Drums of war against Iran!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
After the propaganda "little" message posted by Jewishweek site months ago:

They finally unmask the zionist lobby who push the Admin to another conflict-
Jewish Leaders Caught In Iran Bind
Even as they fight revived charges that Israel and the pro-Israel community are beating the drums for war with Iran, Jewish leaders here are quietly trying to protect President George W. Bush’s ability to use military force to knock out that country’s nuclear weapons program if diplomatic efforts fail.

But they are running headlong into a national mood of skepticism and distrust about American foreign policy in general — and a surge of opposition to any new U.S. military involvements in particular.

Talking even indirectly about the war option is risky because “there is virtually no public support for an attack on Iran,” said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato.

And a leading Jewish military analyst warned that Jewish leaders are playing with fire by talking about the military option without understanding its difficulties or dangers.

“Flirting with the military option without understanding its meaning is very dangerous,” said Shoshana Bryen, special projects director for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). “I don’t think Jewish leaders are pushing the administration to war, but by not understanding the consequences, they are not making themselves look good; they open themselves up to a lot of criticism by being glib about going to war.”

Bryen, whose group has strong ties to U.S. and Israeli military leaders, said there are no simple, clean military options for dealing with the Iranian threat, and that almost any U.S. attack would prompt massive retaliation against Israel.

Jewish leaders “say they don’t want to remove the military option, but when asked how we should exercise it, the answer is usually ‘uhhhh,’” she said. “That really weakens their case.”

Bryen said she agrees with most Jewish leaders that “the military option should never be taken off the table. But I would be very careful about how I throw it around out in public.”

The dilemma for Jewish leaders is this: While almost none advocates preemptive military action to end the threat of a nuclear Iran, most believe opposition to new military commitments is growing by leaps and bounds — a new version of the classic “Vietnam syndrome.”

And if Iran believes military action is unlikely, “you have no diplomatic leverage,” said Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League. “I don’t think there is a great deal of understanding [among the American public] of the threat Iran poses to the United States and the entire region, including Israel.”

That was the driving force behind the successful effort earlier this year by pro-Israel groups to thwart legislation that would have forced Bush to get congressional backing before unleashing a depleted military on Iran.

“It’s probably a mistake to take military action off the table in any part of the world,” said Martin Raffel, assistant executive director of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). “The administration needs to have the capacity, when necessary, to use military force; if you take that off the table, you’re limiting your range of options.”

Keeping all options open remains a priority for the pro-Israel community, he said, along with ratcheting up diplomatic and economic pressure on the Tehran regime.

Raffel conceded that public frustration over the war in Iraq makes that argument “harder” when it comes to Iran. “The burden of proof is higher because of Iraq, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be met,” he said.

Of course they seem to get some divergence of ideas about the right moment to attack!

But the matter is : who is the Israeli lobby or those "jewish leaders" to decide or discuss private foreign policy of US?!, especially a fatal and dangerous decision like war?!

Anyway Gle W.Clark has right now when he said that "Rich NYorkers push war against Iran..!"

Always with the Jews isnt it. I don't support Israel, but I don't blame them for everything that happens in the world as you seem to do.
I dont remember if it was the Daily Show or Colbert Report last night, but someone from the Israel Lobby was on there. Quite an entertaining interview. Here is the bottom line, I dont agree with Bush, most of his policies are divisive and hairbrained and simply dont work. He has shown time and time again that he cant handle scandal or crisis. I dont think him that dumb to go and bomb Iran. Opening a new front when we are having troubles on all three fronts already is idiotic.
What many of you either fail to see ...or refuse to believe is how influential AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is.
(AIPAC was formerly the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs.)

What you people fail to see is how this group close the loop and literally merge the democratic and republican party!!

Look at how easy it is for democrats to resign on the current Iraq issue.

AIPAC is as influential with people like Pelosi, Hillary, Harry Reid as they are with bush and Carl Rove! So to that end ..its ..democrats ..you pander to your base and act accordingly ...but stay the course! And republicans ...you defelect the democratic rhetoric ..and stay the course!

The jews have merged the parties ...and corner the media to boot!

They have the hammer on every politician in Washington ..and they use it to keep them in line! They do this without punity ..or fear!

I said it before which other country can come to the US and publicly threaten politicians who don't subsribe to their (zionist) agenda?

Now lets say I could prove this ...let say I could tape several conversation between AIPAC and these politicians. If I could expose this fraud this would be a hell of a development wouldn't it?

But after getting the tapes ..where am I gonna go with it?
Whoa ...can't really go to CNN of Fox because ...guess what ...there AIPAC rules!! These outlet would either ignore it ...or see to it that it goes nowhere!

So I would need to go to some lesser media outlet and take my chances...and of course AIPAC will be quick to pull the anti-semetic card!
So to that end ...it would be a long shot!!

But to be effective I would eventually need a CNN or Fox to give it national coverage.

