Implementation of Obamacare

From Richard Baehr

The biggest Obamacare lie, which I still see nobody talking about, is this:

In the first year, the administration's estimate was that 7 million people would sign up on the exchanges. Everybody assumed these 7 million would come from the ranks of the currently uninsured. But, as now seems clear, they thought 9 million who currently have policies were going to have them cancelled. Thus, these people would need to buy new policies on the exchange to replace the cancelled policies.

Think about this for a minute. Were they planning for fewer people insured than before the exchanges opened? Of course the Medicaid signups are separate, and a large number. But for non-Medicaid, it looks like they anticipated 2 million fewer insured after the first year in individual policies than before.

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Some D.C. Exchange Plans Cover Elective Abortion but Not Hearing Aids

Multiple individual plans available on the D.C. health insurance exchange specifically cover elective abortion but not hearing aids, routine foot-care, and routine eye-care. One such plan, Healthy Blue PPO $1500 (you can check it out on the DC Healthlink website here), has a summary on the D.C. exchange’s website titled “Excluded Services & Other Covered Services.” It says enrollees can receive coverage for abortions performed for a non-medical reasons, but not for a number of other services that could seem medically necessary. The plan also excludes coverage for some other procedures, including cosmetic surgery, bariatric surgery, and infertility treatment.
On Kelly's File last night she was talking about the nuclear option. I guess there is a group out there needing to be approved by the senate that are what Palin referred to as the death panel. This group will be doing a number on Medicare patients. They are called the Independent Patient Advisory Board or IPAB and will be given, what some critics call "Godlike powers".

I guess this is where Obamacare's architect's plan comes in, called "whole lives system". Where you'll be rationed care according to how ill and how old you are and at what cost.

Obama will be able to appoint the most radical people to this 15 member board. They will have unlimited power to determine how much care seniors get and at what cost.

Dem Senator: Kill the 'Death Panel'

Seniors aren't going to like this one bit.
On Kelly's File last night she was talking about the nuclear option. I guess there is a group out there needing to be approved by the senate that are what Palin referred to as the death panel. This group will be doing a number on Medicare patients. They are called the Independent Patient Advisory Board or IPAB and will be given, what some critics call "Godlike powers".

I guess this is where Obamacare's architect's plan comes in, called "whole lives system". Where you'll be rationed care according to how ill and how old you are and at what cost.

Obama will be able to appoint the most radical people to this 15 member board. They will have unlimited power to determine how much care seniors get and at what cost.

Dem Senator: Kill the 'Death Panel'

Seniors aren't going to like this one bit.
You can bet care will be rationed down party lines and race as well!
Enroll America under fire again after video suggests involvement in partisan politics

FILE: A certified application counselor for ObamaCare at the Borinquen Medical Center in Miami, Florida.REUTERS

Enroll America, the group leading efforts to enroll Americans in ObamaCare, is facing accusations again that it has violated its tax-exempt nonprofit status by engaging in partisan politics -- following the release of a video in which a top official seems to brag about his political connections.

The complaint was filed Friday by the group with the IRS.

In the video, Christopher Tarango, a communications director for the group, says: "I'm doing Enroll America right now. But I'm also, I shouldn't be saying this, but I'm also helping out with HD 50, so that's as partisan as it gets.

"There's a lot of talent that got sucked into Organizing for Action. I mean, there's a lot of talent that got sucked into Enroll America, but we are all Obama people."
This is one of the best Obamacare videos I have seen. It clearly compares what we were told about Obamacare and the reality we face today and the reality we face in the future.

If you are interested take the time to watch this video and comment on whether you believe these facts to be true.

Fact Check: Is President Obama's latest health care promise true?

Is President Obama’s latest health care promise – that his plan will offer “most” people a better plan for the same price or less than their current policy – actually true?
Some analysts say no.

"That’s not an accurate argument," says Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute. "If your plan is now covering a bunch of things that you don’t need, then how is it a better plan for you?"

Is anyone still buying any thing this lying POS is saying?

Please chime in ....
The proof is in the pudding.

The real Obamacare tragedies have yet to show their face. The website is a joke and it's not even safe to go through it, as there is no security against identity theft.

Besides that, Wapo has reported that one third of those that have signed up so far are not insured. The insurance companies are reporting a lot of errors they are getting from the Obamacare website. Some of the applications have missing addresses and phone numbers, so they can't even contact them.

How many people are going to go to the doctor next month, only to find out they are not insured? What happened to their application? What happened to their premium? What happens when they are told their doctor will not take Obamacare?

Then there is the back end of the program. The subsidy part hasn't even been built yet. Neither the insurance co., or the insured know what their real subsidy is going to be. The IRS is saying they have no way to verify how much a person makes, which is how the subsidy is figured.

Now we find out that the government has just told the insurance companies to bill them for what they think they will get for the subsidies and they will settle up later.

I've never seen anything like this before. It's more than a disaster, it's a catastrophe.
The proof is in the pudding.

The real Obamacare tragedies have yet to show their face. The website is a joke and it's not even safe to go through it, as there is no security against identity theft.

Besides that, Wapo has reported that one third of those that have signed up so far are not insured. The insurance companies are reporting a lot of errors they are getting from the Obamacare website. Some of the applications have missing addresses and phone numbers, so they can't even contact them.

How many people are going to go to the doctor next month, only to find out they are not insured? What happened to their application? What happened to their premium? What happens when they are told their doctor will not take Obamacare?

Then there is the back end of the program. The subsidy part hasn't even been built yet. Neither the insurance co., or the insured know what their real subsidy is going to be. The IRS is saying they have no way to verify how much a person makes, which is how the subsidy is figured.

Now we find out that the government has just told the insurance companies to bill them for what they think they will get for the subsidies and they will settle up later.

I've never seen anything like this before. It's more than a disaster, it's a catastrophe.
It is all intentional ....

The US government is solely based on the internet. Everything is done by computer .... nuclear weapons ... striking enemies and American citizens too via drone strikes from miles away, abroad ....

And, they can't run a website to insure folks ......

Come on .... clearly ... logically .... this is absolutely intentional .....

To destroy Americans and the "Conservative" Freedom loving, Constitutional supporting citizens within ...
Come on .... clearly ... logically .... this is absolutely intentional .....

To destroy Americans and the "Conservative" Freedom loving, Constitutional supporting citizens within ...

It was reported this morning that IBM offered the government to build the website for "free". No charge, nada..... and were turned down.

The current website builders/programmers are now over one billion in costs to the tax payers and who knows how much more they will get if it ever gets finished.
It was reported this morning that IBM offered the government to build the website for "free". No charge, nada..... and were turned down.

The current website builders/programmers are now over one billion in costs to the tax payers and who knows how much more they will get if it ever gets finished.
Can we say kick back? Cronie capitalism?