Frozen like a illegal in Chicago this winter.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes yet again Biden suffered yet another mind freeze where he couldn't talk and mumbled randomly and froze up like a illegal alien in Chicago,.Jill had to save him again.
Yea something is wrong with him and its not right and neither is he.
This has happened several times and keep getting worse and more frequent . Jill knew something was wrong clearly and ran to him , I wonder how often it happens when hes not on camera .
Could be several health reasons this happens none of them good considering hes president .

Yes yet again Biden suffered yet another mind freeze where he couldn't talk and mumbled randomly and froze up like a illegal alien in Chicago,.Jill had to save him again.
Yea something is wrong with him and its not right and neither is he.
Perhaps his handlers can pass off his brain freeze as a result of Republican global warming.

Here are a few of the best of Big Joe BIDEN the leader of the free world ( MY GOD HELP US ALL ) for your enjoyment ,

There is more but is it really need to prove that his elevator isn't making it all the way to the top its just can not make that last half floor.
This is our leader Joe Biden.

Lol so true. Now trump has a ego the size of a small moon and while I'm ok or supported most of his policy's and other nations feared him. I just do not like the man he is.
However that being said, as for Joe competency there is no doubt something is wrong.
He keeps telling stories about himself and family that are obvious a figment of his imagination and a lie at the least which is also a issue or his mind is slipping and I think it's some of both.
Couple different medical mental diseases that could cause the symptoms and apparently it could be due to his 2 previous surgeries on his head.
Any one who has watched Joe over the years can see a change in him.And it's drastic.
I truly believe they are hiding something like they did with Ronnie only Joe's is more advanced..
Also it's getting worse as time goes on.
You have argumetive, narcissistic, and party ass kisser , and trump haters who deny or lie about it
It's happended several times in public where he gets confused forgets what he's talking about and mumbling on .So how often and severe in private we do not know about is a legitimate question.
I would have to say that anyone thinks he can serve 5 more years is delusional.
The problem is Democrat are seriously concerned about Joe being able to beat Trump if he's able to run And thier options are not good .