I belive now Bush fired Colin Powell


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
He didnt resign HE WAS FIRED! Remember Colin Powell went to India and Pakistan to save them two from a nuclear exchange.Bush told him no not to go to india so he did it anyway! When 2004 election came i bet bush told him to resign! And Now Colin Powell is speaking out against the bush adminstration about gitmo bay
And now Colin Powell is siding with Obama.
I KNEW POWELL CANT BE TRUSTED!! He sides with Arabs and muslims now!! I think bush should order a Courtmartal against Colin Powell for siding with Obama. Remember what bush said after 9-11? Aiding the enemy is an automatic Courtmartal. So i think Colin Powell should stand trial for treason.
What a joke, Colin Powell was the only person to give any sort of credibility to the Bush admin. The notion of court martialing him is laughable. Bush said not to go to India, he went anyways, and it potentially stopped a NUCLEAR WAR! If Bush was even slightly interested in not preventing a nuclear war then he needs to be brought to the Hague for a crimes against humanity. I dont know what your beef is with Colin Powell, but yeah he would close Gitmo, as would just about every person in this country and most of the Presidential candidates as it is the prudent thing to do. The Gitmo policy is a really underhanded and dirty game to play that only further erodes our international standing. This is the United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, with liberty and justice for ALL. The exsistence of Gitmo is completely unAmerican.
It doesnt matter if he was fired or resigned, those are political nuances. Powell has more knowhow and knowledge than just about anybody in military and foreign policy matters and he is a free private citizen who has the right to say whatever he damn well pleases just as you do. Also that notion that you say he sides with Arabs and Muslims now is utter and complete nonsense worthy of a trailer court milk crate circle jerk. In America the law is supposed to be applied without reference to race, religion etc. I have met Colin Powell, and would vote for him for President right now today. He would make an incredible President and bring back some respect to this nation on the international level that Bush has done nothing but piss away.
Nuclear War is Justice for arabs who attacked our country on 9-11.If India did strike and then Pakistan strike them dont you think Al Queda and Osama would have been dead? Osama is hiding in the moutains of Afgainstan and Pakistan border.Osama knows Pakistan is protecting him plus there are Al Queda terrorist camps in northern Pakistan. If they had a Nuclear War Exchange there would been 10 million dead arabs already.But now he prevented the Nuclear war which means Osama has a trick up his sleeve to attack us again.And Get this.IRAN isnt interested launching the Nukes.Iran wants to Build nukes so they can sell em to terrorist like Al Queda. And Closing down gitmo bay would lead Terrorist be freed by our liberal politicans when they go to a civilian court instead a military court.And you know how judges are? In the Military court Judges must take orders from the Top commanding officers. In the civilian court Judges dont have to obey orders they can make desisions on their damn free will. See when a Military Judge says not guilty then the President wants to know why from the general. If its not a good reason he can tear off his stripes and medals. And if the general gets the ax he chews out the major,And The Major chews out the colonial and he chews out lieutenant. And then the Judge is in HOT WATER for disobeying a direct order to find him guilty.Thats why we cant trust civilian courts on terrorist cause Judges on civilian courts cant be fired or removed. Go see AKA Vermonts Judge Cashman who gave a Peopldile only 60 days in jail.
WOW what an ignorant post all around. A few things Ill point out, go back and re-read your post. Your military chain of command was incorrect, A major never chews out a "colonial" assuming you meant colonel. A colonel is a higher rank than major. Your idea of military courts is also totally incorrect. Also a civilian judge especially at the state level is up for a vote every few years on whether the people should retain them.
The notion that nuclear war is even remotely called for as a response to 9-11 is as immature as I have seen in a long time. If the Bush didnt have the attention span of a 6 year old the US would have captured or killed OBL in Tora Bora and in the time since his escape there we could have devoted the resources we have in Iraq to the efforts in Afghanistan. Also one thing I will point out, is that Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are not Arab countries. It is true they are muslim countries, but Arabs is in reference to people traditionally from Arabia. Why is it your lackey Bush didnt do squat to Saudi Arabia when 14 of the 19 highjackers on that horrible Tuesday morning were Saudis? We continue to buy billions of dollars in oil from them, while they persecute women, and do not have basic liberties that America stands for. Your criticism of Powell is baseless, unfounded and ignorant.
Nuclear War is Justice for arabs who attacked our country on 9-11.

