Creativity and freedom


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Creativity and freedom

We are all born with a will to self-determination, a will to freedom. We all struggle to be independent; we all struggle with the internal and external forces that would constrict our urge to self-determination. This struggle for independence determines what type of person we become.

The adaptive type learn to ‘will’ that which is forcing the individual to follow orders. They manage to will themselves to follow authority as best they can. They become good soldiers. This is the passive individual who easily adapts to outside and inside forces; this is Joe and Jane average.

The neurotic type has a stronger will than does the adaptive type. Will is the word that Rank uses instead of the ego that Freud uses. The will acts as kind of a gyroscope and gatekeeper for the individual. It is the will that tells us to stop, and take time out while we decide what to do rather than reflexively responding to whatever the environment demands. The neurotic type has a will that struggles against both external and internal forces. They worry and fret about being too willful; society also chastises them for this powerful will.

The productive type tends to be the creative individual. These individuals tend to become satisfied with them self, they can create an ideal that acts as their North Star. Such individuals create themselves in tune with their internal logic and turn to creating change in the world they encounter.

Otto Rank, a Freud protégé, wrote extensively about creativity. Creativity consisted of joining the material with the spiritual and the individual with the universal

If we compare these types with Maslow hierarchy of needs we can see the relationship.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
1) Biological and Physiological (water, food, shelter, air, sex, etc.)
2) Safety (security, law and order, stability, etc.)
3) Belonging and love (family, affection, community, etc.)
4) Esteem (self-esteem, independence, prestige, achievement, etc.)
5) Self-Actualization (self-fulfillment, personal growth, realizing personal potential, etc.)

This hierarchy made us conscious of the obvious fact that we did not fret about the absence of self-esteem if we did not already have security nor did we worry about security if we did not have water to drink or air to breath.

I would conclude that Maslow’s levels of 1 thru 3 speak to the adaptive type while level 4 applies to the neurotic types with level 5, the level of self-actualization refers to the productive type.

The pinnacle of needs Maslow labeled S-A (Self-Actualization). In “The Farther Reaches of Human Nature” 1971, Maslow speaks of these needs and he apparently (as far as I know) introduced this new concept S-A as in “mid-stream rather than ready for formulation into a final version”.

Maslow said “The people I selected for my investigation were older people…When you select out for careful study very fine and healthy people…you are asking how tall can people grow, what can a human being become?”
This is why the American, and indeed the whole western world, has been hyponitised by big business - advertisers love this theory as it enables them to appeal to the baser levels of human emmotions - see this new car, it is sexy and safe, provides shelter and security - for all the urges we have to break away from the whole, we are still called back by the sirens of the mass media.

Until we can learn to be an islands in the sea of mediocrity, we will all remain part of the flock - only ever seeking to belong, and be loved. Self actualization and esteem will only ever be illusive mirages which are spoon fed by those who are truly in control.

This is why the American, and indeed the whole western world, has been ... by big business - advertisers love this theory as it enables them to appeal to the baser levels of human emmotions - see this new car, it is sexy and safe, provides shelter and security - for all the urges we have to break away from the whole, we are still called back by the sirens of the mass media.

At best, I think that's only partly true. I've taken marketing classes and was the marketer for a business I co-owned. I only think that's classroom crap and real marketers don't think the slightest about it.

Until we can learn to be an islands in the sea of mediocrity, we will all remain part of the flock - only ever seeking to belong, and be loved. Self actualization and esteem will only ever be illusive mirages which are spoon fed by those who are truly in control.

You think Self-actualization and Self-esteem are obtained through the good graces of people above you? What are you some sort of communist? No, self esteem mostly comes through agreeable self action that gives you self-worth. When you do things you're proud of, you believe yourself to be competent and valuable. Self Actualization is the process I'm going through right now in my life. I'm finding out who I am and what I'm willing to fight for. It has nothing to do with any ***** above me in any way. I've realized even after going through secular school and secular college, I really am a true Christian and I don't buy perverted liberalism. I also discovered what kind of woman I most likely will marry. That's what they're talking about. Stop listening to whoever is standing behind you breathing down your neck because I think they need a check-up from the neck-up.

I do believe in the Maslow pyramid which is one of a million reasons why I don't buy liberalism because it goes against natural order and human nature. It's destructive and controlling. People just don't realize it for obvious or already discussed reasons.
This is why the American, and indeed the whole western world, has been hyponitised by big business - advertisers love this theory as it enables them to appeal to the baser levels of human emmotions - see this new car, it is sexy and safe, provides shelter and security - for all the urges we have to break away from the whole, we are still called back by the sirens of the mass media.

Until we can learn to be an islands in the sea of mediocrity, we will all remain part of the flock - only ever seeking to belong, and be loved. Self actualization and esteem will only ever be illusive mirages which are spoon fed by those who are truly in control.

I think you misunderstand the nature of self-actualization and of self-learning.