Fascism is not of the Right, it is actually of the Left

Why Fascism at its Core Has Always Been a Phenomenon of the Left​

A brief look at Giovanni Gentile, Mussolini’s mentor, reveals why fascism at its core has always been a phenomenon of the Left.

Again it is over the head of Real news but I could care less what they call themselves when they kill me or put me in a cage.

Individual liberty is what matters.
Left-Wing Fascism and its War Against Conservatives
Lynne Cohen
January 5, 2022

What’s in a name – or a political label? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The standard view that fascism is a phenomenon of the far right has been immensely beneficial to the left, allowing it to conflate virtually any bad political beliefs, tactics or leaders with conservatism. Lynne Cohen, whose own political journey has included stopovers on the left, right and middle before returning to conservatism, has felt the wrath of leftists. This lends a personal dimension to her account of the damage done to conservatism through its linkage to fascism. Cohen mounts a spirited case that fascism doesn’t even belong on the right, but at the opposite end of the political spectrum.
Left-Wing Fascism and its War Against Conservatives
Lynne Cohen
January 5, 2022

What’s in a name – or a political label? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The standard view that fascism is a phenomenon of the far right has been immensely beneficial to the left, allowing it to conflate virtually any bad political beliefs, tactics or leaders with conservatism. Lynne Cohen, whose own political journey has included stopovers on the left, right and middle before returning to conservatism, has felt the wrath of leftists. This lends a personal dimension to her account of the damage done to conservatism through its linkage to fascism. Cohen mounts a spirited case that fascism doesn’t even belong on the right, but at the opposite end of the political spectrum.


Should Fascism Sit on the Right…or Left?

There is a solid conceptual argument backed by a body of evidence that Naziism, fascism and even white supremacy aren’t “right wing” at all, that they are creatures of the left and have been from the beginning. While they weren’t expunged as right-wing extremist symbols with the publication of Jonah Goldberg’s first book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, from Mussolini to the Politics of Change, they should have been. Its release in 2007 opened many eyes and minds to the truth.

While Liberal Fascism wasn’t enough to sway the public debate, prior to the book’s appearance just about every writer and thinker since 1945 assumed fascism and Naziism were manifestations of extremism on the right. It seemed plausible and fair. After all, counterbalancing fascism we had communism, the left’s own form of extremism. One really nasty political outlook was thus placed at the far end of each side, an evident symmetry that rendered Western societies’ political factions essentially even and discouraged further complaint or introspection about one’s assigned shade on the political spectrum. This orthodoxy was strengthened by the Cold War-era tendency of many non-Communist authoritarian regimes, often displaying the trappings of fascism and typically described as right-wing, to align themselves with the West. If fascists were anything but right-wing, why would such regimes make common cause with the capitalist democracies instead of the Soviet Union?

As my own views evolved and crystallized over the years I used to feel intimidated by name-calling leftist friends, who warned me I was morphing into a Nazi. Even my brilliant liberal mother jokingly called me a budding fascist back in the mid-1970s when I stated that Ayn Rand had intriguing ideas.

But there were always cracks in this cognitive armour. In truth, as my Grade 13 economics teacher pounded into the heads of his 1976 class, communism and fascism are at root virtually identical – however much they might differ in appearance, rhetoric, tactics or other superficial elements. As far back as 1951 Hannah Arendt, the German-born political philosopher who was once arrested by the Gestapo for studying anti-Semitism, and who later became world-famous for her analysis of the Nazi mind, made observations in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism that were similar to my smart high school teacher’s.

Goldberg’s thesis is plainly and intelligently argued in his almost 500-page book: “[F]ascism, properly understood, is not a phenomenon of the right at all. Instead, it is, and always has been, a phenomenon of the left. This fact – an inconvenient truth if ever there was one – is obscured in our time by the equally mistaken belief that fascism and communism are opposites. In reality, they are closely related, historical competitors for the same constituents, seeking to dominate and control the same social space.”

Conservatives such as I have often felt the effects of the common misapprehension. As my own views evolved and crystallized over the years I used to feel intimidated by name-calling leftist friends, who warned me I was morphing into a Nazi. Even my brilliant liberal mother jokingly called me a budding fascist back in the mid-1970s when I stated that Ayn Rand had intriguing ideas.