Have a good time figuring out how to target only the ones guilty of crimes against the US. Unless you don't mind taking out a large number of civilians, thereby making yourself as bad if not worse than the terrorists of 9/11.

If India did strike and then Pakistan strike them dont you think Al Queda and Osama would have been dead? Osama is hiding in the moutains of Afgainstan and Pakistan border.Osama knows Pakistan is protecting him plus there are Al Queda terrorist camps in northern Pakistan. If they had a Nuclear War Exchange there would been 10 million dead arabs already.But now he prevented the Nuclear war which means Osama has a trick up his sleeve to attack us again.

Very clever of you. I don't suppose you'd mind proving this?

And Get this.IRAN isnt interested launching the Nukes.Iran wants to Build nukes so they can sell em to terrorist like Al Queda.


And Closing down gitmo bay would lead Terrorist be freed by our liberal politicans when they go to a civilian court instead a military court.

Yeah, cause justice just couldn't be served in a civilian court. No way.

And you know how judges are?

They're public servants who knowingly make themselves targets to do what they think is right. Most judges are okay in my book.

In the Military court Judges must take orders from the Top commanding officers.

Gee, why bother with judges or a trial when a commanding officer can just swoop in and deliver the guilty verdict?

In the civilian court Judges dont have to obey orders they can make desisions on their damn free will.

You just hate the justice system, don't you?

See when a Military Judge says not guilty then the President wants to know why from the general. If its not a good reason he can tear off his stripes and medals. And if the general gets the ax he chews out the major,And The Major chews out the colonial and he chews out lieutenant. And then the Judge is in HOT WATER for disobeying a direct order to find him guilty.

So in other words, if justice is carried out and a suspect is found not-guilty of terrorist activities, and if the President doesn't like the suspect, the President can dress down the judge? It sounds like you're advocating allowing the President to bully military judges into convicting suspects rather than allowing justice to decide whether or not they're guilty.

Thats why we cant trust civilian courts on terrorist cause Judges on civilian courts cant be fired or removed. Go see AKA Vermonts Judge Cashman who gave a Peopldile only 60 days in jail.

So this is what you get for mixing a little of the 'ole Kool-Aid with goose-stepping.
Go back to those pearl harbor days. When Harry Truman dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshema many or our VFWs said that was for Japs bombed pearl harbor. Japs paid a horrable price for attacking our naval base.We sent a message to japan and to the world DONT MESS WITH THE UNITED STATES!! Today Japs are scared of messing with america cause the horror they witnessed on august 6 1945.If the Arabs witness this

I gurantee you theyre leave us alone!
Nuclear War is Justice for arabs who attacked our country on 9-11.If India did strike and then Pakistan strike them dont you think Al Queda and Osama would have been dead? Osama is hiding in the moutains of Afgainstan and Pakistan border.Osama knows Pakistan is protecting him plus there are Al Queda terrorist camps in northern Pakistan. If they had a Nuclear War Exchange there would been 10 million dead arabs already.But now he prevented the Nuclear war which means Osama has a trick up his sleeve to attack us again.And Get this.IRAN isnt interested launching the Nukes.Iran wants to Build nukes so they can sell em to terrorist like Al Queda. And Closing down gitmo bay would lead Terrorist be freed by our liberal politicans when they go to a civilian court instead a military court.And you know how judges are? In the Military court Judges must take orders from the Top commanding officers. In the civilian court Judges dont have to obey orders they can make desisions on their damn free will. See when a Military Judge says not guilty then the President wants to know why from the general. If its not a good reason he can tear off his stripes and medals. And if the general gets the ax he chews out the major,And The Major chews out the colonial and he chews out lieutenant. And then the Judge is in HOT WATER for disobeying a direct order to find him guilty.Thats why we cant trust civilian courts on terrorist cause Judges on civilian courts cant be fired or removed. Go see AKA Vermonts Judge Cashman who gave a Peopldile only 60 days in jail.

