Well-Known Member
You will, most likely, have a great many more unwanted pregnancies carried to term by poor women.
If Palerider is right about the Pill being an aborticant (and I disagree since it is only a remote chance and making the womb inhospitable to life is not the same as forcing that life from it) - you will be removing a major and highly reliable form of birth control for women. You can only HOPE that something else will be developed that is as safe and reliable (and look how long it took to develop safety in the pill).
You will have a lot of children born to people who can least afford them and are least likely to take proper prenatal care to insure a healthy child. You will also have a higher percentage of severely disabled children as well.
Paternity is still sketchy and men are still far more easily able to avoid the responsibilities of paternity then women - that's just a fact of life.
You will still have pregnant teenagers - possibly a lot more, since the Pill will be outlawed - who will drop out of school and quite possibly (given the difficulties of affordable childcare, likelihood low wage jobs, etc.) end up on public welfare rolls.
Women who have been raped being forced to bear the consequences of that rape...with what help? She sure as hell is not going to want to marry a rapist or want him in her child's life, assuming he is even caught and convicted.
Once again, women will likely be stigmatized by out of wedlock pregnancies - something men have never been stigmatized for.
Please add to the list - I'm sure there are more issues.
So - what changes in law and society to you envision to accommodate the massive change that outlawing abortion (and the Pill) will cause?
If Palerider is right about the Pill being an aborticant (and I disagree since it is only a remote chance and making the womb inhospitable to life is not the same as forcing that life from it) - you will be removing a major and highly reliable form of birth control for women. You can only HOPE that something else will be developed that is as safe and reliable (and look how long it took to develop safety in the pill).
You will have a lot of children born to people who can least afford them and are least likely to take proper prenatal care to insure a healthy child. You will also have a higher percentage of severely disabled children as well.
Paternity is still sketchy and men are still far more easily able to avoid the responsibilities of paternity then women - that's just a fact of life.
You will still have pregnant teenagers - possibly a lot more, since the Pill will be outlawed - who will drop out of school and quite possibly (given the difficulties of affordable childcare, likelihood low wage jobs, etc.) end up on public welfare rolls.
Women who have been raped being forced to bear the consequences of that rape...with what help? She sure as hell is not going to want to marry a rapist or want him in her child's life, assuming he is even caught and convicted.
Once again, women will likely be stigmatized by out of wedlock pregnancies - something men have never been stigmatized for.
Please add to the list - I'm sure there are more issues.
So - what changes in law and society to you envision to accommodate the massive change that outlawing abortion (and the Pill) will cause?