Investigations; What Republicans Have ALWAYS Done


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"California Rep. Darrell Issa is already eyeing a massive expansion of oversight for next year, including hundreds of hearings; creating new subcommittees; and launching fresh investigations into the bank bailout, the stimulus and, potentially, health care reform.

Issa told POLITICO in an interview that he wants each of his seven subcommittees to hold “one or two hearings each week.”

“I want seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks,” Issa said."
"A few days before Christmas, the mood in Representative Darrell Issa’s office was jovial. Outside, the hallways were filled with the House’s equivalent of scalps: wooden pallets piled high with shrink-wrapped boxes belonging to defeated or retiring Democrats. Inside, some of Issa’s closest advisers sat around talking trash. Issa, a six-term California Republican, had recently been elected chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which, according to House rules, “may at any time conduct investigations of any matter.” Now that he had been given the power to subpoena, investigate, and harass the Obama Administration, Issa was being described as a future leader of his party—and the man most likely to weaken the President before the 2012 election."
"Rep. Elijah Cummings, the Democratic ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, released more than 200 pages of interview transcripts Tuesday afternoon after the committee's Chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), refused to do so.

Cummings is seeking to dispel any notion that targeting of Tea Party groups by the Internal Revenue Service was ordered from Washington.

Cummings released transcripts with an IRS screening group manager described as a "conservative Republican," who said that the targeting of the Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status started with low-level workers in Cincinnati. The witness also said that there was no communication on the targeting with any senior IRS officials or with anyone in Washington or the Obama administration."
"The veteran Maryland congressman’s outburst after his microphone was turned off at a Wednesday hearing on the IRS was out of character for the usually calm Cummings.

But it was part of a larger story: Darrell Issa is perhaps the most-hated member of the GOP by Democrats. The California congressman has used his perch as the head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to lead numerous investigations of controversies of the Obama administration, from the failed “Fast and Furious” gun trafficking program to the IRS’ auditing of tax-exempt political groups.

Issa has had little success in terms of taking on the Obama administration. His investigations have rarely led to information being disclosed that had not already been unearthed by the media. Whatever Obama’s foibles, Issa has found no enduring scandal that has permanently harmed the administration. Issa’s arguably leading target, Attorney General Eric Holder, has survived numerous investigations by Issa and remains in office."