Jesse Helms R.I.P.

Tim Russert reads Clinton's premature political obituary, then dies prematurely on Friday the 13th, the same day the power went out in Washington DC.

Jessie Helms, the GOP icon dies on the day of our nation's birthday. Are the forefathers telling us something?

It's like some crazy Santeria..:eek:

Next thing you know the Demon Cat will be prowling the Capitol Building.
May God grant him peace. He was a great and honorable politician, and served our State well, he will be missed. :(
From Wikipedia

Helms was particularly vitriolic when speaking of blacks, gays and lesbians, blaming them for "the proliferation of AIDS," and stating that he disliked using the word "gay" to refer to them since, "...there's nothing gay about them."

Helms opposed the Martin Luther King Day bill in 1983 on grounds that King had two associates with communist ties, Stanley Levison and Jack O'Dell; as well, he voiced disapproval of King's alleged philandering.

Of civil rights protests Helms stated in 1963 that "The Negro cannot count forever on the kind of restraint that's thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic, and interfere with other men's rights." (WRAL-TV commentary, 1963) He also wrote, "Crime rates and irresponsibility among Negroes are a fact of life which must be faced." (New York Times, 2/8/81)
Helms' referred to the University of North Carolina (UNC) as the "University of Negroes and Communists." (Charleston Gazette, 9/15/95)

Helms once deeply offended a black colleague, Democratic Senator Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois, by singing part of "Dixie" on a Capitol elevator.

Soon after the Senate vote on the Confederate flag insignia, Sen. Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) ran into Mosely-Braun in a Capitol elevator. Helms turned to his friend, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah), and said, "Watch me make her cry. I'm going to make her cry. I'm going to sing 'Dixie' until she cries." He then proceeded to sing the song about "the good life" during slavery to Mosely-Braun (Gannett News Service, 9/2/93; Time, 8/16/93).

He was quite a guy all right. Good riddance.
don't want to get into the business of vilifying the (very recently) deceased, but jesse helms was anything but a good dude. the senate is certainly better off without him, i'll say that much.
You people are in DIRE need of help.

Soon after the Senate vote on the Confederate flag insignia, Sen. Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) ran into Mosely-Braun in a Capitol elevator. Helms turned to his friend, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah), and said, "Watch me make her cry. I'm going to make her cry. I'm going to sing 'Dixie' until she cries." He then proceeded to sing the song about "the good life" during slavery to Mosely-Braun (Gannett News Service, 9/2/93; Time, 8/16/93).

honorable? maybe YOU need help.
honorable? maybe YOU need help.

No, y'all do, because you're too invested in your petty special interests to comprehend the bigger picture that Jesse Helms was getting at. He, and many like him, understand a basic truth that you couldn't comprehend if it smacked you in the face; America isn't about "special interests" and the moment you give ANYONE special dispensation for anything, you've begun to DESTROY this country. He spoke out against that "gay" agenda, and the "black" agenda, and the "womens" agenda, and the "handicapped" agenda, and every other damnable agenda because they're ANTI-AMERICAN.

Maybe one day, when you stop worrying about everyone's pet agenda, and concern yourself more with what America is really all about, you'll see that all of these special dispensations are doing nothing more than making slaves of the very people you claim to be wanting to help. Theodore Roosevelt said it best, "a hyphenated American is not an American at all".
Helm's better hope there's not a God because he sure as hell isn't going to heaven.

Helms helped create an ad that read, "White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories? Frank Graham favors mingling of the races." Another ad featured photographs Helms doctored to illustrate the allegation that Graham's wife had danced with a black man. (FAIR 2001-09-01, The News and Observer 2001-08-26)

Helms was an ardent supporter of the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

In 1994, Helms created a sensation when, on the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, he told broadcasters Rowland Evans, Jr., and Robert Novak that Clinton was "not up" to the tasks of being commander-in-chief and suggested Clinton, "better not show up around here [Fort Bragg] without a bodyguard."
No, y'all do, because you're too invested in your petty special interests to comprehend the bigger picture that Jesse Helms was getting at. He, and many like him, understand a basic truth that you couldn't comprehend if it smacked you in the face; America isn't about "special interests" and the moment you give ANYONE special dispensation for anything, you've begun to DESTROY this country. He spoke out agains that "gay" agenda, and the "black" agenda, and the "womens" agenda, and the "handicapped" agenda, and every other damnable agenda because they're ANTI-AMERICAN.

Maybe one day, when you stop worrying about everyone's pet agenda, and concern yourself more with what America is really all about, you'll see that all of these special dispensations are doing nothing more than making slaves of the very people you claim to be wanting to help. Theodore Roosevelt said it best, "a hyphenated American is not an American at all".

maybe one day you'll wake the hell up and realize that the country you love so much has been perpetrating great crimes against every group that didn't make up the majority, the white christian men, and that it is more important to the ideals of america to insure equality than to allow the injustice to continue for the sake of maintaining the "equilibrium" you seem to seek.

until someone piped up about the "black agenda," blacks were slaves, and then they couldn't vote, and then they couldn't mix with whites, use the same water fountains, go to the same school.

until somone brought up the "women's agenda," they couldn't own property or vote.

america didn't suddenly come of age in 1968. it is changing continually, continues to do so, and always will. those anti-american agendas you decry are the only reason we can continue to insure that that standards on which the country was founded continue to be extended to all necessary individuals.

