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Impregnating America With Muslims
French Massacre To Become American Massacre
By Frosty Wooldridge
Part 4: As Muslim numbers expand in host countries, massacres are guaranteed
You might think the Muslim French massacre that occurred on Wednesday constitutes a small number of individuals. You would be wrong. The entire Koran advocates all its members toward such barbaric, heinous attacks on Western non-believers.
Whether you remember the Muslim killings in Sydney, Australia a few months ago or over 700 car bombings over New Year’s in France (kept quiet by MSM) or Sweden being fire bombed last summer—Islam provokes violence wherever it spreads.
In 2014, dramatic and tragic slaughters continued in the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Syrian-Iraqi area they control. Muslims murdered more than 140 school children in Pakistan. A monster named Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls in Nigeria and sold them into sexual hell and slavery. These acts represent a strict interpretation of Sharia Law based on the Koran.
Within America, in the past 25 years, Islamic mosques jumped from 300 to over 2,200 in 2015. Our FBI must monitor dozens of them in bigger cities such as Boston, Detroit and New York City because their imams preach jihad, violence and mayhem in America.
Amazingly, the Main Stream Press continues “political correctness” so as not to offend Muslims worldwide who pretend to be peaceful. Wrong! Muslims worldwide commit over 5,000 honor killings of their women annually. They cut their girl children with female genital mutilation, they pour acid in women’s faces if they step out of line, they beat their wives regularly, they kill gay people, they stone women to death and they arrange marriages of 11 year old girls to grown men.
They maintain absolute terror over their women at all times. The question must be asked. Why does the Western Press cover for the Koran’s violence and barbaric propensities? If Islam pretends to be so peaceful, why don’t the other 1 billion Muslims speak up? Answer: they face death if they question the Koran or any imams.
Shalom Lewis said, “But what disturbs me is where are the other 950 million Muslims who are not terrorists? Who are not bomb blasting, acid throwing, zealots? Where are the other 950 million Muslims who tuck their children in at night with a lullaby, who are okay with Christians and Jews, crave a peaceful world and wish nothing more than a tasty bowl of hummus and a friendly game of Shesh Besh with a neighbor?”
Unfortunately, they form a silent partnership that compliments Sharia Law and violence toward non-believers and their own. You will be killed if you renounce Islam.
“Sin is not just in the act of commission,” said Lewis. “It is also in the act of omission. Most Germans were not Nazis - but it did not matter. Most Russians were not Stalinists - but it did not matter. Most Muslims are not terrorists - but it does not matter. Stand up righteously or get out of the way. Perhaps in every mosque, in every midrassah, in every Muslim neighborhood, Edmund Burke's powerful warning should be chiseled on a wall in Arabic, in Farsi, in Pashto, in Urdu, for all to read and heed. “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”
Several months ago, Muslims captured three young Israelis and killed them. Thus began Operation Protective Edge. We seem to think our Muslims won’t do what Europe’s Muslims do? Wrong! It’s only a matter of time before more Boston Marathon bombers split our country into fear and loathing. If we speak up by printing caricatures of their warlord leader, they will blow us up or shoot us in our offices. It’s already happening in Sweden and Norway where no one dares speak a realistic word about Muslims in those countries.
“The Gaza war was much more than shooting down rockets and blowing up tunnels,” said Lewis. “It was the preview, the soft opening, for a much more serious war - a genuine world war. It was a test of resolve, of fortitude. It was a test watched carefully by the indecent forces of a rising Islamist world. Israel is only the beginning.”
Clearly, America, Canada, Europe and Australia must stop importing Muslims into their countries. If they don’t stop, every Western country faces the same kinds of massacres suffered by 12 journalists in the streets of Paris, France.
It’s only a matter of time and Muslim numbers in host countries.
Our country stands in the cross hairs of a multicultural nightmare bequeathing violence upon us as our Congress and presidents dump another 100 million legal immigrants onto this civilization within 30 years. We need to reduce all immigration to less than 100,000 annually and no more Muslims if we hope to survive the 21st century.
We citizens must stop kidding ourselves—we stand eyeball-deep in trouble.
