Hillary using the "sexist" card?

Here We Go

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2008
Oh brother! Now she's whining that she is getting a raw deal because she's a female? How embarrassing for the rest of us wonderful broads. Gad! There is NOTHING those Clinton's will not do to get their way. Well, too bad Hillary . . . (in all due respect) "YOU LOSE - GAME OVER!" :cool: heh
I think most people who are not blinded by Obama see that she has been treated differntly because she is fem. just like Obama has gotten pass after pass after pass because he is 1/16th African American. that is the way the ball bounces.
Oh brother! Now she's whining that she is getting a raw deal because she's a female? How embarrassing for the rest of us wonderful broads. Gad! There is NOTHING those Clinton's will not do to get their way. Well, too bad Hillary . . . (in all due respect) "YOU LOSE - GAME OVER!" :cool: heh

Of course she's playing the sexist card....." Waaah! Look at me, I'm a victim, it was my turn and that mean old sexist Obama has stolen it"

If I was a female and a Clinton supporter I'd be ashamed.
She uses the sex card.

Obama uses the race card - depending on the day and the race he needs to be.

What's your point?
I think she's getting a raw deal. It's despicable, and she should kill herself to ease the suffering.
Oh brother! Now she's whining that she is getting a raw deal because she's a female? How embarrassing for the rest of us wonderful broads. Gad! There is NOTHING those Clinton's will not do to get their way. Well, too bad Hillary . . . (in all due respect) "YOU LOSE - GAME OVER!" :cool: heh

I think it's very hard to look at the Clintons right now and not feel the way you do.

I've been the WORLDS STRONGEST Bill Clinton supporter ever since he won his first term.

But that said I'm more than just a little bit embarrassed about how the Clintons have played this thing out. Senator Obama is running his campaign much like Bill Clinton did when he won the Presidency with a focus on bringing people together railing against the politics of personal destruction and a focus on the economy... getting our debt down ect.

Why the Clintons went negative is clear... they started loosing while being friendly. But people liked Senator Obama's message and to at this late date pull "sexism" out of the hat is so obviously just being willing to do or say anything hoping for some "I'm a victim" rallying cry. It's just not true.

Hillary Clinton is neither weak... nor a victim. She's a tough, hard nosed political that is qualified to be President. But so is Senator Obama and his message resonated much better and he's getting the nomination.

Time to come together and make sure John McBush and other Bush Republicans lose big in November... they deserve it!

I'm encouraged by the fact that three hard Republican seats were just recently taken by the Democrats in special elections.
We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices…. Government has to make those choices for people" (1993) Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is neither weak... nor a victim. She's a tough, hard nosed political that is qualified to be President.

Are you one of those Americans she is talking about? Because I don't see anything about that woman that makes her more qualified to make decisions about me than I am.
Are you one of those Americans she is talking about? Because I don't see anything about that woman that makes her more qualified to make decisions about me than I am.

I'm saying Hillary Clinton is very qualified to be President and light years better than 4 more years of devastating McBush policy.

Obama though is the best candidate for the job at this time in America.

On the actual "quote" since you didn't post what Ms. Clinton was referring to I have no way to answer your question. In general though there are most certainly some things that need regulation for the overall good.
Hillary really did it this time sports fans! She made an insensitive remark about June being the month Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated more or less saying "so why not stay in the election". She's gotten away with a lot of smarmisms in the past, but this is it. I think we've pretty much had enough of her superiority complex. I don't know who she thinks she is but she's definately not Presidential material. Super Delegates please hurry up and vote her out. She's going making the Democrats look as ridiculous as the Replublicans! Sheesh!!! :cool:
Hillary really did it this time sports fans! She made an insensitive remark about June being the month Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated more or less saying "so why not stay in the election". She's gotten away with a lot of smarmisms in the past, but this is it. I think we've pretty much had enough of her superiority complex. I don't know who she thinks she is but she's definately not Presidential material. Super Delegates please hurry up and vote her out. She's going making the Democrats look as ridiculous as the Replublicans! Sheesh!!! :cool:
GMAB. It was Obama himself that first brought assassination into the discussion - namely his own.

