Fred Thompson Anouced Hes Running For President!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Thompson announces candidacy on Leno

DES MOINES, Iowa - Fred Thompson officially entered a wide-open Republican presidential race Thursday, vowing to invigorate a dispirited GOP and promising to thwart another Clinton from capturing the presidency.

The former Tennessee senator harkened to the GOP glory days of 1994 when he and other Republicans seized control of Congress and established an equal counterpoint to Democrat Bill Clinton in the White House. Now an official candidate for the Republican nomination, Thompson promised to return the party to better times.

"In 1992, we were down after a Clinton victory," Thompson said in a 15-minute Webcast that laid out the rationale for the candidacy he also declared on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno.

"In 1994, our conservative principles led us to a comeback and majority control of the Congress. Now, you don't want to have to come back from another Clinton victory. Our country needs us to win next year, and I am ready to lead that effort," he said.

Thompson also swiped at his leading Republican rivals, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, without naming them, saying: "In 1994, when I first ran, I advocated the same commonsense conservative positions that I hold today."

Thirteen years ago, Giuliani was a New York mayor who espoused liberal-to-moderate positions on social issues and endorsed Democratic Gov. Mario Cuomo. Romney was a moderate challenging Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in liberal Massachusetts.

Today, some conservatives question Giuliani's and Romney's credentials — and Thompson sees an opening for his candidacy.

Thompson, 65, enters an extraordinarily fluid race four months before voting begins. While Giuliani leads in national polls, Romney maintains an edge in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

I'm pretty sure he entered a while ago. And I really hope America doesn't give him any votes. One movie star as governer is one too many.
Hes Another Reagan! Just what we needed a strong man in the white house.And Thompson can be just as tough like Reagan was.
Hes Another Reagan! Just what we needed a strong man in the white house.And Thompson can be just as tough like Reagan was.

One word ...gerriatric!! Put him in the debate last night what do you have? Just another old-white-bald male ... .... another Bob Dole knock-off!!:D

He'll quickly fade!
One word ...gerriatric!! Put him in the debate last night what do you have? Just another old-white-bald male ... .... another Bob Dole knock-off!!:D

He'll quickly fade!

I am afraid that is just wishful thinking on your part. Fred Thompson has a credible record to fall back on. I believe he is the republican nominee.

Feel free to book mark this post to throw back in my face if I am wrong.
I am afraid that is just wishful thinking on your part. Fred Thompson has a credible record to fall back on. I believe he is the republican nominee.

Feel free to book mark this post to throw back in my face if I am wrong.

Fred Thompson will appeal to alot of conservatives who do not like any of the Republican candidates at this point. However, his views on the Iraq war are what will cause him problems I think. He does not really have a plan other than the Bush mantra of "stay the course", I dont see how advocating to continue a massively unpopular war translates into votes, no matter if it is a good idea or not to stay.
As far as I can tell, He is another republican simpleton who has no real solutions to the problems this country faces.
As far as I can tell, He is another republican simpleton who has no real solutions to the problems this country faces.

Please discuss why you think this based on the issues and his platforms. It does no one any good to throw out this worthless comment.
Fred Thompson will appeal to alot of conservatives who do not like any of the Republican candidates at this point. However, his views on the Iraq war are what will cause him problems I think. He does not really have a plan other than the Bush mantra of "stay the course", I dont see how advocating to continue a massively unpopular war translates into votes, no matter if it is a good idea or not to stay.

Tell me, exactly what other plan is there? Cut and run? Pull out and leave those who supported us to the tender mercies of iranian and syrian backed fundamentalists like we did in viet nam? Show radical islam that we really don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to them?

Exactly what other plan is there?
Tell me, exactly what other plan is there? Cut and run? Pull out and leave those who supported us to the tender mercies of iranian and syrian backed fundamentalists like we did in viet nam? Show radical islam that we really don't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to them?

Exactly what other plan is there?

Well, there arn't any viable plans if you ask me, however that is not what gets you votes. With support for the war at an all time low, and even among Republicans this support is low, it makes it hard to translate that into votes is all I was getting at really. Telling the American people that you do not have a plan will not get you votes, in my mind, he will come up with something more concrete as the months progress.
Personally I think immediate withdrawal is the best plan. All the talk about escalation of violence seems to come from the same people who have shown only consistency in being wrong.

And the real reason for this is ...every plan, every prediction, is all based on political self interest with no correlation to reality! In addition the war is being led by ..bush .. a rat coward who never fought, but somehow thinks he knows more than every general! They don't agree with him or refuse to go along with his plan ...he just replaces them.

1,800 Iraqis killed last month alone ...yeah we really have a lid on violence over there. The report to come later will obviously be massaged by bush ...the general's orders are ..find a way to say we should stay ..without making it look too obvious!!

But back to Thompson. The right want us to believe he's some saviour. The fact is ..its just hype .... They could make the very same claim for any one of their top tier candidate already in the race...who elected to make a late entry like he did.
Its all hype just like the whole Reagan mystique is. A phenomenom made possible by his death. Reagan wasn't the maverick he's hyped up to be today when he was litterally wiping his poop on the walls of the white house was he? I'll bet when the hype is being fed to some gullible 16 year old that little piece of information will be left out.

Nothing distinguish Thompson ...and everything about him says "old-fart"! The way he moves, the way he talks, the way he looks, his lack of energy!! Just another gerriatric.... old, fat bald-white male from the south ...thats all!

He's just another Bob-Dole knock off I predict will quickly fade!
Personally I think immediate withdrawal is the best plan. All the talk about escalation of violence seems to come from the same people who have shown only consistency in being wrong.

And the real reason for this is ...every plan, every prediction, is all based on political self interest with no correlation to reality! In addition the war is being led by ..bush .. a rat coward who never fought, but somehow thinks he knows more than every general! They don't agree with him or refuse to go along with his plan ...he just replaces them.

1,800 Iraqis killed last month alone ...yeah we really have a lid on violence over there. The report to come later will obviously be massaged by bush ...the general's orders are ..find a way to say we should stay ..without making it look too obvious!!

But back to Thompson. The right want us to believe he's some saviour. The fact is ..its just hype .... They could make the very same claim for any one of their top tier candidate already in the race...who elected to make a late entry like he did.
Its all hype just like the whole Reagan mystique is. A phenomenom made possible by his death. Reagan wasn't the maverick he's hyped up to be today when he was litterally wiping his poop on the walls of the white house was he?

Nothing distinguish Thompson ...and everything about him says "old-fart"! The way he moves, the way he talks, the way he looks, his lack of energy!! Just another gerriatric.... old, fat bald-white male from the south ...thats all!

He's just another Bob-Dole knock off I predict will quickly fade!

I might agree with this, except for the fact that all the other Republican candidates are not good too, and many republicans are dying for someone new, I predict Fred sticks around for a bit, if he wins the nomination or not I dont know, but he wont fade that quickly.
I predict Fred sticks around for a bit, if he wins the nomination or not I dont know, but he wont fade that quickly.

You may be right, you can't underestimate the so-called morale superiority of the Christian Right. If they get behind him, all bets are off.
You may be right, you can't underestimate the so-called morale superiority of the Christian Right. If they get behind him, all bets are off.

Without the Christian Right the Republican candidate is sunk lol