I've never been embarrassed to be a liberal, until now


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are history in Connecticut.

Under pressure from the NAACP, the state Democratic Party will scrub the names of the two presidents from its annual fundraising dinner because of their ties to slavery.

Party leaders voted unanimously Wednesday night in Hartford to rename the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting of nine worshipers at the historic black church in Charleston, S.C.

The decision is believed to be unprecedented and could prompt Democrats in other states with similarly-named events to follow suit.

“I see it as the right thing to do,” Nick Balletto, the party’s first-year chairman, told Hearst Connecticut Media Wednesday night. “I wasn’t looking to be a trailblazer or set off a trend that’s going to affect the rest of the country. Hopefully, they’ll follow suit when they see it’s the right thing to do.”

Time to re-write history big time! This has been coming for a long time! Living in LA-LA land, and denying a country's past will never accomplish anything, and will undoubtedly do more harm than good. America's founders knew the problems with slavery, and they took steps early on to remedy them. Jefferson freed his slaves long before he had to. Jackson was a different matter. He was just a narcissist who wanted all the glory he could get.
I'm sorry but what exact good is that going to do? Deleting their names automatically deletes that part of American history as if it never happened? Is that how it works?

It might just be me that thinks this but all the NAACP seem to do is try and pick fights and 'raise awareness' on matters that mean absolutely nothing to the majority of people.
I'm sorry but what exact good is that going to do? Deleting their names automatically deletes that part of American history as if it never happened? Is that how it works?

It might just be me that thinks this but all the NAACP seem to do is try and pick fights and 'raise awareness' on matters that mean absolutely nothing to the majority of people.
It isn't going to do anything but, hopefully, shut some people up. I don't know anything about Connecticut's view and/or political correctness threshold, the fine people of Dixie are getting fed up. Around my area political correctness goes over about as well as "Pâté". This is part of the reason why I can't leave my house without seeing the confederate flag on 30 different cars, And I can't order any online, because everybody that sells them is so backed up that it'll be close to a month before they can even START to fill your order.
You have to view history in light of the time period. Of course, nowadays, slavery seems barbaric and evil. However, at that time maybe a lot of people saw it as a type of "room and board" employment, as corny as that sounds. :rolleyes: Also, beatings were considered normal at the time, and were often employed by the military to discipline troops.

However, slavery as with any other institution has been riddled with abuse.
I saw a news blurb yesterday that said that the good " progressives" (liberals) in America want to eradicate the word "Dixie," as it pertains to the southern U.S. states! They think it sounds racist! WTH?? I hope some of the liberals in the south are beginning to have buyer's remorse about the democrats and their silly oppressive crap! It's time to get their heads out of the nether regions, and realize they've been fed a pack of lies for decades.
The fact is it happened. And I agree with @Jason76 , we have to view it in light of the time period. But just because slavery and racism was such a hot topic during the civil war doesn't mean the South represents nothing BUT slavery and racism. In all actuality, the south stopped representing racism a long time ago. There aren't any more racists here than anywhere else. Changing the names of fund raisers because Jefferson and Jackson had slaves? Trying to take away the flag because someone who was southern happened to be racist, as well, and displayed the flag? Taking down statues in parks of Confederate generals? Changing the name of Old Dixie highway in Florida because now the term "dixie" is racist? Its a little late for people to decide the south needs to pay for crimes that happened almost 200 years ago. They can't change the past, and they can't change the south. It isn't our fault life up North sucks so bad that y'all don't have "Northern pride".
I saw a news blurb yesterday that said that the good " progressives" (liberals) in America want to eradicate the word "Dixie," as it pertains to the southern U.S. states! They think it sounds racist! WTH?? I hope some of the liberals in the south are beginning to have buyer's remorse about the democrats and their silly oppressive crap! It's time to get their heads out of the nether regions, and realize they've been fed a pack of lies for decades.
I don't have buyers remorse. I never bought it to begin with :P They aren't going to stop on their own until we have lost everything that represents our heritage. The only way they'll ever stop is by being forced to. I am proud to say, though, that a school in Smyrna, Tennessee just refused to ban the confederate flags from student vehicles and t-shirts. A black student's mother doesn't want her son exposed to that. "That" being a flag that they have had to look at their entire lives, and never had a problem with, before.

The black student whose mother complained should not be confused with the black kid who had the flag up in his car. 2 different people.
I'm not changing my dogs name (Dixie).
And she got that name because she was the sweetest puppy you ever saw which reminded me of a lady I knew who was just a lovely sweet person. And EVERY ONE was naming their dogs Daisy so I had to find another name.
I'm not changing my dogs name (Dixie).
And she got that name because she was the sweetest puppy you ever saw which reminded me of a lady I knew who was just a lovely sweet person. And EVERY ONE was naming their dogs Daisy so I had to find another name.
I have a lot of respect for that. I'm letting this entire situation get to me, and I hate that. I'm almost obsessed. I'm starting to feel violated. Like my home is being raped. But, I did find a lawn mower shop around here thats sells the flag. While everybody else is taking it off the shelves, this guy is putting huge signs up," We have your confederate flags!"
I have a lot of respect for that. I'm letting this entire situation get to me, and I hate that. I'm almost obsessed. I'm starting to feel violated. Like my home is being raped. But, I did find a lawn mower shop around here thats sells the flag. While everybody else is taking it off the shelves, this guy is putting huge signs up," We have your confederate flags!"
The sheer silliness of it makes me want to slap one up everywhere.
Then to turn on perhaps the most brilliant founding father we ever had (Jefferson) just boggles my mind. How can people be so childish ? It's embarrassing.
The sheer silliness of it makes me want to slap one up everywhere.
Then to turn on perhaps the most brilliant founding father we ever had (Jefferson) just boggles my mind. How can people be so childish ? It's embarrassing.
I can't admit I'm liberal anymore. Not around here, anyway. Now I'm just a southern girl with no real political affiliation, (I don't want to get flogged or stoned. Plus it really is the liberal's faults). I'm trying to get my husband to paint a flag on the roof of our cabin. He's acting reluctant, but I just started the "really annoying" phase, so I guess we'll see.
I can't admit I'm liberal anymore. Not around here, anyway. Now I'm just a southern girl with no real political affiliation, (I don't want to get flogged or stoned. Plus it really is the liberal's faults). I'm trying to get my husband to paint a flag on the roof of our cabin. He's acting reluctant, but I just started the "really annoying" phase, so I guess we'll see.
Wish more lefties would decide that things have gone over into the fringe.
Wish more lefties would decide that things have gone over into the fringe.
My heart still belongs to the liberals, though, simply because I do cherish human life, and I think a person's wealth isn't based on their checking accounts, and because I don't approve of being soulless and greedy, and I don't like the idea of my soul being black and crusty with green pus seeping out.

The liberals and conservatives, alike, have lost their focus on what's important. The issues have become childish, spiteful, and petty on both sides. No one is asking, or answering, the important questions. Why is it such an issue if a single mother gets food stamps, and has healthy children because they aren't starved? Why is the same flag that every person in the south has had to live with for 170 years, suddenly something people don't want their children subjected to? Everyone has gotten distracted with idiotic issues, on both sides, so we are no longer paying attention to what's important. And, I swear, if even one person tries to blame it on Obama, I'm going to scream! Its been like this for a lot longer than he's been in office.