Fox News has said that more than 50 congressional republicans against war

Hes not a dictator.Hes the President. I Think the general is no friend of Obama. If John Boehner wants to tell the general to invade D.C and remove the President he will order the troops into D.C There only 500 secret service men they cant fight the Army can they?
The pentagon does not answer to the speaker. but they can step in on their own.
Correct,,When John Boehner pays off the General ill betcha he would cause money talks money can influence you.
he doesnt have any money that the pentagon cant take if they want it. the very most Boehner can do is try and convince them that the people have had enough.
Boehner is already saying the House is not even going to vote on the Syria thing because "they don't want to humiliate the President" ..... You wanna tell me what that leftist POS Boehner is going to do again ....
If Obama gets away with circumventing the constitution, then over 500 congressmen and women allowed it. Democrats and Republicans - two wings of a different bird.
If Obama gets away with circumventing the constitution, then over 500 congressmen and women allowed it. Democrats and Republicans - two wings of a different bird.
Really AP ....

First of all .... Obama has already circumvented the Constitution on numerous occasions ...

And, secondly .... Obama has already insinuated if Congress says no ... he may go it alone on Syria. Certain members of Congress have already tried to hold him accountable for the IRS scandal and Fast and Furious in which Holder remains in contempt to this day. Not to even mention Benghazi ....
The President does not need Congressional approval to conduct limited strikes in Syria. Now that he has asked for it, if he doesn't get it he will be hard pressed to do anything, but it is not against the Constitution if he ordered a strike without congressional approval.