Implementation of Obamacare

President Obama's approval rating drops to lowest yet in Quinnipiac University poll

President Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 39 percent amid the problems plaguing the ObamaCare rollout, according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University released Tuesday.

The poll says 54 percent of Americans disapprove of Obama’s job performance and 39 percent approve, which is the president’s lowest approval rating in the Quinnipiac poll since he became president.
One Fired, Three Suspended After Undercover Video Catches Obamacare ‘Navigators’ Offering Shocking Advice

The Urban League of Greater Dallas has reportedly fired one person and suspended three others after an undercover video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught Obamacare “navigators” advising a potential applicant to “lie”and provide false information to get a lower premium and more subsidies.

Oddly enough this seems common when outside contractors are hired to do jobs that just maybe should be performed by government employees. Oddly enough it is me saying that.
franchises huh... considering thats where the lions share of what few jobs open each month are as was predictable and predicted ocare is a dagger in the heart of the economy.
Yep .... and not by accident I might say. Ocare was designed to wipe out your health insurace policy and was designed to wipe out the economy. Anyone in Washington who says different is lying including BO.
Revealed: Obamacare plans will cost MORE 'in many cases' even with government subsidies, officials admit for the first time

The Obama administration has directly conceded for the first time that 'in many cases,' health insurance plans offered through government exchanges are more expensive than plans consumers bought before the Affordable Care Act became law – even when government subsidies are figured in.
Less for more... what a concept.
I had originally thought that the website fiasco was the usual govt contract incompetence at work. But now Im thinking it was intentional to shorten the timeline for a collapse into the so called single payor nightmare. Amazingly disturbing that obama is willing to bring on a worldwide depression to make the formerly great depression seem a picnic just for that. Its more stupid than betting you can beat mutually assured destruction.
This I guess is the result when meglomania and stupid mix.
But IF there is a good thing to come of it, all those trillions in debt that could n3ver be repaid will just go away. The stone age part ii might be fun, right ?
Less for more... what a concept.
I had originally thought that the website fiasco was the usual govt contract incompetence at work. But now Im thinking it was intentional to shorten the timeline for a collapse into the so called single payor nightmare. Amazingly disturbing that obama is willing to bring on a worldwide depression to make the formerly great depression seem a picnic just for that. Its more stupid than betting you can beat mutually assured destruction.
This I guess is the result when meglomania and stupid mix.
But IF there is a good thing to come of it, all those trillions in debt that could n3ver be repaid will just go away. The stone age part ii might be fun, right ?
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Howard, no he doesnt but it hasnt stopped him from delective politically based enforcement many times. And the other two branches have shirked their duty regarding checks and balances. Shame on them all.