Infamous 1% Receipt is a Hoax


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
You probably saw the story, though I was too busy yesterday to cover it here.
Supposedly the associate of a wealthy banker who went out to eat was outraged by the banker’s cheap 1% tip for a waiter. The banker also supposedly wrote “Get a real job!” on the receipt. The associate took a photo and posted it alongside a comment of outrage on the web.

It sounded a little too perfect for the left’s narrative, no? The evil guy is a wealthy banker. He leaves a 1% tip and writes a cliched “Get a real job!” comment. It’s like a leftist’s wet dream. As if the event was scripted.

CNN,MSNBC all these liberal news media took it seriously. You see what i mean about liberals? Liberals WILL LIE TO YOU! Your school teachers will brainwash your children about the evoirnment and tell you what to eat. Democrat Politicans will tell you false stuff like ,,Republicans want to starve your kids (Cutting school Lunch Programs) Put your grandmother out on the street and eat dog food ( Cutting Social Security Programs) Poison the water polute the air ( Cutting evoinmental projects) Yup Democrats will lie to you just to scare the living daylights outta you so you vote for idoits like Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi,Reid, Biden and Obama. Do dont listen or watch these idoit news networks like CNN or MSNBC for example.
No problem. Liberals don't need no stinking facts to muddy up their agenda, a made up fraudulent receipt is good enough to print the story.