Just a couple of questions. Could you possibly be more ignorant? How many Arabs do you think you are going to kill in Pakistan or Afghanistan? I think a better idea would be to drop a nuclear weapon on your house so this forum isn't so cluttered up with stupid posts.

Nuclear War is Justice for arabs who attacked our country on 9-11.If India did strike and then Pakistan strike them dont you think Al Queda and Osama would have been dead? Osama is hiding in the moutains of Afgainstan and Pakistan border.Osama knows Pakistan is protecting him plus there are Al Queda terrorist camps in northern Pakistan. If they had a Nuclear War Exchange there would been 10 million dead arabs already.But now he prevented the Nuclear war which means Osama has a trick up his sleeve to attack us again.And Get this.IRAN isnt interested launching the Nukes.Iran wants to Build nukes so they can sell em to terrorist like Al Queda. And Closing down gitmo bay would lead Terrorist be freed by our liberal politicans when they go to a civilian court instead a military court.And you know how judges are? In the Military court Judges must take orders from the Top commanding officers. In the civilian court Judges dont have to obey orders they can make desisions on their damn free will. See when a Military Judge says not guilty then the President wants to know why from the general. If its not a good reason he can tear off his stripes and medals. And if the general gets the ax he chews out the major,And The Major chews out the colonial and he chews out lieutenant. And then the Judge is in HOT WATER for disobeying a direct order to find him guilty.Thats why we cant trust civilian courts on terrorist cause Judges on civilian courts cant be fired or removed. Go see AKA Vermonts Judge Cashman who gave a Peopldile only 60 days in jail.

where to begin? Well, firstly 14 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is also one of the most brutally repressive regimes on the planet, debatably worse even than Iraq under Saddam. Why not nuke Saudi?

Why would Bin Laden be killed by nuclear war between India and Pakistan? In war, the tendency is to strike at your enemy's military, industrial and population centres, not wilderness border regions home only to goats and leopards. Also the natives of India and Pakistan are not Arabs.

With regard to Iran, they are very likely seeking nuclear weapons, but remember the election of Ahmedinejad was a direct reaction to American diplomatic bungling and hawkish foreign policy.

Closing Guantanamo bay would go some way towards making America practice what she preaches and abide by her own rules. The prisoners there won't be going before a military court anyway, it will be a military tribunal like the Nuremberg trials. No judge, but a group of high ranking officers who act as a jury. Also a colonel is higher up than a major. What a pity that civilian judges get to use "their damn free will". I guess the president should get to decide all court cases?

All judges in civilian courts in America can be removed for bad conduct, even the supreme court ones. However I don't think "bad conduct" is considered handing down a verdict you personally don't like. Having read about the case in Vermont you mentioned, while I don't agree with the sentence I think the judge acted to try something different that might actually work instead of something that has been proven not to work. You also neglected to add that if the convicted man fails to carry out his part of the sentence upon release, he faces life in prison.

I really hope steveox's views are not held by the majority in America, but fear they are. They seem just the right mix of half-truth, spin and spoon-fed propaganda for someone who watches too much Fox News. I believe it was people like steveox who put GWB back in the White House.

As for Colin Powell, he remains one of the better American statesmen of the last 30 years. He should have been given more medals for diverting India and Pakistan from war. Powell served as the lone voice of sanity in Bush's insane government until he was forced out. He was by no means perfect but was the only one in that government to maintain a shred of integrity.
I think everyones said my points against steveox's post. Justice for the arab world? The innocent ones too?

Let's say one American soldier raped a girl in Iraq, or killed a couple of people unneccesarily. I'm sure its happened. Would it be fair for a state in America to be wiped off the map somehow, killing all the innocents, for that one man. A state for each US soldier who has commited a crime causing terror amoungst the people of Iraq.

