THE ACLU,,NAACP And the DNC Doesnt care about america


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Now the liberals dont give two ****s about national security.All they care about is women and minorites.Just like the Democrats dont care about illegal aliens comming into america and they dont wanna even deport them back to mexico. They want Amesty for the mexicans living in america.They wanna give Latinos Social Secuity,Welfare and Food Stamp benifits to Millions of Latinos living in america AND THEY DONT PAY TAXES.Plus they give Education to children who are latinos AND WERE PAYING FOR THEM!! Plus They dont give a **** about protecting us from Al Queda or from any Terrorist organizations who wanna attack us. All those liberals want is us to do it by the consitution. Like Remember this AD?
And Liberals are Hypocrates. Remember 1964 when LBJ launched a war against the Vietnam and NOT ONE LIBERAL FROM CONGRESS OR SENATE LASHED OUT AGAINST LBJ!!! This Video Proves Both LBJ & Bush were on the same page watch.

Now what was that Mr Kennedy? Huh?? I didnt hear ya?? Right! Figures!

See Democrats dont care about you all they serve is for women and Minorites.Just like they stand for Amesty, Newt gingrich has this one right on target!
See the Democratic party is a friggin JOKE!! And theyre making a mockery out of america. So if we all use our heads and comon sence at the ballot box and we might turn america around by Voting out the Democrats replacing them with the Republican Party and the green party we might just make america strong again.
Now the liberals dont give two ****s about national security.All they care about is women and minorites.Just like the Democrats dont care about illegal aliens comming into america and they dont wanna even deport them back to mexico. They want Amesty for the mexicans living in america.

The liberal Bush administration wants the same thing.

The "conservative" Republicans had the house, senate, and whitehouse for six years, and did squat about illegal immigration.

You need to add the Republican party to your list of liberals who don't care about America.

They wanna give Latinos Social Secuity,Welfare and Food Stamp benifits to Millions of Latinos living in america AND THEY DONT PAY TAXES.

Liberals don't pay taxes?:confused:

Plus they give Education to children who are latinos AND WERE PAYING FOR THEM!! Plus They dont give a **** about protecting us from Al Queda or from any Terrorist organizations who wanna attack us. All those liberals want is us to do it by the consitution. [/QUOTE]

Not only were paying for them, but we still are. Illegal immigration is a bi partisan problem, BTW.

Like Remember this AD?

And Liberals are Hypocrates. Remember 1964 when LBJ launched a war against the Vietnam and NOT ONE LIBERAL FROM CONGRESS OR SENATE LASHED OUT AGAINST LBJ!!! This Video Proves Both LBJ & Bush were on the same page watch.

I can tell you without even watching the video that LBJ and Bush are a lot alike.

Now what was that Mr Kennedy? Huh?? I didnt hear ya?? Right! Figures!

See Democrats dont care about you all they serve is for women and Minorites.Just like they stand for Amesty, Newt gingrich has this one right on target!
See the Democratic party is a friggin JOKE!! And theyre making a mockery out of america. So if we all use our heads and comon sence at the ballot box and we might turn america around by Voting out the Democrats replacing them with the Republican Party and the green party we might just make america strong again.

And you think that the Republican party would be different?

How about voting out the rascals, and replacing them with some real conservatives who will actually balance the budget without raising taxes, secure the borders, and bring a satisfactory end to the war in Iraq?

Democrats and Republicans have had their chance. Let's try the Libertarians.