Goebbels would have been proud of Fox News


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

It is so obviously and massively inclined to the right that Joseph Goebbels would have been impressed.

In a democracy party political/ Sarah Palin broadcasts should not be allowed to be passed off as news programs. Otherwise the simpletons who tune into such shows believe what they hear and treat the asinine opinions offered as fact.
I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

It is so obviously and massively inclined to the right that Joseph Goebbels would have been impressed.

In a democracy party political/ Sarah Palin broadcasts should not be allowed to be passed off as news programs. Otherwise the simpletons who tune into such shows believe what they hear and treat the asinine opinions offered as fact.
AGREED...but there is no denying the magnetic pull that those 'screeching monkey' talking heads that get their special allotment of time on FAUX NEWS have upon that certain segment of Americans with whom there isn't any need for FACTS:eek:
Just shove that remote control into their paw and put the channel on FAUX NEWS and they remain in that comatose position for as long as they are able {without the interruptions for the basic nourishment or bowel relief} :D
Dogtowner you have completely missed my point.

Fox can excrete anything it likes within the law.

What I am objecting to is calling it news. Most of its output is half-witted and very right wing opinion.

Interesting that you defend Fox by reference to those American freedoms that apparently everyone is jealous of. Did you learn that from Fox Views?
I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

It is so obviously and massively inclined to the right that Joseph Goebbels would have been impressed.

In a democracy party political/ Sarah Palin broadcasts should not be allowed to be passed off as news programs. Otherwise the simpletons who tune into such shows believe what they hear and treat the asinine opinions offered as fact.

Once again an irrational post by our leading irrational poster.

Nazism has always been and will always be a left wing ideology. It is a common misunderstanding among liberals and progressives. Because the liberal elites have promoted this lie for decades and the useful idiots believe.

Please read this book and become enlighten to your faulty ways...I can give many more books on the subject if you require them...a closed mind is a terrible wasted thing...

Dogtowner you have completely missed my point.

Fox can excrete anything it likes within the law.

What I am objecting too is calling it news. Most of it is half-witted and very right wing opinion.

They do not run news 24x7, they run mainly opinion programming with some news shows and breaks here and there.
I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

Well, that was your first mistake. Luckily, thinking Americans understand FAUX's bias. Unfortunately, there are too few thinking Americans.

Where are you from rationalist?
That is true and Fox Views is way too much.

Gipper, if you think Nazism is a left wing ideology you need help.

Just because its full title is national socialism doesn't make it socialism.

In the same way that libertarians have very little to do with liberty.
That is true and Fox Views is way too much.

Gipper, if you think Nazism is a left wing ideology you need help.

Just because its full title is national socialism doesn't make it socialism.

In the same way that libertarians have very little to do with liberty.

I don't "think" Nazism is a left wing ideology, I know it is. And this has been proven numerous times. The left loved Hitler before WWII. They loved fascism. Hitler and friends were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS....There is little difference between Nazism and Soviet communism. They were both socialist in nature and left wing.

But I do not expect you to accept facts.
I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

It is so obviously and massively inclined to the right that Joseph Goebbels would have been impressed.

In a democracy party political/ Sarah Palin broadcasts should not be allowed to be passed off as news programs. Otherwise the simpletons who tune into such shows believe what they hear and treat the asinine opinions offered as fact.
We Liberals/Progressives are keepin' our fingers crossed, on that one....with a marginally-recent reference-point in-mind.

We were expected (in order to prove our Patriotism) to stand-by...and, watch-what-we-said...while BUSHCO exercised the Goering-Option:

I have just returned from a trip to the US where I made the mistake of switching on Fox News.

It is so obviously and massively inclined to the right that Joseph Goebbels would have been impressed.

In a democracy party political/ Sarah Palin broadcasts should not be allowed to be passed off as news programs. Otherwise the simpletons who tune into such shows believe what they hear and treat the asinine opinions offered as fact.

rationalist, where did you return to?, Mars! I called and talked to Bill Oreilly at FOX NEWS and he said" You are wrong" , so that closes the case. Maybe on your next trip to the U.S. , you will call me and I will update your bias.
Good luck on Mars, I hear it is Heavenly!
all news has bias its just a matter of which way and how much~dog
True and in Fox's case it is an islamic inroad; made more disturbing by the fact that its commentators routinely coordinate their talking points which seem to always revolve around pitting American against American. Made more interesting still by the fact that the Prince's pals have been making bets with the Russians of how long it will be before our nation ruptures in civil war.

Kinda makes you think. But seriously, I'm sure the good Prince bought Fox [he with his friends at the OIC conference which set as a goal to buy up foreign media outlets to "spread tolerance for islam"], has no ill intent whatsoever and that the commentators on Fox constantly pitting American against American is just their own lower-management decision, for the good of the country they profess to love.

Yep. I'm sure it's all innocent like that...