Global Warming is a Fraud


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Global Warming Petition

"We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."

This petition has been signed by over 19,000 American scientists.

“This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.

A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth rates. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in minor greenhouse gases like CO2 are in error and do not conform to current experimental knowledge.”
Frederick Seitz , Past President, National Academy of Science

This petition along with the names of all 19,000 signers is at

Have Al Gore and crew committed deliberate fraud by perpetrating a gigantic hoax on the people of the world?

Can Al Gore and crew be prosecuted for criminal fraud?

Is the true purpose of the Global Warming hoax just to line Al Gore's pockets with your greenbacks?

Is there anyone in the HOP forum with half a functioning brain who still buys all this GW crap? If there is, I would love to see your comments.
Temp change and the Sunshine State

So you Gorian disciples out there who worship at the altar of Global Warming and tithe (in the form of carbon credits), how do you explain the strange case of winter temps in FLA.

Citrus is an important ag crop that is cold sensitive. The fruit is damaged at 32 degrees F and trees are damaged at 29 degrees F. Citrus is also harvested during the winter. So the ideal location for a commercial citrus grove would be one in which the weather rarely dipped below freezing.

Fact 1: In 1895 commercial citrus was grown throughout FL and coastal GA and SC.

Fact 2: By 1960 the northernmost line of commerical citrus was Macintosh, FL.

Fact 3: By 1980 the northernmost line was Leesburg, FL.

Fact 4: Today the northernmost line is Kissimmee, FL.

Fact 5: The reason the northernmost line has retreated southward over 250 miles in the past 113 years is due to progressively colder winters.
Source: Florida Citrus Mutual

So if the rest of the world is getting ready to fry, why is my little corner of the globe getting colder? Getting colder for the past 113 years. During this 113 years the population of Florida has grown from about 100,000 souls to about 17,000,000, an increase of 17,000%. And many of these 17,000,000 use coal generated electricity and drive autos powered by gasoline.

Gore would have you believe that people= carbon=global warming. So why does the weather in FL behave just the opposite of Gore's premise?

Could it be that Gore's premise is flawed. And if he knows (or has reason to believe) that his premise is flawed, continuing to spread an unproven hypothesis as fact is committing fraud.
The Great Global Warming Fraud

What's really going on with average temperatures.

Check out this chart, sourced from the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.


If you study this chart carefully you will see the variation of average world temps over the past 3,000 years. We had 2 high peaks about 1,000 BC and 500 BC. We also had a peak about 1000 AD. We have also had several valleys, the last about 1700 AD.

Now look at the right end of this chart. Currently temps are rising but are still just below the 3,000 year average. Also notice the slope of the lines. Steeper slopes indicate more rapid change. The current slope is flatter than other peaks/valleys. This means the rise in temps is proceeding at a slower rate than in the past.

So how does Al Gore explain these temps. According to Al, humans are causing global warming and the rate of temp rise is accelerating. This chart exposes both of those contentions as false.

My sources tell me that King David and Socrates never drove an SUV or flew in a jet. There were no coal fired power plants until about 1900. So if humans burning oil is the reason for global warming, why were temps so high before the oil age?

Could it be that Gore and crew have a flawed hypothesis? Could it be that humans are not really the villains after all? Could global warming really be a huge scam to enrich Gore and his croneys?

More to follow.
Boy, you're just not getting any retorts here at all, areya'?

Try this angle: maybe the agenda is more about trying to stymie the economy enough to soften the blow of Peak Oil. Look into that one.

Global warming is not a fraud; it is a fact. The overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that global warming is occurring at an accelerated rate caused by hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere, and that anthropogenic activity is a significant contributing factor. It is time that people stop playing politics and face up to the problem. See "The cold truth about climate change" by Joseph Romm, (February 27, 2008) at
Global warming is not a fraud; it is a fact. The overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that global warming is occurring at an accelerated rate caused by hydrocarbon emissions into the atmosphere, and that anthropogenic activity is a significant contributing factor. It is time that people stop playing politics and face up to the problem. See "The cold truth about climate change" by Joseph Romm, (February 27, 2008) at

Pfffft....for every writing there is proving global warming is real, there are 2 saying it's a scam. The earth has warmed and cooled since its creation - and you're convinced that only man and CO2 can possibly be the cause of "global warming"?