At least Hillary's was just a benign use as a timeline reference.

GMAB. It was Obama himself that first brought assassination into the discussion - namely his own.

At least Hillary's was just a benign use as a timeline reference.

Obama has twice as many Secret Secret Agents guarding him because he's already had death threats since he announced he was vying for President. NO ONE should even mention that dreadful "A" word because it gives too many loonies ideas. Hillary, of all people, knows better than that and she did it anyway. There is no excuse for her assinine remarks and she should be ashamed of herself.
Obama has twice as many Secret Secret Agents guarding him because he's already had death threats since he announced he was vying for President. NO ONE should even mention that dreadful "A" word because it gives too many loonies ideas. Hillary, of all people, knows better than that and she did it anyway. There is no excuse for her assinine remarks and she should be ashamed of herself.

So let me get this straight ...........

Obama is so fearful of a possible assassination he requested and received special protection.

Michelle Obama is so fearful of assassination she makes her fear public.

Obama is so fearful of assassination he goes for a cruise through Dealey Plaza.

All of this fear of assassination Obama can speak of and taunt ................... Presidents and Presidential Candidates have in fact been assassinated ................. one specifically in the month of June .............................. but Hillary is not permitted to use it as one of her reasons to stay in the race.

This is liberal logic at its best.
So let me get this straight ...........

Obama is so fearful of a possible assassination he requested and received special protection.

Michelle Obama is so fearful of assassination she makes her fear public.

Obama is so fearful of assassination he goes for a cruise through Dealey Plaza.

All of this fear of assassination Obama can speak of and taunt ................... Presidents and Presidential Candidates have in fact been assassinated ................. one specifically in the month of June .............................. but Hillary is not permitted to use it as one of her reasons to stay in the race.

This is liberal logic at its best.

I'm not jumping on you here OK? I'm just pointing out a fact about the way this is perceived by a whole lot of people.

Forget the fact that Hillary has publicly brought the A word up several times now.

But if you watch the video you can clearly see that she is tired and she just let it kinda slip that's she's refusing to leave the race even though she knows it hurts the Party... just in case something happens to Senator Obama.

She doesn't have to be wishing Senator Obama is assassinated. I don't believe she is. But it shows that she understands her position and won't let the Party unite behind a nominee unless it's her.

Even though I want Senator Obama as our nominee I have always liked & supported the Clintons whole heartedly even through Monica gate. But anyone can see that there's a level of selfishness that's really starting to show and it looks very bad.

This was seen by many and remaining super delegates will not go along.
So let me get this straight ........... Obama is so fearful of a possible assassination he requested and received special protection.

He did not "request" special protection. It's because his life has been threatened by idiots out there and the Secret Service deemed it necessary to protect him. So, here we are back to Hillary's stupid remark. She was extremely unprofessional and did not even apologize other than making excuses for herself. That is not Presidential material.
She doesn't have to be wishing Senator Obama is assassinated. I don't believe she is. But it shows that she understands her position and won't let the Party unite behind a nominee unless it's her.

Hi top gun.

Let me say I have no dog in this fight. I believe we have two socialists and a good old fashioned democrat running in this election. I support none of them.

That being said, this is a fight for the nomination. It's a contest. This is how they work.

Why should Hillary drop out? She has the popular vote. Why has the DNC set it up so that the democrat voters are disenfranchised by their own party? This is what Gore took to court in Florida. It was claimed he had the popular vote and Bush stole the election. Should Hillary retain the popular vote, and Obama get the Super Delegates that override the will of the voters - will it be said that Obama stole the nomination?

That being said, why should Hillary drop? Seems to me the easiest way to solve this would be have the undeclared Super Delegates decide. Don't you agree?