French Massacre To Become American Massacre
By Frosty Wooldridge
Part 4: As Muslim numbers expand in host countries, massacres are guaranteed
You might think the Muslim French massacre that occurred on Wednesday constitutes a small number of individuals. You would be wrong. The entire Koran advocates all its members toward such barbaric, heinous attacks on Western non-believers.
Whether you remember the Muslim killings in Sydney, Australia a few months ago or over 700 car bombings over New Year’s in France (kept quiet by MSM) or Sweden being fire bombed last summer—Islam provokes violence wherever it spreads.
In 2014, dramatic and tragic slaughters continued in the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Syrian-Iraqi area they control. Muslims murdered more than 140 school children in Pakistan. A monster named Boko Haram kidnapped 276 girls in Nigeria and sold them into sexual hell and slavery. These acts represent a strict interpretation of Sharia Law based on the Koran.
Within America, in the past 25 years, Islamic mosques jumped from 300 to over 2,200 in 2015. Our FBI must monitor dozens of them in bigger cities such as Boston, Detroit and New York City because their imams preach jihad, violence and mayhem in America.
Amazingly, the Main Stream Press continues “political correctness” so as not to offend Muslims worldwide who pretend to be peaceful. Wrong! Muslims worldwide commit over 5,000 honor killings of their women annually. They cut their girl children with female genital mutilation, they pour acid in women’s faces if they step out of line, they beat their wives regularly, they kill gay people, they stone women to death and they arrange marriages of 11 year old girls to grown men.
They maintain absolute terror over their women at all times. The question must be asked. Why does the Western Press cover for the Koran’s violence and barbaric propensities? If Islam pretends to be so peaceful, why don’t the other 1 billion Muslims speak up? Answer: they face death if they question the Koran or any imams.
Shalom Lewis said, “But what disturbs me is where are the other 950 million Muslims who are not terrorists? Who are not bomb blasting, acid throwing, zealots? Where are the other 950 million Muslims who tuck their children in at night with a lullaby, who are okay with Christians and Jews, crave a peaceful world and wish nothing more than a tasty bowl of hummus and a friendly game of Shesh Besh with a neighbor?”
Unfortunately, they form a silent partnership that compliments Sharia Law and violence toward non-believers and their own. You will be killed if you renounce Islam.
“Sin is not just in the act of commission,” said Lewis. “It is also in the act of omission. Most Germans were not Nazis - but it did not matter. Most Russians were not Stalinists - but it did not matter. Most Muslims are not terrorists - but it does not matter. Stand up righteously or get out of the way. Perhaps in every mosque, in every midrassah, in every Muslim neighborhood, Edmund Burke's powerful warning should be chiseled on a wall in Arabic, in Farsi, in Pashto, in Urdu, for all to read and heed. “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”
Several months ago, Muslims captured three young Israelis and killed them. Thus began Operation Protective Edge. We seem to think our Muslims won’t do what Europe’s Muslims do? Wrong! It’s only a matter of time before more Boston Marathon bombers split our country into fear and loathing. If we speak up by printing caricatures of their warlord leader, they will blow us up or shoot us in our offices. It’s already happening in Sweden and Norway where no one dares speak a realistic word about Muslims in those countries.
“The Gaza war was much more than shooting down rockets and blowing up tunnels,” said Lewis. “It was the preview, the soft opening, for a much more serious war - a genuine world war. It was a test of resolve, of fortitude. It was a test watched carefully by the indecent forces of a rising Islamist world. Israel is only the beginning.”
Clearly, America, Canada, Europe and Australia must stop importing Muslims into their countries. If they don’t stop, every Western country faces the same kinds of massacres suffered by 12 journalists in the streets of Paris, France.
It’s only a matter of time and Muslim numbers in host countries.
Our country stands in the cross hairs of a multicultural nightmare bequeathing violence upon us as our Congress and presidents dump another 100 million legal immigrants onto this civilization within 30 years. We need to reduce all immigration to less than 100,000 annually and no more Muslims if we hope to survive the 21st century.
We citizens must stop kidding ourselves—we stand eyeball-deep in trouble.