Its finally happened.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
It must have been yesterday but I got the news today.

Trump had some rally where the faithful loopies gathered waving their and singing hymns.
Nothing unusual there but what came next blew me away.

The godbothering republicans have put together a booklet and apparently launched it at the rally declaring officially that Trump was the return of jesus.

In another forum I boasted and chortled how the rapture and preceding half time show had failed miserably. Not a sign of the big guy in the clouds. Not even an apology.

But it doesn't matter now. We have the delusional jesus junkies declaring it is now Trump.
I'm so relieved. At last I can expect to be raptured skywards. Yearning for eternity amongst the failed prayer mumblers. I was preparing myself for eternity in hell with free booze, sex drugs and rock and roll.
I cannot go wrong now with Trump guiding us.