The only reason the scam isn't being reported in the media is because of pride - no one wants to be shown a fool for believing and pushing this garbage. So they'll just keep pushing it even though they know it's a lie.
The evidence linking global warming to human activity has been established by research and experimentation results collected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) based on over seven million observations of temperature, salinity and other variables in the world’s oceans; and has definitively ruled out natural climate variations due solar activity, volcanic eruptions, photosynthesis, etc. as the cause of measurable increase in ocean temperature, which has risen 0.9F in just the past 40 years. (The same findings were made in a long-range study in Britain.) Even the Pentagon acknowledges the fact of global warming and the threat of climate change on national security interests. See Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall, “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security” (October 2003). In face of the scientific evidence, which has been independently verified, to say that there is any doubt about it is no longer tenable.
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky

Did you look at the chart I referenced? This chart clearly indicates our current rise in global temps began about 1700 AD, before internal combustion engines and before coal fired power plants. And the slope of this line indicates the rate of rise is lower than prior cycles.

Fact 1: Our current rise in global temps began about 1700 AD.
Fact 2: The rate of rise is lower than past heat/cool cycles over the past 3000 years.

If your belief system about GW is supposed to be based in science, I suggest you get your information from sources that are not political in nature and forget government agencies like NOAA and the UN.

Global warming is a scam.
The Global Warming fraud and glacial ice loss

This chart below details the size of glaciers and loss of glacial ice. Al Gore and his thugs insist that the glaciers are receding as a result of CO2. This chart clearly details the fact that the glaciers have been getting smaller since about 1800 and that the rate of change in glacier ice has remained relatively constant for the past 200 years. Even though hydrocarbon emission has increased greatly, the rate of glacial ice loss is not increasing.

When you compare this chart with the prior chart, the loss in glacial ice is perfectly understandable. Global termps have been on the rise for 300 years now, well before the oil/coal/gas age began. This chart clearly demonstrates that humans are NOT THE CAUSE of temp rise.

Gore and crew insist that the rate of global warming is accelerating. This is a lie and the slope of rise verifies this lie..

I think Gore knows the rate of warming is not accelerating and is saying it solely to scare you. I think this is part of Gore’s scheme to transfer as much of your money to his pocket as possible before his scam is exposed. Gore has set up a cottage industry around Global Warming and is personally profiting every way me can.

Global Warming is a fraud.
It is time for us to face facts. The polar icecaps are melting as evidenced by satellite imagery and the decrease in mass verified by scientific measurements in situ. There is nothing more to see but the consequences; which if something is not done, and soon, will be visited upon us sooner than later. With the melting ice will come the change in temperature of the ocean currents that generates the earth’s climate conditions. Just a small change in ocean temperature will affect the thermohaline conveyor leading to more harsh winter weather, reduced soil moisture and more intense winds in regions that provide the significant portion of the world’s food production and cause a dramatic decrease in the human carrying capacity of the earth’s environment. What nature is telling us is that we must stop polluting the atmosphere. If mankind is to survive, then it is time to stop quibbling and resolve to change our ways.

Unhappily, many people are still in a state of denial about the problem; they simply refuse to see what is plain for all to see. For them, they will come to grips with the cold hard facts at the grocery store when they are fighting in the isles for the food on the shelves. Then will they be forced to see the reality of global warming.
The Kyoto Protocol was not signed for political reasons (rightly so I might add).
Yes, Ricky, it is time for us to face facts.

Governments and politicians can't be trusted. Al Gore learned how to decieve and lie from the master: Big Slick Willy J. Al learned an important concept early which is "Plausible Deniability". It means, when you get caught you have to play dumb or say you don't recall. It means that you can lie but must have a way to weasel out if you are caught.

(Kind of like the Big Slick telling us he didn't have sex so long as you redefine the word "is"."

And Ricky, if you want to know what GW is really about, check out this web site:

GW is a way for governments and their accomplices (Gore and crew) to enrich themsleves at YOUR expense.

Global Warming is a fraud.
Really? Is the true test of science “political correctness”? The rest of the world says: “Either lead, follow or get out of the way.” Can we, a nation so dependent on other nations - indeed, the largest debtor nation - afford to thumb our nose at the rest of the world. I think not.
And Ricky, if you want to know what GW is really about, check out this web site:

GW is a way for governments and their accomplices (Gore and crew) to enrich themsleves at YOUR expense.

From the site you posted:

A carbon tax should be revenue-neutral. At least that’s what we (Carbon Tax Center) and many other carbon tax proponents are advocating. Revenue-neutral means that little if any of the tax revenues raised by taxing carbon emissions would be retained by government. The vast majority of the revenues would be returned to the American people, with some small amount utilized to mitigate the otherwise negative impacts of carbon taxes on low-income energy users.
It is time for us to face facts. The polar icecaps are melting as evidenced by satellite imagery and the decrease in mass verified by scientific measurements in situ. .

The ice started melting some 14,000 years ago. It used to extend south over most of the northern hemisphere. It has melted back over 2000 miles. What, exactly, is surprising or unexpected about the fact that it continues to melt?