Nice generalizations. You could point to virtually any country and it will have certain fascist elements.
Patriotism -- sure.
Racism -- exists everywhere, yet it's not as bad here as it used to be or as bad it is in other countries (especially Muslim ones). America, more than any other country, is a melting pot formed by immigrants from all over the world who have adopted (until recently) core American ideals and values.
Emphasis on Nat'l Security -- we
were attacked 8 months into the President's term. That kind of changes things in regards to national security and defense concerns. Unfair assertion
Religion -- Christianity has been an inherent aspect of this country since it's inception (
agreed that this is the way things are, does not mean they should be.
Corporate power -- another dubious talking point. The curbing of the power of labor unions is not nearly as aggressive as it has been previously in American history (late 19th/early 20th century). In fact, I would argue that labor unions are seeing a sharp increase in power and collective leverage against corporations.
Corporate Power has increased dramatically under the Bush administration. You have a very good understanding of right wing talking points and are an intelligent person. i challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and read something that doesn't placate your already made up mind.
Not being able to grasp the fact that the corporate world and the elite families of bankers and industrialist play a major role in US and foreign policy is just not seeing the whole picture and having a narrow minded understanding of history. The corporate world comes first when it comes to any form of policy in american gov't. When you have a system that operates as such, you have an Oligarchy.
Corruption -- show me one country in the history of mankind that wasn't susceptible to corruption. A constant in politics.
"susceptible to corruption" ? If that helps you sleep at night. Yes corruption is a part of politics. This administration has taken it to a whole new level.
Fraudulent elections -- yeah, like Gore supporters in Florida not being able to figure out how to vote on a simple butterfly ballot that 2nd graders could easily navigate.
Again this shows a very low level of research and knowledge of an issue that is painful for the conservative right to debate. You haven't a clue on what happened in Florida where 80,000 voters in democratic districts where removed from the voter role because they were convicted of crimes in the future. seriously. Where Republican (aides, advisers, campaign organizer) cronies showed up to protest recounts and halt investigations. Scare tactics where used constantly in the days leading up to, the day of, and the days following the election.
I live in Florida
Ohio was much worse in fact. It's a documented fact. All it takes is a little research into what you DON'T want to believe. It's easy to study and understand what you want to be true, it's much harder to look at the other side objectively and then come to your conclusions.
The Conyers hearing, in which Clinton Curtis testifies that he was hired by a republican congressman to create hackable voting machines that would swing an election 51-49 in whichever direction was desired.
Election fraud is a massive problem. It's well documented, just not in the Weekley Standard or on Fox News.
Instead of blind accusations, I'd like you to provide some substance. Exactly where has the checks and balances gone? Were the Democrats not elected to the House and Congress? Does the Supreme Court have unanimous decisions in favor of conservatism in every case? Who has lost what civil liberties (other than terrorists)?
There is no checks and balances when the executive signs a law and then adds a signing statement that it does not have to abide by said law. You do not live in a republic when the Supreme Court "appoints" a President. When the Rule of Law is secondary to anything you do not live in a republic.
I have lost my civil liberties, because if 1 american loses them, we all have lost them.
I agree to a certain extent. We need another Reagan-like figure who will be able to reduce the size of the gov't and all the beauraucratic nonsense to reasonable levels. It's just so hard to find people these days who are willing to limit their own power.
...and limit the power of those around them
Most Americans don't want to rely on the government. Why? Because it just makes everything take longer, more expensive, and less successful. As my hero, General George S. Patton (US 3rd Army) said, "people will surprise you with their ingenuity.
Most Americans want a better Government.