(and yet, i notice you do not decry the corporate agenda, the big business agenda, which helms was indubitably beholden to. shows your priorities.)

jesse helms was a hateful, racist cracker. he was scum. i didn't want to get into all this, but if it's what you want to hear: the WORLD is better off without jesse helms, and people like him. people who think that devotion to the old ways is more important than equality and freedom. and you're ignorant to claim for even a second that there were any redeeming qualities in his public persona. helms is the type of person who was a segregationist in the 1960's, a secessionist in the 1860's, and a loyalist in the 1760's. he was a traitor.

good riddance indeed.
maybe one day you'll wake the hell up and realize that the country you love so much has been perpetrating great crimes against every group that didn't make up the majority, the white christian men, and that it is more important to the ideals of america to insure equality than to allow the injustice to continue for the sake of maintaining the "equilibrium" you seem to seek.

Contrary to what you may think, I live with that reality every day. Frankly, your attempted admonition would have carried more weight without the thinly veiled attempt at slight, but I realize that you're "not quite ready for prime time", and must still play your silly school yard games.

Also, I seek no "equilibrium", I seek nothing more, and nothing less than the same thing that the FF's sought, true freedom for everyone. Not anarchy, not "democracy", but FREEDOM, for all Americans and from a tyrannical government that has usurped OUR Rights without our consent.

until someone piped up about the "black agenda," blacks were slaves, and then they couldn't vote, and then they couldn't mix with whites, use the same water fountains, go to the same school.

Your knowledge of your own history is obviously severely lacking. Even Thomas Jefferson, a slave holder himself, tried desperately to find a way to be able to free the slaves from that "peculiar institution" in such a way as to guarantee their liberty, and without destroying the entire economy of the nation in the process. The fact that Jefferson's fears were so blatantly brought to fruition as the northern states freed their slaves only further illuminated for everyone the difficulties in that effort.

until somone brought up the "women's agenda," they couldn't own property or vote.

And in much of the world, they still cannot, so I suppose that America stands as a shining example of what can be done.

america didn't suddenly come of age in 1968.

I would hope not, but what's your point?

it is changing continually, continues to do so, and always will. those anti-american agendas you decry are the only reason we can continue to insure that that standards on which the country was founded continue to be extended to all necessary individuals.

AHH, I see that you still don't get it, and have to resort to attempts at twisting an obvious truth. The problem with all of the anti-American agendas I speak of is that they're being used not to guarantee equality, but to provide unequal, and special mandates for these "special" groups.

Take the "black" agenda for instance; it's not enough that blacks now possess all of the same Rights and privileges of every other American, oh no, they have to have special places to live, special checks from the government every month, special holidays, special this, special that, special the other, and to what end. Proportionally, more blacks are un or underemployed today than they were in the late 50's and into the 60's. More blacks are in prisons today than at any other time in the history of our nation. More blacks are sucking on the government teet than ever before in the history of our nation. WHY? Simple, because they've been told that all they have to do is sit on their asses and do nothing and the government will "take care of them". THAT is why New Orleans turned into the Mongolian cluster-fu(k it did, because they were told that the government would take care of them, and they BELIEVED IT! Well guess what? As long as they continue to identify themselves as "African-Americans", they're NOT Americans, and cannot expect to be treated as if they are. If they are going to continue to behave as second class citizens, they will be treated as second class citizens, and it's their own damned fault.

(and yet, i notice you do not decry the corporate agenda, the big business agenda, which helms was indubitably beholden to. shows your priorities.)

You're right, it does show my priority, for the purposes of this topic. I'm talking about people, you're talking about entities, which are a completely different subject. As far as business is concerned, to quote Calvin Coolidge "the business of the American people is business", and without business, even the big ones and your favorite boogie-man, the "evil" corporations, you'd be on Welfare, Food Stamps, and living in government housing, so grow a brain and try to comprehend how America works.

jesse helms was a hateful, racist cracker. he was scum. i didn't want to get into all this, but if it's what you want to hear: the WORLD is better off without jesse helms, and people like him. people who think that devotion to the old ways is more important than equality and freedom. and you're ignorant to claim for even a second that there were any redeeming qualities in his public persona. helms is the type of person who was a segregationist in the 1960's, a secessionist in the 1860's, and a loyalist in the 1760's. he was a traitor.

good riddance indeed.

That last little tirade of yours only proves that you know nothing about the man except what you read in Wiki. It's really too bad that your comprehension and understanding are so woefully inadequate to be able to intelligently discuss the subject, but what else was I to expect from someone who is so "open minded" that their brains have fallen out.
Helm's better hope there's not a God because he sure as hell isn't going to heaven.
In 1994, Helms created a sensation when, on the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, he told broadcasters Rowland Evans, Jr., and Robert Novak that Clinton was "not up" to the tasks of being commander-in-chief and suggested Clinton, "better not show up around here [Fort Bragg] without a bodyguard."

He is going to heaven, because he's already served his time in Hell.

As for his admonition that Clinton not visit Bragg, isn't it odd that he never did? I guess ole Bill took him seriously.:eek:
You mean Robert "KKK" Byrd?

Yeah, good ol' sheets.... I wrote a satire piece about him, I might share.

"There are white ni**ers, I've seen a lot of white ni**ers in my time... If you want to use that word." --(D)Sen. Robert Byrd

The (D) is a political "Get out of jail free" card. Nobody with that symbol can be labeled racist, sexist, bigoted or homophobic but all those things are just assumed to apply to those with an (R) in front of their name.