Just take this board for example to see why I would need this type of coverage ...the jews spent decades schooling Americans on how to react towards anybody in America who disagrees with them! Often the jews have to do nothing ... we will ..on our own .....punish dissenters! We have been trained to do this.

You can see how immediately these people are out to villify you ...sonn they'll acuse you of being anti-semitic!

The least aggressive would simply say ..we must support Israel because thats the sub-bliminal I have been receiving all my life.

So I ...you ...anybody would need to be extremely influential to pull this off! Even a Ronald Reagan would struggle to do this ..because he was'nt Ronald Reagan ....the icon ...until he was dead!

The best analogy I could give would be like being a poor black in Missippi ..in the 1950's/1940's ..trying to prove a murder charge against a local white businessman. The judge, the Jury, the Police, .....public sentiments ....the church .....every dam thing would be on his side!!

The jews have every angle covered. And its almost amusing watching many on this baord talk about wmd, Saddam, what Iran did or didn't do ....democrat , republican ..blah-blah-blah! Its amusing watching all of this as the train marches deeper and deeper in the middle east...unstoppable!!

Go ahead ..elect Hillary, elect Romny ... yeah your pro-gun or ant--gay ...LOL ....just try and stop this middle-east march if you can!
....."We must be cautious on stearage mate for the far rocks tha appear again' tha shore are closer than they look"......
What many of you either fail to see ...or refuse to believe is how influential AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is.
(AIPAC was formerly the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs.)

What you people fail to see is how this group close the loop and literally merge the democratic and republican party!!

The jews have merged the parties ...and corner the media to boot!

The jews have every angle covered.

Yes! I see your point. The media, both political parties, in fact the whole country has been taken over by Jews. Oh man, gimme a break.
Yes! I see your point. The media, both political parties, in fact the whole country has been taken over by Jews. Oh man, gimme a break.

Its very easy to ignore AiPAC 1,000's of lobbyist in Washington ...easy to look at joe jew Liberamans push for another war as ...just mere coincidence.

Very easy to do this ...when you have absolutely nothing ...nada...el-zippo at stake!

This my freind ...is why we need a war time draft !!
Its very easy to ignore AiPAC 1,000's of lobbyist in Washington ...easy to look at joe jew Liberamans push for another war as ...just mere coincidence.

I do know one thing, your rants against Jews have become tiresome. Both you, and the starter of this thread, sound like early 1950's Joe McCarthy supporters, you've just inserted the word Jew in place of communist. I don't agree with Joe Lieberman either, but there's a line between informed opinion and being anti-semitic.
Yes, ALL the Jews are in on this. EVERY SINGLE ONE! They all have a secret clubhouse in a tree where they plot evil deeds like chucking children down wells and making sausages out of rats (I believe I saw some nazi propaganda cartoons like that, and Hitler had it all sorted). They are the downfall of the American (and pre-WWII German) economy (or so Hitler said).

Its like saying all whites are neo-nazis, all blacks follow Malcolm X, and all Arabic people are on a jihad against the US. Its totally ridiculous.

Sure, some Jews are probably doing a bit of this, just like some whites kick foreigners heads in, and some Arabs blow people to bits. However, it doesn't mean all of them.

You need a common enemy so you can blame everything on them and make yourself feel safe. Pathetic.
Yes, ALL the Jews are in on this. EVERY SINGLE ONE! They all have a secret clubhouse in a tree where they plot evil deeds like chucking children down wells and making sausages out of rats (I believe I saw some nazi propaganda cartoons like that, and Hitler had it all sorted). They are the downfall of the American (and pre-WWII German) economy (or so Hitler said).

Its like saying all whites are neo-nazis, all blacks follow Malcolm X, and all Arabic people are on a jihad against the US. Its totally ridiculous.

Sure, some Jews are probably doing a bit of this, just like some whites kick foreigners heads in, and some Arabs blow people to bits. However, it doesn't mean all of them.

You need a common enemy so you can blame everything on them and make yourself feel safe. Pathetic.

Your only lending to my argument. First this is how I deflect the notion that I am anti-semetic ...because I very much understand the zionist movement isn't something all jews follow. I have always asked ...what do those claiming I'm anti-semetic call the jews against the zionist movement.

Second ......just because not all jews are involved ...doesn't mean it should be dismissed. The fact is, despite its numbers ..its highly organized, well funded and very effective!!

Just imagine ...Farrakhan and his disciples visiting almost all Washington senators daily ..and actually have them move on his wishes. That would be an outrage ..wouldn't it?

But because you know ...those movement have no teeth ..and are merely symbolic ... your not concerned.

We don't dutifully give $Billions to Farrakhan annually do we?

Again ... you bask in the luxery of knowing however much embroiled we get in middle east ..however much wars we get into ..however many Americans die in the process ... it doesn't affect you!

And to that end .....this is why we need a war time draft!!