Rush comments on black president


New Member
Apr 8, 2008
Hi, to the community. I think that it was good of Rush Limbaugh to express his views on a Black President and to prove that he is not a racist has promoted Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as strong candidates for presidential status. I think that it was fair on the part of Rush to say about is comments on a black president. I think that we should thank him….shouldn’t we?
Hi, to the community. I think that it was good of Rush Limbaugh to express his views on a Black President and to prove that he is not a racist has promoted Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as strong candidates for presidential status. I think that it was fair on the part of Rush to say about is comments on a black president. I think that we should thank him….shouldn’t we?

No, we should still see him for what he is, a idiot who has no clue what he is talking about and a hack. ( I hope he OD's on perscription drugs)
I wouldn’t be arguing with Rush about the black president issue and neither with Mr. Clinton on this one. I don’t think that we should thank Rush for anything but as you said about this news I believe you can also express your views in news related discussions that will get comments on your views.
What, exactly did El Rushbo say about a black president? I must have missed that particular ran... I mean well balanced news program.

I've tried to find his words online before, without success. Quoting him is difficult, probalby because he doesn't want his contradictions and outright laughable statements to be held up to the light of reason.
Didn't he recently say something about "a woman and a black" running for the dem side and then started laughing hysterically? Anyway I have never given much credence to what this idiot thought about anything.