Is American democratic policy good for Europe?


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
Hello everyone! I hope that some information which I would like to share will be useful for you.
First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Didier Moreau, I’m Doctor of Economics and the main sphere of my research work is energy field and its effect on the world economy.
The world economy is not yet recovered from the financial crisis started in 2008, but it was stricken by another problem – political crisis in the world’s two main energy resources production centers – Mediterranean-Middle eastern and post-Soviet regions. I believe it is clear that political crisis in these regions will push the world economy to a new crisis, which will be unpredictably long-lasting because of inability to achieve political stability in these regions at a short period of time and as a consequence lack of energy resources.
These political and energy problems were provoked by the US, because it plays leading role in pushing these countries to their present status. Well maybe it is good for the US, but for the EU, which is still facing consequences of economical crisis and can hardly cope with them it is the worst sequence of events. To speak naturally US actions are eroding Europe’s economical recovery, not saying about the colossal damage caused to the world’s two biggest energy resources holding regions.