Harry Reid says Reconcilliation for Healthcare is OK.

the people do want, thats why they have 59 votes, and you have 41


If YOU RADICALS have 59 VOTES, THEN PASS SOMETHING!!! Your the ONLY MAJORITY that cannot PASS a BILL because many in your tent SMELL the BILE of YOUR Leaders!! LOL,LOL it is funny watching you guys boast about having a majority but HAVE PASSED NOTHING !! LOL
In NOVEMBER the "GOOD GUYS"" return to POWER!! GOOD BYE HARRY RIED and his gestapo!!
Not true. I have many things I disagree with Obama about & have said so. (I'm new here but I can provide links to other forums if you like)
1. We should pull out of Afghanistan immediately.
2. Get rid of Geithner
3. Stop trying for bi-partisanship (it looks like weakness)
4. Try Bush admin. personnel for firing US Attys, "Outing" a covert CIA agent in time of war & for implementing torture

Plenty of things I disagree with but........non-Republicans are allowed to disagree with party leaders....Republicans are not.

LOL, just more left wing loonie BS. Why not try to point out something of substance you disagree with? What you evidently disagree with has no basis in reality, or law.
LOL, just more left wing loonie BS. Why not try to point out something of substance you disagree with? What you evidently disagree with has no basis in reality, or law.
Here's some Reality, for you:



(How comical to see big, bad John McBush...like most Republicans...afraid to look Obama straight-in-the-eye, when asking a question!!)


Are Republicans gonna accuse Obama of gay-bashing, after slappin'-around Eric Cantor????? :rolleyes:
Translation: Of course the GOP has used Reconciliation.....but it was for things I agreed with & therefore it's OK. (Reconciliation can only be used for things I agree with) :)

Wrong again. How can libs always be wrong? You would think libs would be right at least once in awhile. What are the odds of being wrong all the time???

I am fine with abolishing reconciliation altogether. But, for the Dems to use it on an issue as important as health care, that is way too radical. I don't expect you to understand my point since you are always wrong, it is likely you also are incapable of understanding logic.

Plus that DF Harry Reid really needs to be drug tested. He claimed yesterday that NO ONE brought reconciliation to push through sh*ty Obummercare. Yet, he discussed reconciliation just a few days prior on a TV program. Of course, the lib media ignored.
Wrong again.

You are promoting the liberal talking points your friends in the MSM keep saying. A word of advice, never believe what the lib media tells you. This will get you far grasshopper.

The Rs have presented many ideas all of which were ignored by the Dems and the MSM. And, then they claimed the Rs have no ideas and are the party of NO. And, the useful idiots dutifully believed.

And, using reconciliation to take control of 17% of the economy is F-ing radical. The Rs used reconciliation, but not for something that would transform our nation into a sickly socialist sh*thole.

the Rs used reconciliation to ram through the largest transfer of wealth in American history.

How does this health care bill 'take control' of 17% of the economy?

talk about dutifully believing talking points... :rolleyes:
the Rs used reconciliation to ram through the largest transfer of wealth in American history.

How does this health care bill 'take control' of 17% of the economy?

talk about dutifully believing talking points... :rolleyes:
I don't know how health-care has risen to 17% (of the economy), from the 6% Orin Hatch originally-quoted (approx. 1-year-ago)....but, 17% seems to be the number everyone's using, now.

That's the irony of the whole thing. Republicans INSIST Obama tackles the economy....but, they want to IGNORE 17% of the economy???? :confused:
I am fine with abolishing reconciliation altogether.
OK....So we agree! ...But let's wait until your team has the ball again, before we move the goalposts. :) (If....big "if"...the GOP ever controls the Congress again then definitely Reconciliation should not be available....to them)

Until then...We're marching down the field & "Stiff-Arming" the opposition!
2/23/2010 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) began to make the case on Tuesday for using a majority-vote process to move the final piece of health care reform through the Senate and he slammed the procedure's GOP critics. Known as budget reconciliation, the maneuver requires 51 votes and can't be filibustered.

The GOP has been demanding that Democrats take reconciliation off the table in advance of a bipartisan health care summit on Thursday.

"I would recommend they go back and look at history. Since 1981, reconciliation has been used 21 times," Reid told reporters after the weekly lunch with his Democratic caucus.
....And, he was RIGHT!!
I guess we have to argue about the percentage of the economy health care represents. Not surprising really. I would guess we would argue about when the sun rises...

Health care consumes 17 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product, which is hardly small change. If fixing health care isn't part of setting the U.S. economy upright, then what is?

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (UPI) -- Healthcare spending was a record 17.3 percent of the U.S. economy in 2009, the largest one-year jump since records have been kept, government officials said.

Health-care spending in the United States grew last year despite a contracting economy, amounting to 17.3 percent of the gross domestic product, according to estimates released Wednesday.
In 2005, when Republicans were considering the "nuclear option" to stop Democrats' filibuster of dozens of President George W. Bush's judicial nominees, Democrats lined up at every microphone in sight to denounce the idea, claiming it was a "naked power grab," a "constitutional crisis" and "how democracy ends." Times sure have changed.

Biden: "I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing."

Watch the video http://www.breitbart.tv/obama-dems-...ogant-power-grab-against-the-founders-intent/


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) began to make the case on Tuesday for using a majority-vote process to move the final piece of health care reform through the Senate and he slammed the procedure's GOP critics. Known as budget reconciliation, the maneuver requires 51 votes and can't be filibustered.

The GOP has been demanding that Democrats take reconciliation off the table in advance of a bipartisan health care summit on Thursday.

"I would recommend they go back and look at history. Since 1981, reconciliation has been used 21 times," Reid told reporters after the weekly lunch with his Democratic caucus.

It doesn't matter what the people want.

Reconciliation gives Democrats a method to jam Healthcare through.

Way to wave that banner of most hypocritical Republicant lol!:D

Truth Squad: Republicants were all for reconciliation, before they were against it.

Watch them proclaim it's greatness...