Don't be so bloody stupid.
Colin Powell's achievements prior to retirement were being a compliant, shut mouthed, order facilitator. That's it. And in the military (and infortunately too much business), that's all it takes for advancement, with the exception of family ties or connections. He did what he was told to do and was rewarded by being made a wealthy person along with his son. Now that he is out, he has every right to say what he wants.
All these Clowns who have been apointed by BILL CLINTON are letting those Peopldiles get light sentences like only 60 days in jail for raping an 8 year old girl in vermont.Democrats put judges who arent harsh and more likely to free the guilty then protecting the innocent.Like apointing Liberals like Stephen Breyer and Ruth Ginsburg Both apointed by that Idiot by BILL CLINTON.Why didnt the Republicans Fillabuster both of them? Wanna know why? Republicans dont play dirty politics. Republicans play fair like that good cowboy guy John Wayne. Democrats play Dirty like Those Pittsburgh Steelers do.Theyre do anything to win even it means injuring somebody.Democrats Cheat like Randy Orton and The R Rated superstar EDGE. Republicans are good guys like Bastisa and Bobby Lashley
Republicans dont play dirty politics.

Ever heard of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

Republicans play fair like that good cowboy guy John Wayne.

Is there any possible way that this isn't a joke?

Democrats play Dirty like Those Pittsburgh Steelers do.Theyre do anything to win even it means injuring somebody.Democrats Cheat like Randy Orton and The R Rated superstar EDGE. Republicans are good guys like Bastisa and Bobby Lashley

Now I know you must be kidding. It took me a minute to place where I'd heard those names before...and then I realized you were likening political parties to professional wrestlers. Reality is no where even close to being that black and white.

How old are you?
What a joke, Colin Powell was the only person to give any sort of credibility to the Bush admin. The notion of court martialing him is laughable. Bush said not to go to India, he went anyways, and it potentially stopped a NUCLEAR WAR! If Bush was even slightly interested in not preventing a nuclear war then he needs to be brought to the Hague for a crimes against humanity. I dont know what your beef is with Colin Powell, but yeah he would close Gitmo, as would just about every person in this country and most of the Presidential candidates as it is the prudent thing to do. The Gitmo policy is a really underhanded and dirty game to play that only further erodes our international standing. This is the United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, with liberty and justice for ALL. The exsistence of Gitmo is completely unAmerican.
It doesnt matter if he was fired or resigned, those are political nuances. Powell has more knowhow and knowledge than just about anybody in military and foreign policy matters and he is a free private citizen who has the right to say whatever he damn well pleases just as you do. Also that notion that you say he sides with Arabs and Muslims now is utter and complete nonsense worthy of a trailer court milk crate circle jerk. In America the law is supposed to be applied without reference to race, religion etc. I have met Colin Powell, and would vote for him for President right now today. He would make an incredible President and bring back some respect to this nation on the international level that Bush has done nothing but piss away.


WOW what an ignorant post all around. A few things Ill point out, go back and re-read your post. Your military chain of command was incorrect, A major never chews out a "colonial" assuming you meant colonel. A colonel is a higher rank than major. Your idea of military courts is also totally incorrect. Also a civilian judge especially at the state level is up for a vote every few years on whether the people should retain them.
The notion that nuclear war is even remotely called for as a response to 9-11 is as immature as I have seen in a long time. If the Bush didnt have the attention span of a 6 year old the US would have captured or killed OBL in Tora Bora and in the time since his escape there we could have devoted the resources we have in Iraq to the efforts in Afghanistan. Also one thing I will point out, is that Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are not Arab countries. It is true they are muslim countries, but Arabs is in reference to people traditionally from Arabia. Why is it your lackey Bush didnt do squat to Saudi Arabia when 14 of the 19 highjackers on that horrible Tuesday morning were Saudis? We continue to buy billions of dollars in oil from them, while they persecute women, and do not have basic liberties that America stands for. Your criticism of Powell is baseless, unfounded and ignorant.

i really like this guy another superb post