Jews Who Sought Revenge

For using the word Jew as an insult, I'm going to ban you lasher. Its not offensive to someone who isn't a jew really, but its still racism and prejudice. Not the mention your numerous posts on zionism which are at best borderline racism.
For using the word Jew as an insult, I'm going to ban you lasher. Its not offensive to someone who isn't a jew really, but its still racism and prejudice. Not the mention your numerous posts on zionism which are at best borderline racism.

In my opinion, this sort of censorship is more offensive than any insult one can reasonably associate with the word jew.
In my opinion, this sort of censorship is more offensive than any insult one can reasonably associate with the word jew.

We weren't censoring his views, numinus. We allowed him to post a number of anti-Israel, anti-Jew threads but it became clear that he wasn't interested in any kind of serious debate. He was just here to bash Jews and "insult" non-Jewish people that disagreed with him "Jews" or "Jewboys". This isn't contributing anything to the forum.

As I said, it is perfectly fine to get in a serious, intelligent, civil discussion over whether Israel should have a right to exist as it's own country. 9sublime himself is opposed to Israel, but hurling around childish insults without any substance is not what we're looking for here.
We weren't censoring his views, numinus. We allowed him to post a number of anti-Israel, anti-Jew threads but it became clear that he wasn't interested in any kind of serious debate. He was just here to bash Jews and "insult" non-Jewish people that disagreed with him "Jews" or "Jewboys". This isn't contributing anything to the forum.

As I said, it is perfectly fine to get in a serious, intelligent, civil discussion over whether Israel should have a right to exist as it's own country. 9sublime himself is opposed to Israel, but hurling around childish insults without any substance is not what we're looking for here.

I'm sorry you feel that way. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing I can't seem to abide by is impenetrable incompetence and ignorance - conditions that, unfortunately, doesn't get people banned from this forum.
The fact that you seem to be bemoaning the fact he was banned, coupled with your musings that only incompetent/ignorant people should be banned.
In my opinion, this sort of censorship is more offensive than any insult one can reasonably associate with the word jew.

You find that not allowing fascists to have a platform to spew their filth more offensive than antisemitism?

That's crazy talk.

Well I'm sure fascists like Lasher will sincerely thank you for giving them this "right" while they're marching your ass to the ovens.
You know, for me, Id really like to know what fuels the anti-semitism I have seen recently and in general.

Is it the Jews as a religion or a race or both?
I will be honest and say that I dont know many Jewish people personally. There simply arent many where I live, and my interactions are limited. Compared to many in the lower ;) 48 or elsewhere.
I played hockey growing up with a few Jewish folks and there are actually two that I know of in my town but no synagogue or temple etc. You know though, the funny thing is I will ask them for some insight on the finer points of thier beliefs etc in a respectful way to further my understanding, and they are happy to explain it to me without bringing up all the bad stuff that happened over the years etc.

The broad generalization and intolerance of a people seems short sighted in my eyes and I hoped humanity had moved beyond the petty BS that seperates large ethnic and religious populations.
When we will actually as a society and humans be able to actually judge people on thier individual merits and not thier ethnic heritage or religious beliefs?
The fact that you seem to be bemoaning the fact he was banned, coupled with your musings that only incompetent/ignorant people should be banned.

That is quite a leap of logic, I wonder if you aren't superman yourself.

Being prohibited to express one's view - however stupid a view, however incompetent such a view was presented, however irritating it seems - is a far worse situation than stupidity itself.

I have stated my vehement disagreement with lasher's views. I have chastised him in the harshest possible way. HOWEVER, the people who had him banned in this forum, in my opinion, committed a far worse crime than stupidity. It was an inexcusable abuse of discretion.
You find that not allowing fascists to have a platform to spew their filth more offensive than antisemitism?

That's crazy talk.

Well I'm sure fascists like Lasher will sincerely thank you for giving them this "right" while they're marching your ass to the ovens.


This post is indicative of the general ignorance I find in most of your opinions.

When you suppress the views of a fascist - for no other reason than it seems to be a fascist view - is that not fascism itself, hmmm? Don't bother to respond. I'm sure it would be as senseless as the above post. I wouldn't want to be accused of soliciting nonsense.