Hillary Makes a Fool out of Herself


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
Hear how she claimed to have landed in Bosnia under sniper fire, and had to run for the cars when she landed? Actually, a video which turned up of the event showed there was no sniper fire, she had a normal landing and was greeted by a little girl handing her flowers, etc. If you can't even remember where you've been and what you've done, aren't you too old to be president?

And the smartest woman in the world has only compounded this problem.

When confronted with the facts, she said something to the effect of "I guess I mispoke this one time."

What she apparently forgot was that she told the same tall tale several times. So far, she has related this story publicly at least 4 times. My guess is that there will more instances coming to light over the next few days.

Hillary is a compulsive liar, just like Hubby. And not a very good one, either.

Is it my imagination or does it seem like both of the Dems running for Prez are sabotaging their own campaigns?

And the smartest woman in the world has only compounded this problem.

When confronted with the facts, she said something to the effect of "I guess I mispoke this one time."

What she apparently forgot was that she told the same tall tale several times. So far, she has related this story publicly at least 4 times. My guess is that there will more instances coming to light over the next few days.

Hillary is a compulsive liar, just like Hubby. And not a very good one, either.

Is it my imagination or does it seem like both of the Dems running for Prez are sabotaging their own campaigns?

You are correct. And notice what McCain did when told of his error - Did he try to minimize it and brush it off like Hillary? Did he give a big whitewash speech like Obama, denigrating his own grandmother, offering feeble unconvincing excuses for Rev. Wright, and try to change the subject? No. What he did was say "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda." No evasions, no excuses, no Obama tap dance around the truth - just an admission that he was wrong.
Libsmasher, We agree on something. Not only is her claiming to have been in danger totally bogus. I saw her and Chelsea walking from the plane and with relatively little security from what I saw.

But her explanation is disingenious at best. If it wasnt sniper fire in Bosnia, where was the sniper incident? I know I live in the middle of nowhere and all, but I still have access to the news and a good memory. If someone would have taken a shot at her or anywhere in the vicinity, it would be very common knowledge to everyone.

Hell I would venture to guess, if this incident did happen, wouldnt she use it as a campaign ad...
Hillary moving tactically through a car convoy, ducking for cover.
"I am ready to lead and do it under the gun" I am Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.
Damn this new Internet age where a politician can't get away with a little white lie!

Trust me, you don't want your politicians telling the truth. I once had a friend... (honest, I did!)... who was as liberal as they get, and he said "I think Jimmy Carter tried harder to be a good president than any other president in recent history, but he failed miserably."

big deal.

It is a big deal, it goes right to the heart of her claim of experience in a crisis situation, not to mention demonstrating her lack of character. She has embellished the truth repeatedly about the importance of her role during her husband's presidency. The recent release of her schedule as first lady, from the Clinton library, show her real role was largely ceremonial.