Such insults from my mom – whom I deeply respected and who issued them as lovingly as possible – helped morph me into a bleeding-heart liberal during my early university years. Then she scorned that too, correctly labelling my school a hotbed of left-wing radicals, which helped steer me back onto the right path.

While my mom never shed her view that communism and fascism were opposites, it is critical that we correct this ubiquitous misplacement of fascism, and not only because it is an error in definition being misapplied constantly and everywhere. Calling a person or a policy fascist is not a harmless mistake, as when a radio announcer uses “duplicitous” when he means duplicate, a minister of the federal Crown says “irregardless,” or a person’s name is mispronounced or misspelled.

The horrendous slaughter between fascists and communists during the Second World War had led hundreds of millions of people to assume the two bloodthirsty opponents stood for opposite political philosophies as well.

Calling a conservative person a fascist is an accusation. It stops an argument in its tracks, ends the conversation and often results in the belittled target slinking away hurt and wondering how such well-reasoned ideas as those they offered could be subsumed under such a hideous ideology. That hurt person was me until I read Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. Nowadays, conservatives have it even worse, for accusations of fascism are usually coupled with cries of racism, a package that can deliver swift career destruction, deplatforming and vicious social shaming.
I think religion is dumb and it promotes an authoritarian society and government.

So why should I care if somebody has little respect for this god of yours or your religion?

You conservative Christians never, ever, ever never promote individual liberty in any post you write. You sound like little babies because somebody does not like your sky grandpa.
Godless reprobates are generally extremely unwise.
Again it is over the head of Real news but I could care less what they call themselves when they kill me or put me in a cage.

Individual liberty is what matters.
Democrats put blacks in cages to showcase their stupid support for racist evolution and they hanged blacks without trials because they hate people with the wrong skin color. That was more than a hundred years ago. This year democrats falsely accused patriotic Americans of serious crimes and unmercifully jailed them in cold solitary cells without due process because they hate opponents of democrat corruption.
If you don't give a shit then why is your punk bitch ass in my thread?
Nobody asked you to come into this thread you little faggot bitch.
Oooooooh. Little bit sensitive I see. Not a happy camper when someone calls you out.
You'd be out of your depth on wet concrete.
And once again, as always, my perfect first post has not been refuted (because it cannot be refuted) and it stands as fact and truth.

Fascism is not of the Right, it is actually of the Left


Democrats put blacks in cages to showcase their stupid support for racist evolution and they hanged blacks without trials because they hate people with the wrong skin color. That was more than a hundred years ago. This year democrats falsely accused patriotic Americans of serious crimes and unmercifully jailed them in cold solitary cells without due process because they hate opponents of democrat corruption.

Ok so democrats hate freedom. I never argued otherwise.
Dualist is the word you would use to describe these bible thumping conservatives. They see the world in black and white. If you disagree with their bible literalism they hate you. If you disagree with them on any political issues they hate you.

Does not matter how well you articulate the issues you are either in their little tribe their club or you are not. It takes 15 IQ points to think that way.

They can lie but if they had power and control they would make illegal all other religions and anything else they do not like.

If I was a tribal idiot I would hold my opinions on religion to get along with them since they are bashing the democrats but I have a brain and can think. They offer emotion and little more.
I remind you again, it was Trump who staged the fascist takeover of the Capitol. Republicans like yourself supported him and still do.
That is fascism to the core but you have the ignorance to blame democrats. You're brain dead.
never happened Bugger eating Boris Mayne in your nation of Doofusdork a a Croud of unarmed people can take over the government but not here its another one of your delusions and blowing thing out of proportion . I understand the guards of your great king of Doofusdork is protected by nerf gun carrying Amazon women because all the men are cowards but not here
You are an intolerant authoritarian who would put me in prison for disagreeing with you if you had the power to do it.

In what way are Christians more moral than anybody else?
I think the point is most people of religious faith tend to be more moral and ethical then the average person. Lets face it very few people really are in the long run . I have knew a few people who are true believers and exceptionally people ,
I think the point is most people of religious faith tend to be more moral and ethical then the average person. Lets face it very few people really are in the long run . I have knew a few people who are true believers and exceptionally people ,

They are not more moral in any way. Most people in prison are self described Christians.