Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostility

Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili

Get use to it. He does it ALL the time and he thinks he is so clever.
It might be that White Winger RESPONSE that does it.


Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili

OK, I will temporarily take you off my "do not respond to this box of rocks" list. I guess I missed the memo from the moderators. Were you appointed the official "arbiter of opinions" and the "forum critic" and the "quality control supervisor"?

I even paid you a COMPLIMENT in another thread, but you obviously didn't notice. However, I will give you credit for noticing that I am a "smart" person.

OK, now you are back on "the list". ;)

Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili

Oh, too bad you won't see this message then!

Well, all I wanted to say is: NO, I am not, never was, and never will be an "arbitRer of opinions" and the "forum critic."

However, i have been enjoying a really good level of debate for the last few days.

Am I the only one? I don't think so. And I have paid you a few compliments myself, because I thought you really had come out of your groove and rose up to being an interesting and intelligent (which I never doubted, by the way) poster.

So, you are telling me that only moderators have the right to have an opinion on whether a thread is taking a constructive path or is moving in a destructive, no win direction?

I didn't know. Maybe I'll keep my opinion for myself.

TOO often (in Progressives' efforts to be civil)....Teabaggers have taken kindness (for lack of a better-word), for WEAKNESS.

It's sounding like that ends, NOW!!


Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili

July 14, 2011

"Republican leaders trying to wrangle deep spending cuts from President Barack Obama face an even more implacable negotiating partner: their own rank and file.

As they struggle to reach a budget deal that would allow Congress to extend the nation's borrowing authority beyond an August 2 deadline, Republican leaders in the House of Representatives must keep an eye on a back bench that has shown a marked distaste for any sort of compromise.

Republican leaders use a telling phrase when they reject Democratic proposals: any deal that includes taxes "can't pass the House." Junior lawmakers have not been afraid to let their leaders know where they stand and even undercut them at times.

At times it's not clear who's in charge."


("One day,'s just gonna be me & YOU.")

Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili


("One day,'s just gonna be me & YOU.")


Yes, I must say that I almost feel sorry for Boehner! He is really being screwed by all sides (mostly his own!).

Not smart! I think now is the time for a few tears! ;)
Re: Eric Cantor invites Pelosi to sit with him for SOTU in spirit of reducing hostili

As usual, the leftists counter with cute little simple-minded comments. Ho-hum.