Differance Between British house of comons and the US Senate


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
The differance in the British house of commons you can speak directly at the prime minister about politics but in the US Senate you cannot speak directly at the president on politics.

Can you picture Ted Kennedy going at it like that on George Bush? Man there would be a fight in the senate.
Can you picture Ted Kennedy going at it like that on George Bush? Man there would be a fight in the senate.

That's why they have rules of parliamentary order. They're written to remove all semblance of personal emotion from political discussion, the idea being that that is not conducive to good policy.
The British House of Commons is the lower house so, more similar to the House of Representatives than the Senate. The British Prime Minister is a voting member of the House of Commons, and usually the head of the majority party. Whereas the American system is a fair bit different. Even though the Vice President is the President of the US Senate they only make the tie breaking vote and dont control the agenda or debate on the floor. The President is voted directly to office by the people(or at least the electoral college) and doesnt have to answer questions of the legislative branch by law and design. If that were the case the US government would become slower in its process than it already is.