"--and as afterthought,

extract from
Telephone Conversation
by Wole Soyinka

Great Poem by the way.....linky thingy here if you want to read it!
Hi, to the community. I think that it was good of Rush Limbaugh to express his views on a Black President and to prove that he is not a racist has promoted Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as strong candidates for presidential status. I think that it was fair on the part of Rush to say about is comments on a black president. I think that we should thank him….shouldn’t we?

You mean well, but there is an element of Pee See fascism in what you said - the PC race theology has gone so far in this country that people must prove they aren't racists?? It reminds me of the medieval Inquisition when people had to prove they were pious God-fearing Christians, or they'd be burned at the stake.
You mean a bit like that malarchy back in March (was it?) where the Florida Legislature appologised for ther Slave trade!!??

Yeah. By the way, I'm part english and part scots descent, so I apologize to you for all the hell brought against the scots by the english. I also apologize to myself, being part scots.
Obama? Al Gore? Ted Kennedy? In fact the entire government could be under that heading.

Except that those elected officials are much more accountable for thier words and actions. Rush is an illegal immigrant employer and a drug addict. I have nothing but contempt for the man. But let me guess Andy and Libsmasher, you guys listen in regularly?
Except that those elected officials are much more accountable for thier words and actions. Rush is an illegal immigrant employer and a drug addict. I have nothing but contempt for the man. But let me guess Andy and Libsmasher, you guys listen in regularly?

Yaaaaa - he's addicted to pain killers because of two botched operations - terrible, terrible.......

And the illegal "immigrant" stuff is fiction.
Yaaaaa - he's addicted to pain killers because of two botched operations - terrible, terrible.......

And the illegal "immigrant" stuff is fiction.

Gotta tell ya, I have had two operations, no pain killers outside the hospital for me. But then again, I dont go around saying that drug users need to be in prison as he did.
Are you a regular listener?
Except that those elected officials are much more accountable for thier words and actions. Rush is an illegal immigrant employer and a drug addict. I have nothing but contempt for the man. But let me guess Andy and Libsmasher, you guys listen in regularly?

I totally agree. And the point was brought up that everyone fears to mention. I am tired of them saying he is an first Afro American Candidate.
He wants truth, then give it as he told it he had a black father and a white mother. Why is he not running as a white candidate??????????????:confused:
Gotta tell ya, I have had two operations, no pain killers outside the hospital for me. But then again, I dont go around saying that drug users need to be in prison as he did.
Are you a regular listener?

Heroin addicts, people who take pain killers for surgery - all the same thing, anyone can see that. :D
I totally agree. And the point was brought up that everyone fears to mention. I am tired of them saying he is an first Afro American Candidate.
He wants truth, then give it as he told it he had a black father and a white mother. Why is he not running as a white candidate??????????????:confused: about Obama's OWN characterization of himself as black? Good enough for you?