Huntsman calls on US Republicans to accept science


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Huntsman calls on US Republicans to accept science

Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman took a swipe at his rivals and warned his party against rejecting science in an interview that will air Sunday.

Huntsman, who has been lagging in the polls, scored big on Twitter when he wrote: "To be clear, I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy."

Despite his impressive resume as a successful Utah governor and Obama's well regarded ambassador to China, Huntsman has yet to catch fire with Republican primary voters looking for a standard-bearer in the November 2012 elections.

Why isn't this guy getting more attention?

Is the GOP determined to lose the election in 2012 despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration to throw it to them?
Is the GOP determined to lose the election in 2012 despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration to throw it to them?
Huntsman calls on US Republicans to accept science

Why isn't this guy getting more attention?

Is the GOP determined to lose the election in 2012 despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration to throw it to them?

Huntsman needs to step down, he would make a terrible president I was totally unimpressed by him in the debate he is a freaking democrat with an R painted on his chest. I cannot wait for him to go the way of pawlenty
OK I'll accept science. CERN has proven by duplication not models, that global warming is caused by solar emissions, not CO2. You recall CERN, the guys who brought you the internet and Hedron Collider, no more respected institute on the planet.

Read um and weep
OK I'll accept science. CERN has proven by duplication not models, that global warming is caused by solar emissions, not CO2. You recall CERN, the guys who brought you the internet and Hedron Collider, no more respected institute on the planet.

Read um and weep

and if there report had said anything else you would reject it..and ignore it.
Huntsman needs to step down, he would make a terrible president I was totally unimpressed by him in the debate he is a freaking democrat with an R painted on his chest. I cannot wait for him to go the way of pawlenty

based on some peoples ideas...the Republican party is actuly a myth...none of there members are actually republicans it seems.
Marco Rubio is and so is Chris Christie either of them would be a very good candidate

Romney is better than huntsman or pawlenty put together though that isn't saying much :)

its funny even Tpaw who backed evry republican idea you could think not republican enough for the Republicans.

But please tell me what are the big areas Huntsman has done so bad he can't even be in the party.

Saying what the majority of scientist believe...that Global warming is real ( not that he has suggested to much much about it)

Believing that Evolution is real ( something even the last Pope believed in) is now a key platform of the Republican party?

So if the majority of science believes something..and you do as are out of the party? maybe one day if you don't believe hurricanes are caused by gays you will be thrown out as well.

Also ask look around ,C. Christie a RINO as well.

Republicans don't really exist.
I just flat don't like them or trust them. It is not because of most anything else. I think Romney holds some views they do like global warming is caused by cows farting exc. but its something about them, both of them that I don't like. I kind of feel the same way about perry. But I have a strong feeling about huntsman and pawlenty. They both literally made my skin crawl during the debates. They can be in any party they want I just wont vote for them :)

its funny even Tpaw who backed evry republican idea you could think not republican enough for the Republicans.

But please tell me what are the big areas Huntsman has done so bad he can't even be in the party.

Saying what the majority of scientist believe...that Global warming is real ( not that he has suggested to much much about it)

Believing that Evolution is real ( something even the last Pope believed in) is now a key platform of the Republican party?

So if the majority of science believes something..and you do as are out of the party? maybe one day if you don't believe hurricanes are caused by gays you will be thrown out as well.

Also ask look around ,C. Christie a RINO as well.

Republicans don't really exist.
I just flat don't like them or trust them. It is not because of most anything else. I think Romney holds some views they do like global warming is caused by cows farting exc. but its something about them, both of them that I don't like. I kind of feel the same way about perry. But I have a strong feeling about huntsman and pawlenty. They both literally made my skin crawl during the debates. They can be in any party they want I just wont vote for them :)

you said he was a are you backing away from that since not last time I checked not liking someone does not make then switch parties or views.
you said he was a are you backing away from that since not last time I checked not liking someone does not make then switch parties or views.

I said who was a democrat?

editing this...

I just looked back, I said huntsman was a democrat with an R painted on him

I see what you are saying now. That was a way of saying moderate aka rino aka not a conservative. There are a whole lot of people with R's behind them that really are not the brand of republican I like, I like conservative republicans not moderate or rino

Harold ford Jr. democrat is more conservative than some republicans, I would vote for him in a heart beat :)
I said who was a democrat?

editing this...

I just looked back, I said huntsman was a democrat with an R painted on him

I see what you are saying now. That was a way of saying moderate aka rino aka not a conservative. There are a whole lot of people with R's behind them that really are not the brand of republican I like, I like conservative republicans not moderate or rino

Harold ford Jr. democrat is more conservative than some republicans, I would vote for him in a heart beat :)

so on what issues make him not a conservative then? Believing scientist is not a conservative idea now? ( unless they say what you want of course)

He is a republican..from none conservative can he be?
I said who was a democrat?

editing this...

I just looked back, I said huntsman was a democrat with an R painted on him

I see what you are saying now. That was a way of saying moderate aka rino aka not a conservative. There are a whole lot of people with R's behind them that really are not the brand of republican I like, I like conservative republicans not moderate or rino

Harold ford Jr. democrat is more conservative than some republicans, I would vote for him in a heart beat :)
Lets not confuse conservative thinking with reactionary thinking.

Conservatives like the status quo, the way things are. They tend to move forward, but do so quite slowly. They are late adopters of new ideas.

Reactionaries are homesick for a time that never was and want desperately to turn the clocks back to an imaginary time that never existed. Many of the TEA Party politicians claim to be conservatives but they are really reactionaries wanting to go back to either the 1950s or the 1790s.

Jon Huntsman is a conservative.

Rick Perry is a reactionary. Rick Perry would like to return to the early 1800s when the country was run by the rich factory owners and the rich plantation owners.

Those are the two choices Republicans are being offered this election cycle.