blaming biofuels for the fact some people don't have food is just dumb. People did not food 10 years ago or 20 as well....its a combination of Droughts hitting some areas very hard, Basic economics ( aka the nation has no money anyway) the food can't get to the areas, and leaders who squander food and aid on other things. There is plenty of food, its distribution that keeps it from some. Last I checked went to Cub and still shelves full of food. my Food bill for a few weeks food was like 40 bucks ( aka not even one tank of gas) oddly not much more then 10 years ago when I went and got food. My gas at that time was less then a buck at times. There is a lot of tech going into making foods that don't grow in bad areas, work , and getting poor areas foods that actually will grow well for them. Also new types of Bio Fuel , like Switchgrass ( one of those some things are right even if Bush says them things) and other non food item fuels.
I am sure you would be yelling that its liberals who are keeping fuel from the poor if we did not, or something on those lines. I swear your Right wing hacks sound more and more like Cry baby hippies , just so you can attack the left. Odd how things have changed.